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[minion-cvs] Rearrange database tables to please weasel and other fo...

Update of /home/minion/cvsroot/src/minion/lib/mixminion/server
In directory moria.mit.edu:/tmp/cvs-serv4812/lib/mixminion/server

Modified Files:
Log Message:
Rearrange database tables to please weasel and other folks who know how dbs are supposed to look

Index: Pinger.py
RCS file: /home/minion/cvsroot/src/minion/lib/mixminion/server/Pinger.py,v
retrieving revision 1.18
retrieving revision 1.19
diff -u -d -r1.18 -r1.19
--- Pinger.py	13 Dec 2004 07:02:30 -0000	1.18
+++ Pinger.py	17 Dec 2004 20:40:04 -0000	1.19
@@ -50,15 +50,8 @@
 ONE_DAY = 24*60*60
-# Map from logical type to type used in (sqlite) database.
-REALTYPES = { 'time'    : 'integer',
-              'boolean' : 'integer',
-              'integer' : 'integer',
-              'float'   : 'float',
-              'varchar' : 'varchar',
-              }
-class PingerIntervalSchedule:
+class IntervalSchedule:
     """DOCDOC -- defines a set of intervals in time."""
     def __init__(self):
@@ -77,6 +70,15 @@
 class SQLiteDatabase:
     #XXXX can only be used from one thread at a time.
+    # Map from logical type to type used in (sqlite) database.
+    REALTYPES = { 'timestamp' : 'integer',
+                  'bool'      : 'integer',
+                  'integer'   : 'integer',
+                  'float'     : 'float',
+                  'varchar'   : 'varchar',
+                  'char'      : 'char',
+              }
     def __init__(self, location):
         parent = os.path.split(location)[0]
@@ -106,17 +108,27 @@
         rs = self._theCursor.fetchall()
         return len(rs) > 0
-    def createTable(self, name, rows):
+    def createTable(self, name, rows, constraints=()):
         if self._objectExists(name,"table"):
         body = []
         for r in rows:
+            cname = r[0]
+            ctype = r[1]
+            if '(' in ctype:
+                idx = ctype.find('(')
+                ctype = self.REALTYPES[ctype[:idx]]+ctype[idx:]
+            else:
+                ctype = self.REALTYPES[ctype]
             if len(r) == 2:
-                body.append("%s %s"%(r[0],REALTYPES[r[1]]))
+                body.append("%s %s"%(cname, ctype))
                 assert len(r) == 3
-                body.append("%s %s %s"%(r[0],REALTYPES[r[1]],r[2]))
+                body.append("%s %s %s"%(cname, ctype, r[2]))
+        body.extend(constraints)
         stmt = "CREATE TABLE %s (%s)" % (name,", ".join(body))
@@ -145,11 +157,16 @@
             return 0
     def getInsertOrUpdateFn(self, table, keyCols, valCols):
-        update = "UPDATE %s SET %s WHERE %s" % (
-            table,
-            ", ".join(["%s = %%s" % k for k in valCols]),
-            " AND ".join(["%s = %%s" % v for v in keyCols]))
-        insert = "INSERT INTO %s (%s, %s) VALUES (%s)" % (
+##         update = "UPDATE %s SET %s WHERE %s" % (
+##             table,
+##             ", ".join(["%s = %%s" % k for k in valCols]),
+##             " AND ".join(["%s = %%s" % v for v in keyCols]))
+##         insert = "INSERT INTO %s (%s, %s) VALUES (%s)" % (
+##             table,
+##             ", ".join(keyCols),
+##             ", ".join(valCols),
+##             ", ".join(["%s"]*(len(valCols)+len(keyCols))))
+        stmt = "INSERT OR REPLACE INTO %s (%s, %s) VALUES (%s)"% (
             ", ".join(keyCols),
             ", ".join(valCols),
@@ -158,11 +175,7 @@
             assert len(keyVals) == len(keyCols)
             assert len(valVals) == len(valCols)
-            self._theCursor.execute(update, (valVals+keyVals))
-            if self._theCursor.rowcount > 0:
-                return
-            self._theCursor.execute(insert, (keyVals+valVals))
+            self._theCursor.execute(stmt, (keyVals+valVals))
         return fn
 class PingLog:
@@ -171,10 +184,10 @@
         self._time = self._db.time
         self._bool = self._db.bool
         self._lock = threading.RLock()
-        self._serverNames = {}
+        self._serverIDs = {}
+        self._intervalIDs = {}
         self._serverReliability = {}
-        self._uptimeIntervals = PingerIntervalSchedule()
-        self._pingIntervals = PingerIntervalSchedule()
+        self._intervals = IntervalSchedule()
         self._brokenChains = {}
         self._interestingChains = {}
         self._startTime = None
@@ -185,76 +198,101 @@
     def _createAllTables(self):
-            # FFFF This is terrible DB design.  It's not normalized by
-            # FFFF any stretch of the imagination, it doesn't have enough
-            # FFFF constraints, etc etc.
+            # FFFF There are still a few sucky bits of this DB design.
+            # FFFF First, we depend on SQLite's behavior when inserting null
+            # FFFF into an integer primary key column. (It picks a new integer
+            # FFFF for us, without our having to give a sequence.)
+            # FFFF Second, paths probably want to have their own table.
             # Raw data
-            self._db.createTable("lifetimes",
-                                 [("up",       "time", "not null"),
-                                  ("stillup",  "time"),
-                                  ("shutdown", "time")])
-            self._db.createTable("pings",
-                                 [("hash",     "varchar", "primary key"),
-                                  ("path",     "varchar", "not null"),
-                                  ("sentat",   "time",    "not null"),
-                                  ("received", "time")])
-            self._db.createTable("connects",
-                                 [("at",       "time", "not null"),
-                                  ("server",   "varchar", "not null"),
-                                  ("success",  "boolean", "not null")])
-            self._db.createTable("servers",
-                                 [("name", "varchar", "unique not null")])
+            self._db.createTable("myLifespan",
+                                 [("startup",  "timestamp", "not null"),
+                                  ("stillup",  "timestamp", "not null"),
+                                  ("shutdown", "timestamp")])
+            self._db.createTable("ping",
+                                 [("hash",     "char(28)",     "primary key"),
+                                  ("path",     "varchar(200)", "not null"),
+                                  ("sentat",   "timestamp",    "not null"),
+                                  ("received", "timestamp")])
+            self._db.createTable("server",
+                                 [("id",   "integer",     "primary key"),
+                                  ("name", "varchar(32)", "unique not null")])
+            self._db.createTable(
+                "connectionAttempt",
+                [("at",       "timestamp", "not null"),
+                 ("server",   "integer",   "not null REFERENCES server(id)"),
+                 ("success",  "bool",      "not null")])
             # Results
-            self._db.createTable("uptimes",
-                                 [("start", "time", "not null"),
-                                  ("end",   "time", "not null"),
-                                  ("name",  "varchar", "not null"),
-                                  ("uptime", "float", "not null")])
-            self._db.createTable("echolotOneHopResults",
-                                 [("servername",  "varchar", "not null"),
-                                  ("startAt",     "time",    "not null"),
-                                  ("endAt",       "time",    "not null"),
-                                  ("nSent",       "integer", "not null"),
-                                  ("nReceived",   "integer", "not null"),
-                                  ("latency",     "integer", "not null"),
-                                  ("wsent",       "float",   "not null"),
-                                  ("wreceived",   "float",   "not null"),
-                                  ("reliability", "float",   "not null")])
-            self._db.createTable("echolotCurrentOneHopResults",
-                                 [("servername",  "varchar", "unique not null"),
-                                  ("at",          "time",    "not null"),
-                                  ("latency",     "integer", "not null"),
-                                  ("reliability", "float",   "not null")])
-            self._db.createTable("echolotCurrentTwoHopResults",
-                                 [("path",        "varchar", "unique not null"),
-                                  ("at",          "time",    "not null"),
-                                  ("nSent",       "integer", "not null"),
-                                  ("nReceived",   "integer", "not null"),
-                                  ("broken",      "boolean", "not null"),
-                                  ("interesting", "boolean", "not null")])
+            self._db.createTable("statsInterval",
+                                 [("id",      "integer",   "primary key"),
+                                  ("startAt", "timestamp", "not null"),
+                                  ("endAt",   "timestamp", "not null")])
-            self._db.createIndex("lifetimesUp", "lifetimes", ["up"])
-            self._db.createIndex("pingsHash",   "pings", ["hash"], unique=1)
-            self._db.createIndex("pingsPathSR", "pings",
+            self._db.createTable(
+                "uptime",
+                [("interval", "integer", "not null REFERENCES statsinterval(id)"),
+                 ("server",   "integer", "not null REFERENCES server(id)"),
+                 ("uptime",   "float",   "not null")],
+                ["PRIMARY KEY (interval, server)"])
+            self._db.createTable(
+                "echolotOneHopResult",
+                  [("server",   "integer", "not null REFERENCES server(id)"),
+                   ("interval", "integer", "not null REFERENCES statsInterval(id)"),
+                   ("nSent",    "integer", "not null"),
+                   ("nReceived","integer", "not null"),
+                   ("latency",  "integer", "not null"),
+                   ("wsent",    "float",   "not null"),
+                   ("wreceived","float",   "not null"),
+                   ("reliability", "float",   "not null")],
+                ["PRIMARY KEY (server, interval)"])
+            self._db.createTable(
+                "echolotCurrentOneHopResult",
+                [("server",      "integer",
+                  "primary key REFERENCES server(id)"),
+                 ("at",          "timestamp", "not null"),
+                 ("latency",     "integer",   "not null"),
+                 ("reliability", "float",     "not null")])
+            self._db.createTable(
+                "echolotCurrentTwoHopResult",
+                [("server1",     "integer",   "not null REFERENCES server(id)"),
+                 ("server2",     "integer",   "not null REFERENCES server(id)"),
+                 ("at",          "timestamp", "not null"),
+                 ("nSent",       "integer",   "not null"),
+                 ("nReceived",   "integer",   "not null"),
+                 ("broken",      "bool",      "not null"),
+                 ("interesting", "bool",      "not null")],
+                ["PRIMARY KEY (server1, server2)"])
+            self._db.createIndex("serverName", "server", ["name"], unique=1)
+            self._db.createIndex("statsIntervalSE", "statsInterval",
+                                 ["startAt", "endAt"], unique=1)
+            self._db.createIndex("myLifespanStartup", "myLifespan", ["startUp"])
+            self._db.createIndex("pingHash",   "ping", ["hash"], unique=1)
+            self._db.createIndex("pingPathSR", "ping",
                                  ["path", "sentat", "received"])
-            self._db.createIndex("connectsAt", "connects", ["at"])
-            self._db.createIndex("uptimesNS", "uptimes", ["name", "start"])
+            self._db.createIndex("connectionAttemptServerAt",
+                                 "connectionAttempt", ["server","at"])
             # indices on echolot*results, uptimes.
             self._setUptime = self._db.getInsertOrUpdateFn(
-                "uptimes", ["start", "end", "name"], ["uptime"])
+                "uptime", ["interval", "server"], ["uptime"])
             self._setOneHop = self._db.getInsertOrUpdateFn(
-                "echolotOneHopResults",
-                ["servername", "startAt", "endAt"],
+                "echolotOneHopResult",
+                ["server", "interval"],
                 ["nSent", "nReceived", "latency", "wsent", "wreceived",
             self._setCurOneHop = self._db.getInsertOrUpdateFn(
-                "echolotCurrentOneHopResults",
-                ["servername"],
+                "echolotCurrentOneHopResult",
+                ["server"],
                 ["at", "latency", "reliability"])
             self._setTwoHop = self._db.getInsertOrUpdateFn(
-                "echolotCurrentTwoHopResults",
-                ["path"],
+                "echolotCurrentTwoHopResult",
+                ["server1", "server2"],
                 ["at", "nSent", "nReceived", "broken", "interesting"])
@@ -262,30 +300,34 @@
     def _loadServers(self):
         # hold lock.
         cur = self._db.getCursor()
-        cur.execute("SELECT name FROM servers")
+        cur.execute("SELECT id, name FROM server")
         res = cur.fetchall()
-        serverNames = {}
-        serverReliability = {}
-        for name, in res:
-            serverNames[name] = 1
+        serverIDs = {}
+        for id,name in res:
+            serverIDs[name] = id
-        cur.execute("SELECT servername, reliability FROM "
-                    "echolotCurrentOneHopResults")
+        serverReliability = {}
+        cur.execute("SELECT name, reliability FROM "
+                    "echolotCurrentOneHopResult, server "
+                    "WHERE server.id = echolotCurrentOneHopResult.server")
         res = cur.fetchall()
         for name,rel in res:
-        cur.execute("SELECT path, broken, interesting FROM "
-                    "echolotCurrentTwoHopResults WHERE interesting OR broken")
+        cur.execute("SELECT s1.name, s2.name, broken, interesting FROM "
+                    "echolotCurrentTwoHopResult, server as S1, server as S2 "
+                    "WHERE (interesting = 1 OR broken = 1) AND "
+                    "S1.id = server1 AND S2.id = server2")
         res = cur.fetchall()
         broken = {}
         interesting = {}
-        for p, b, i in res:
+        for s1, s2, b, i in res:
+            p = "%s,%s"%(s1,s2)
             if b:
             if i:
-        self._serverNames = serverNames
+        self._serverIDs = serverIDs
         self._serverReliability = serverReliability
         self._brokenChains = broken
         self._interestingChains = interesting
@@ -298,26 +340,53 @@
-    def _addServer(self, name):
+    def _getServerID(self, name):
         # doesn't commit.
         name = name.lower()
-            if self._serverNames.has_key(name):
-                return
-            self._serverNames[name] = 1
+            try:
+                return self._serverIDs[name]
+            except KeyError:
+                self._serverIDs[name] = 1
-        self._db.getCursor().execute("INSERT INTO servers (name) VALUES (%s)", name)
+        cur = self._db.getCursor()
+        cur.execute("INSERT INTO server (name) VALUES (%s)", name)
+        cur.execute("SELECT id FROM server WHERE name = %s", name)
+        #XXXX catch errors!
+        ident, = cur.fetchone()
+        self._serverIDs[name]=ident
+        return ident
+    def _getIntervalID(self, start, end):
+        # CACHE THESE? FFFF
+        start = self._db.time(start)
+        end = self._db.time(end)
+        cur = self._db.getCursor()
+        cur.execute("SELECT id FROM statsInterval WHERE "
+                    "startAt = %s AND endAt = %s", start, end)
+        r = cur.fetchall()
+        if len(r) == 1:
+            return r[0][0]
+        cur.execute("INSERT INTO statsInterval (startAt, endAt) "
+                    "VALUES (%s, %s)", start, end)
+        cur.execute("SELECT id FROM statsInterval WHERE "
+                    "startAt = %s AND endAt = %s", start, end)
+        r = cur.fetchall()
+        assert len(r) == 1
+        return r[0][0]
     def rotate(self, now=None):
         if now is None: now = time.time()
         cutoff = self._time(now - KEEP_HISTORY_DAYS * ONE_DAY)
         cur = self._db.getCursor()
-        cur.execute("DELETE FROM lifetimes WHERE stillup < %s", cutoff)
-        cur.execute("DELETE FROM pings WHERE sentat < %s", cutoff)
-        cur.execute("DELETE FROM connects WHERE at < %s", cutoff)
+        cur.execute("DELETE FROM myLifespan WHERE stillup < %s", cutoff)
+        cur.execute("DELETE FROM ping WHERE sentat < %s", cutoff)
+        cur.execute("DELETE FROM connectionAttempt WHERE at < %s", cutoff)
     def flush(self):
@@ -326,7 +395,7 @@
     def close(self):
-    _STARTUP = "INSERT INTO lifetimes (up, stillup, shutdown) VALUES (%s,%s, 0)"
+    _STARTUP = "INSERT INTO myLifespan (startup, stillup, shutdown) VALUES (%s,%s, 0)"
     def startup(self,now=None):
         self._startTime = now = self._time(now)
@@ -334,43 +403,43 @@
         self._db.getCursor().execute(self._STARTUP, (now,now))
-    _SHUTDOWN = "UPDATE lifetimes SET stillup = %s, shutdown = %s WHERE up = %s"
+    _SHUTDOWN = "UPDATE myLifespan SET stillup = %s, shutdown = %s WHERE startup = %s"
     def shutdown(self, now=None):
         if self._startTime is None: self.startup()
         now = self._time(now)
         self._db.getCursor().execute(self._SHUTDOWN, (now, now, self._startTime))
-    _HEARTBEAT = "UPDATE lifetimes SET stillup = %s WHERE up = %s AND stillup < %s"
+    _HEARTBEAT = "UPDATE myLifespan SET stillup = %s WHERE startup = %s AND stillup < %s"
     def heartbeat(self, now=None):
         if self._startTime is None: self.startup()
         now = self._time(now)
         self._db.getCursor().execute(self._HEARTBEAT, (now, self._startTime, now))
-    _CONNECTED = ("INSERT INTO connects (at, server, success) "
+    _CONNECTED = ("INSERT INTO connectionAttempt (at, server, success) "
                   "VALUES (%s,%s,%s)")
     def connected(self, nickname, success=1, now=None):
-        self._addServer(nickname)
+        serverID = self._getServerID(nickname)
-                  (self._time(now), nickname.lower(), self._bool(success)))
+                        (self._time(now), serverID, self._bool(success)))
     def connectFailed(self, nickname, now=None):
         self.connected(nickname, success=0, now=now)
-    _QUEUED_PING = ("INSERT INTO pings (hash, path, sentat, received)"
+    _QUEUED_PING = ("INSERT INTO ping (hash, path, sentat, received)"
                     "VALUES (%s,%s,%s,%s)")
     def queuedPing(self, hash, path, now=None):
         assert len(hash) == mixminion.Crypto.DIGEST_LEN
         path = path.lower()
         for s in path.split(","):
-            self._addServer(s)
+            self._getServerID(s)
                              (formatBase64(hash), path, self._time(now), 0))
-    _GOT_PING = "UPDATE pings SET received = %s WHERE hash = %s"
+    _GOT_PING = "UPDATE ping SET received = %s WHERE hash = %s"
     def gotPing(self, hash, now=None):
         assert len(hash) == mixminion.Crypto.DIGEST_LEN
         self._db.getCursor().execute(self._GOT_PING, (self._time(now), formatBase64(hash)))
@@ -390,9 +459,10 @@
         timespan = IntervalSet( [(startTime, endTime)] )
+        intervalID = self._getIntervalID(startTime, endTime)
-        cur.execute("SELECT up, stillup, shutdown FROM lifetimes WHERE "
-                    "up <= %s AND stillup >= %s",
+        cur.execute("SELECT startup, stillup, shutdown FROM myLifespan WHERE "
+                    "startup <= %s AND stillup >= %s",
                     self._time(endTime), self._time(startTime))
         myUptime = 0
         myIntervals = IntervalSet([ (start, max(end,shutdown))
@@ -401,15 +471,15 @@
         myUptime = myIntervals.spanLength()
         fracUptime = float(myUptime)/(endTime-startTime)
-            (self._time(startTime), self._time(endTime), "<self>"),
+            (intervalID, self._getServerID("<self>")),
         # Okay, now everybody else.
-        for s in self._serverNames.keys():
-            cur.execute("SELECT at, success FROM connects"
+        for s, serverID in self._serverIDs.items():
+            cur.execute("SELECT at, success FROM connectionAttempt"
                         " WHERE server = %s AND at >= %s AND at <= %s"
                         " ORDER BY at",
-                        s, startTime, endTime)
+                        serverID, startTime, endTime)
             lastStatus = None
             lastTime = None
@@ -435,17 +505,17 @@
             if times == [0,0]:
             fraction = float(times[1])/(times[0]+times[1])
-            self._setUptime((startTime, endTime, s), (fraction,))
+            self._setUptime((intervalID, serverID), (fraction,))
     def calculateUptimes(self, startAt, endAt, now=None):
         if now is None: now = time.time()
-            serverNames = self._serverNames.keys()
+            serverNames = self._serverIDs.keys()
-        for s, e in self._uptimeIntervals.getIntervals(startAt, endAt):
+        for s, e in self._intervals.getIntervals(startAt, endAt):
             self._calculateUptimes(serverNames, s, e, now=now)
@@ -455,8 +525,11 @@
         result = {}
         cur = self._db.getCursor()
-        cur.execute("SELECT start, end, name, uptime FROM uptimes "
-                    "WHERE %s >= start AND %s <= end",
+        cur.execute("SELECT startat, endat, name, uptime "
+                    "FROM uptime, statsInterval, server "
+                    "WHERE statsInterval.id = uptime.interval "
+                    "AND server.id = uptime.server "
+                    "AND %s >= startat AND %s <= endat",
                     (self._time(startAt), self._time(endAt)))
         for s,e,n,u in cur:
             result.setdefault((s,e), {})[n] = u
@@ -481,7 +554,7 @@
     _WEIGHT_AGE_PERIOD = 24*60*60
     _WEIGHT_AGE = [ 1, 2, 2, 3, 5, 8, 9, 10, 10, 10, 10, 5 ]
     _PING_GRANULARITY = 24*60*60
-    def _calculateOneHopResults(self, serverName, startTime, endTime,
+    def _calculateOneHopResult(self, serverName, startTime, endTime,
                                 now=None, calculateOverallResults=1):
         # commit when done; serverName must exist.
         cur = self._db.getCursor()
@@ -491,10 +564,11 @@
             startTime = min(startTime,
                        now - (len(self._WEIGHT_AGE)*self._WEIGHT_AGE_PERIOD))
             endTime = max(endTime, now)
-        intervals = self._pingIntervals.getIntervals(startTime, endTime)
+        intervals = self._intervals.getIntervals(startTime, endTime)
         nPeriods = len(intervals)
         startTime = intervals[0][0]
         endTime = intervals[-1][1]
+        serverID = self._getServerID(serverName)
         # 1. Compute latencies and number of pings sent in each period.
         #    We need to learn these first so we can tell the percentile
@@ -502,7 +576,7 @@
         dailyLatencies = [[] for _ in xrange(nPeriods)]
         nSent = [0]*nPeriods
         nPings = 0
-        cur.execute("SELECT sentat, received FROM pings WHERE path = %s"
+        cur.execute("SELECT sentat, received FROM ping WHERE path = %s"
                     " AND sentat >= %s AND sentat <= %s",
                     (serverName, startTime, endTime))
         for sent,received in cur:
@@ -535,7 +609,7 @@
         nReceived = [0]*nPeriods
         perTotalWeights = [0]*nPeriods
         perTotalWeighted = [0]*nPeriods
-        cur.execute("SELECT sentat, received FROM pings WHERE path = %s"
+        cur.execute("SELECT sentat, received FROM ping WHERE path = %s"
                     " AND sentat >= %s AND sentat <= %s",
                     (serverName, startTime, endTime))
         for sent,received in cur:
@@ -554,7 +628,8 @@
         # 2b. Write per-day results into the DB.
         for pIdx in xrange(len(intervals)):
-            s, e = intervals[pIdx]
+            s,e = intervals[pIdx]
+            intervalID = self._getIntervalID(s,e)
             latent = self._roundLatency(dailyMedianLatency[pIdx])
             sent = nSent[pIdx]
             rcvd = nReceived[pIdx]
@@ -569,7 +644,7 @@
             #             "rel=%s/%s=%s",
             #             pIdx, rcvd, sent, wrcvd, wsent, rel)
-                (serverName, self._time(s), self._time(e)),
+                (serverID, intervalID),
                 (sent, rcvd, latent, wsent, wrcvd, rel))
         if not calculateOverallResults:
@@ -591,13 +666,13 @@
             rel = wrcvd / wsent
             rel = 0.0
-        self._setCurOneHop((serverName,), (self._time(now), latent, rel))
+        self._setCurOneHop((serverID,), (self._time(now), latent, rel))
         return rel
-    def calculateOneHopResults(self, now=None):
+    def calculateOneHopResult(self, now=None):
-            serverNames = self._serverNames.keys()
+            serverNames = self._serverIDs.keys()
@@ -607,7 +682,7 @@
         reliability = {}
         for s in serverNames:
             # For now, always calculate overall results.
-            r = self._calculateOneHopResults(s,now,now,now,
+            r = self._calculateOneHopResult(s,now,now,now,
             reliability[s] = r
@@ -617,22 +692,21 @@
-    def _calculate2ChainStatus(self, since, path, now=None):
+    def _calculate2ChainStatus(self, since, s1, s2, now=None):
         # doesn't commit.
         cur = self._db.getCursor()
-        cur.execute("SELECT count() FROM pings WHERE path = %s"
+        path = "%s,%s"%(s1,s2)
+        cur.execute("SELECT count() FROM ping WHERE path = %s"
                     " AND sentat >= %s",
         nSent, = cur.fetchone()
-        cur.execute("SELECT count() FROM pings WHERE path = %s"
+        cur.execute("SELECT count() FROM ping WHERE path = %s"
                     " AND sentat >= %s AND received > 0",
         nReceived, = cur.fetchone()
-        servers = path.split(",")
-            rels = [ self._serverReliability[s] for s in servers ]
-            product = reduce(operator.mul, rels)
+            product = self._serverReliability[s1] * self._serverReliability[s2]
         except KeyError:
             product = None
@@ -651,7 +725,7 @@
     def calculateChainStatus(self, now=None):
-            serverNames = self._serverNames.keys()
+            serverNames = self._serverIDs.keys()
@@ -665,17 +739,18 @@
         for s1 in serverNames:
             for s2 in serverNames:
-                p = "%s,%s" % (s1, s2)
+                p = "%s,%s"%(s1,s2)
                 nS, nR, prod, isBroken, isInteresting = \
-                    self._calculate2ChainStatus(since, p)
+                    self._calculate2ChainStatus(since, s1, s2)
                 if isBroken:
                     brokenChains[p] = 1
                 if isInteresting:
                     interestingChains[p] = 1
-                self._setTwoHop((p,),
-                       (self._time(now), nS, nR, self._bool(isBroken),
-                        self._bool(isInteresting)))
+                self._setTwoHop(
+                    (self._getServerID(s1), self._getServerID(s2)),
+                    (self._time(now), nS, nR, self._bool(isBroken),
+                     self._bool(isInteresting)))
@@ -688,7 +763,7 @@
     def dumpAllStatus(self,f,since,now=None):
-            serverNames = self._serverNames.keys()
+            serverNames = self._serverIDs.keys()
@@ -699,9 +774,11 @@
         print >>f, "\n# Map from server to list of (period-start, period-end, fractional uptime"
         print >>f, "SERVER_UPTIMES = {"
-        cur.execute("SELECT start,end,name,uptime FROM uptimes "
-                    "WHERE start >= %s AND start <= %s"
-                    "ORDER BY name, start", (since, now))
+        cur.execute("SELECT startAt,endAt,name,uptime FROM uptime, server, statsInterval "
+                    "WHERE startAt >= %s AND startAt <= %s "
+                    "AND uptime.server = server.id "
+                    "AND uptime.interval = statsInterval.id "
+                    "ORDER BY name, startAt", (since, now))
         lastServer = "---"
         for s,e,n,u in cur:
             if n != lastServer:
@@ -717,10 +794,13 @@
 #      # of those pings received, median latency on those pings (sec),
 #      weighted reliability)"""
         print >>f, "SERVER_DAILY_PING_STATUS = {"
-        cur.execute("SELECT servername,startAt,endAt,nSent,nReceived,"
-                    "  latency,reliability FROM echolotOneHopResults "
-                    "WHERE startat >= %s AND startat <= %s"
-                    "ORDER BY servername, startat", (since, now))
+        cur.execute("SELECT name,startAt,endAt,nSent,nReceived,"
+                   "  latency,reliability "
+                   "FROM echolotOneHopResult, server, statsInterval "
+                   "WHERE startat >= %s AND startat <= %s"
+                   "AND echolotOneHopResult.server = server.id "
+                   "AND echolotOneHopResult.interval = statsInterval.id "
+                   "ORDER BY name, startat", (since, now))
         lastServer = "---"
         for n,s,e,nS,nR,lat,r in cur:
             if n != lastServer:
@@ -733,26 +813,29 @@
         print >>f, "\n# Map from server-name to current (avg latency, avg reliability)"
         print >>f, "SERVER_CUR_PING_STATUS = {"
-        cur.execute("SELECT servername,latency,reliability FROM "
-                    "echolotCurrentOneHopResults")
+        cur.execute("SELECT name,latency,reliability FROM "
+                    "echolotCurrentOneHopResult, server WHERE "
+                    "echolotCurrentOneHopResult.server = server.id")
         for n,lat,r in cur:
             print >>f, "   %r : (%s,%.04f)," %(n,lat,r)
         print >>f, "}"
         print >>f, "\n# Chains that we want to know more about"
         print >>f, "INTERESTING_CHAINS = ["
-        cur.execute("SELECT path FROM echolotCurrentTwoHopResults "
-                    "WHERE interesting = 1")
-        for p, in cur:
-            print >>f, "   %r,"%p
+        cur.execute("SELECT S1.name, S2.name FROM echolotCurrentTwoHopResult, "
+                    "   server as S1, server as S2 WHERE "
+                    "interesting = 1 AND S1.id = server1 AND S2.id = server2")
+        for s1,s2 in cur:
+            print >>f, "   '%s,%s',"%(s1,s2)
         print >>f, "]"
         print >>f, "\n# Chains that are more unreliable than we'd expect"
         print >>f, "BROKEN_CHAINS = ["
-        cur.execute("SELECT path FROM echolotCurrentTwoHopResults "
-                    "WHERE broken = 1")
-        for p, in cur:
-            print >>f, "   %r,"%p
+        cur.execute("SELECT S1.name, S2.name FROM echolotCurrentTwoHopResult, "
+                    "   server as S1, server as S2 WHERE "
+                    "broken = 1 AND S1.id = server1 AND S2.id = server2")
+        for s1,s2 in cur:
+            print >>f, "   '%s,%s',"%(s1,s2)
         print >>f, "]"
         print >>f, "\n"
@@ -763,7 +846,7 @@
         LOG.info("Starting to compute server uptimes.")
         self.calculateUptimes(now-24*60*60*12, now)
         LOG.info("Starting to compute one-hop ping results")
-        self.calculateOneHopResults(now)
+        self.calculateOneHopResult(now)
         LOG.info("Starting to compute two-hop chain status")
         if outFname: