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Re: GUI systems

Keith Lucas wrote:

> Anyone got any recommendations for GUI toolkits I could use to make tools for
> games development with? Basically I need something RADish, because things are
> likely to change rapidly. Doesn't need to be hugely sophisticated: just the bog
> standard buttons and things. I also don't want something that takes yonks to
> understand to get things working. I don't care if it's not pretty or not hugely
> functional, fast to create UIs with, minimum fuss overhead....
> I mean, Windows based, I'd be tempted to use C++ builder... that kind of thing.

FLTK - I'm using it for my own game development toolkit, not to mention the
prettypoly project - http://prettypoly.sourceforge.net, a free 3D modeller. It has
an interface builder which writes out C++ code, and is very well documented, with
lost of examples. Runs on both linux and win32 as well.

Bye - Joel.