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Re: SDL vs GGI

Keith Lucas wrote:

> > In a discussion I once had about languages and the wars that ensue, I
> > came to the conclusion that if every programmer took the language
> > definition/standard of their favorite language and dropped it over their
> > head from a significant height, C++ would be a LOT less popular! :-))
> I dunno, C++ isn't perfect, but it's not that bad. It does have some cool
> features and after a couple of years you start getting into groove where
> everything makes sense. Then you move somewhere where exceptions and
> templates aren't supported by the compiler of choice. Ho-hum.
> I used to be a total C freak, coming from a backgrounding in
> assembly/BCPL/Basic and it took a while to switch, and even longer before I
> stopped using classes as simply slightly smarter structures. A few years on
> hitting stuff like proper memory management, and some of the really cool
> stuff that you can do in C++ when you use it properly causes these personal
> crises as I wonder why the rest of planet is faffing about still using
> malloc and leaking memory or writing these horrible shell-scripts to try and
> do what templates are supposed to do. And yet every time you pitch a "why
> don't you just do it properly" everyone looks at you like you're mad. People
> must just love using their debuggers...

Then you're at step 3 of a 4 step (up to now!) evolution I'm

1- you're using C and don't care for C++
2- you go to C++ and use it as a "better C"
3- get the idea of C++ and use it correctly
4- you taste dynamic languages and C++ now feel like your feets are cast
in stone :-)

Objective-C for example supports mostly everything C++ does, plus is
very dynamic and has *real* runtime support. And I don't mind having the
language definition dropped on my head from mostly any height. :-)

Pierre Phaneuf
Ludus Design, http://ludusdesign.com/
"First they ignore you. Then they laugh at you.
Then they fight you. Then you win." -- Gandhi