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[Libevent-users] Any NetBSD wizards here? NTP test-fdleak hangs

The ntp reference package has several tests for libevent.  The development 
version recently added another test.  The new one hangs on NetBSD 6.0_BETA2  
It works on Linux/Fedora and FreeBSD 8.0-RC1

Here is the recipe to reproduce it:
  mkdir test
  cd test
  wget http://archive.ntp.org/ntp4/ntp-dev/ntp-dev-4.2.7p284.tar.gz
  tar -xzf ntp-dev-4.2.7p284.tar.gz
  cd ntp-dev-4.2.7p284
  make check

The printout looks like like:
Skipping test
 test-eof: OKAY
 test-weof: OKAY
 test-time: OKAY
 test-changelist: OKAY
 test-fdleak:   <= hangs here

To get their directly...
bob$ cd sntp/libevent/
bob$ ./test/test-fdleak
(I think make will recompile and load as appropriate.)

I don't know my way around either libevent or the test package.  The test is 
making a bunch of network connections and sending a byte of data back and 
forth.  The idea is to make sure file descriptors are getting released.

from another tty while it's hung:
bob$ netstat -a -f inet
Active Internet connections (including servers)
Proto Recv-Q Send-Q  Local Address          Foreign Address        State
tcp        1      0  localhost.65507        localhost.65506        ESTABLISHED
tcp        0      0  localhost.65506        localhost.65507        ESTABLISHED
tcp        0      0  localhost.65507        *.*                    LISTEN

It looks like the data byte has gotten from the client to the server but the 
server side isn't doing anything.

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