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[Libevent-users] Problems with outbound HTTP posts

I’ve recently started a project that includes bi-directional HTTP messaging to an embedded Ubuntu program (10.4).  Libevent has the perfect feature set for this project, so I jumped on board, and started the implementation using 2.0.20.  I am a new libevent user.


The first phase was accepting inbound HTTP GET messages.  I had no issues with that, and it seems to be rock solid. J  When I got to the second phase, which is sending HTTP posts, I started running into all kinds of stability issues.  When I watch the HTTP activity on Wireshark, I see many cases where the TCP connection is set up perfectly, but the HTTP message is never sent.  I also see way too many retransmissions, considering this is a loopback IP address.  I have run the program under Valgrind, and it doesn’t report any issues.   The response handler typically reports ‘timeout’.


I may see three or four successful transmissions, then things fall apart.  I occasionally get a callback to the fatal error handler, indicating something is wrong.  The error is not the same every time, though.  Here is an example:


    event_del_internal: noting a del on a non-setup event


My code is pretty basic, but I am sure I am missing something.  It smells like a multi-thread issue – the initialization code runs in a different thread than the app generating the outbound HTTP messages, and in a different thread than the event loop.










#pragma message("Debug mode enabled, should be turned off for production")





    // The following is extracted from a constructor for my HTTP_Transport class.



    eventBase_ = event_base_new();


    event_base_priority_init(eventBase_, 1);

    eventHttp_ = evhttp_new(eventBase_);

    evhttp_set_gencb(eventHttp_,requestHandler,(void *)this);

    pDNSServer_ =  evdns_base_new   (eventBase_,1);


    serverThread_ = new cHTTPServer(eventBase_);





HTTP Event loop thread:


        while (1)







Then, to send a request. I have trimmed it down to the bare minimum… no DNS, no timeout.  I get the same results either way.


                     //msg and URI are input parms.


                      struct evhttp_request *pReq = evhttp_request_new(responseHandler, (void *)this);

                     evhttp_add_header(evhttp_request_get_output_headers(pReq),"Content-Type", "text/xml; charset=utf-8");

       evhttp_add_header(evhttp_request_get_output_headers(pReq),"User-Agent", endpointIdentifier_.c_str());

             struct evbuffer * pOutBuf = evhttp_request_get_output_buffer(pReq);



                    pConn_ = evhttp_connection_base_new (eventBase_, NULL/*pDNSServer_*/"", 8083);



                    http_result = evhttp_make_request(pConn_, pReq, EVHTTP_REQ_POST, URI_.c_str());




Does anyone see something obvious here? 




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