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[minion-cvs] First cut at an maintenance release.

Update of /home/minion/cvsroot/src/minion/lib/mixminion/server
In directory moria.mit.edu:/tmp/cvs-serv7643/lib/mixminion/server

Modified Files:
      Tag: mixminion-v0-0-2-patches
	MMTPServer.py ServerMain.py 
Log Message:
First cut at an maintenance release.

Index: MMTPServer.py
RCS file: /home/minion/cvsroot/src/minion/lib/mixminion/server/MMTPServer.py,v
retrieving revision 1.12
retrieving revision
diff -u -d -r1.12 -r1.12.2.1
--- MMTPServer.py	7 Jan 2003 19:17:57 -0000	1.12
+++ MMTPServer.py	10 Jan 2003 19:44:46 -0000
@@ -70,11 +70,6 @@
            If we receive an unblocked signal, return immediately.
-##         trace("%s readers (%s), %s writers (%s)" % (len(self.readers),
-##                                                  readers,
-##                                                  len(self.writers),
-##                                                  writers))
         readfds = self.readers.keys()
         writefds = self.writers.keys()
@@ -86,13 +81,10 @@
                 raise e
         for fd in readfds:
-            #trace("Select got a read on fd %s",fd)
         for fd in writefds:
-            #trace("Select got a write on fd %s", fd)
         for fd in exfds:
-            #trace("Select got an exception on fd %s", fd)
             if self.readers.has_key(fd): del self.readers[fd]
             if self.writers.has_key(fd): del self.writers[fd]
@@ -438,10 +430,10 @@
-        except _ml.TLSError:
+        except _ml.TLSError, e:
             if self.__state != self.__shutdownFn:
-                warn("Unexpected error: closing connection to %s",
-                     self.address)
+                warn("Unexpected error: %s. Closing connection to %s.",
+                     e, self.address)
                 self.shutdown(err=1, retriable=1)
                 warn("Error while shutting down: closing connection to %s",
@@ -531,11 +523,13 @@
         if not m:
             warn("Bad protocol list.  Closing connection to %s", self.address)
+            return
         protocols = m.group(1).split(",")
         if "0.1" not in protocols:
             warn("Unsupported protocol list.  Closing connection to %s",
-            self.shutdown(err=1); return
+            self.shutdown(err=1)
+            return
             trace("protocol ok (fd %s)", self.fd)
             self.finished = self.__sentProtocol
@@ -599,6 +593,8 @@
     def __init__(self, context, ip, port, keyID, messageList, handleList,
                  sentCallback=None, failCallback=None):
         """Create a connection to send messages to an MMTP server.
+           Raises socket.error if the connection fails.
            ip -- The IP of the destination server.
            port -- The port to connect to.
            keyID -- None, or the expected SHA1 hash of the server's public key
@@ -616,10 +612,12 @@
         self.ip = ip
             sock.connect((ip, port))
-        except socket.error:
+        except socket.error, e:
             # This will always raise an error, since we're nonblocking.  That's
-            # okay.
-            pass
+            # okay... but it had better be EINPROGRESS.
+            if e[0] != errno.EINPROGRESS:
+                raise e
         tls = context.sock(sock)
         SimpleTLSConnection.__init__(self, sock, tls, 0, "%s:%s"%(ip,port))
@@ -638,9 +636,11 @@
         keyID = sha1(self.getPeerPK().encode_key(public=1))
         if self.keyID is not None:
             if keyID != self.keyID:
-                warn("Got unexpected Key ID from %s", self.address)
-                # This may work again in a couple of hours
+                warn("Got unexpected Key ID from %s; shutting down connection",
+                     self.address)
+                # The keyid may start being good in a while.
+                return
                 debug("KeyID from %s is valid", self.address)
@@ -778,11 +778,17 @@
             assert len(m) == MESSAGE_LEN
             assert len(h) < 32
-        con = MMTPClientConnection(self.context,
-                                   ip, port, keyID, messages, handles,
-                                   self.onMessageSent,
-                                   self.onMessageUndeliverable)
-        con.register(self)
+        try:
+            con = MMTPClientConnection(self.context,
+                                       ip, port, keyID, messages, handles,
+                                       self.onMessageSent,
+                                       self.onMessageUndeliverable)
+            con.register(self)
+        except socket.error, e:
+            LOG.error("Unexpected socket error connecting to %s:%s: %s",
+                      ip, port, e)
+            for m,h in zip(messages, handles):
+                self.onMessageUndeliverable(m,h,1)
     def onMessageReceived(self, msg):

Index: ServerMain.py
RCS file: /home/minion/cvsroot/src/minion/lib/mixminion/server/ServerMain.py,v
retrieving revision 1.26
retrieving revision
diff -u -d -r1.26 -r1.26.2.1
--- ServerMain.py	8 Jan 2003 03:56:54 -0000	1.26
+++ ServerMain.py	10 Jan 2003 19:44:46 -0000
@@ -13,6 +13,7 @@
 import fcntl
 import getopt
 import os
+import signal
 import sys
 import time
@@ -191,6 +192,28 @@
     def onMessageUndeliverable(self, msg, handle, retriable):
         self.outgoingQueue.deliveryFailed(handle, retriable)
+def _sigTermHandler(signal_num, _):
+    '''(Signal handler for SIGTERM)'''
+    signal.signal(signal_num, _sigTermHandler)
+    global STOPPING
+    STOPPING = 1
+GOT_HUP = 0
+def _sigHupHandler(signal_num, _):
+    '''(Signal handler for SIGTERM)'''
+    signal.signal(signal_num, _sigHupHandler)
+    global GOT_HUP
+    GOT_HUP = 1
+def installSignalHandlers():
+    "DOCDOC"
+    signal.signal(signal.SIGHUP, _sigHupHandler)
+    signal.signal(signal.SIGTERM, _sigTermHandler)
 class MixminionServer:
     """Wraps and drives all the queues, and the async net server.  Handles
        all timed events."""
@@ -286,7 +309,8 @@
     def run(self):
         """Run the server; don't return unless we hit an exception."""
+        global GOT_HUP
         f = open(self.pidFile, 'wt')
         f.write("%s\n" % os.getpid())
@@ -319,7 +343,15 @@
             timeLeft = nextEventTime - now
             while timeLeft > 0:
                 # Handle pending network events
-                self.mmtpServer.process(timeLeft)
+                self.mmtpServer.process(2)
+                if STOPPING:
+                    LOG.info("Caught sigterm; shutting down.")
+                    return
+                elif GOT_HUP:
+                    LOG.info("Caught sighup")
+                    LOG.info("Resetting logs")
+                    LOG.reset()
+                    GOT_HUP = 0
                 # Process any new messages that have come in, placing them
                 # into the mix pool.
@@ -494,6 +526,8 @@
                           "Exception while starting server in the background")
+    installSignalHandlers()            
     LOG.info("Starting server")