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[minion-cvs] Fragment issues (PLEASE READ!) and other cleanups.

Update of /home/minion/cvsroot/doc/spec
In directory moria.mit.edu:/tmp/cvs-serv17065/doc/spec

Modified Files:
	E2E-spec.txt dir-spec.txt minion-spec.txt spec-issues.txt 
Log Message:
Fragment issues (PLEASE READ!) and other cleanups.

The important changes are in E2E-spec -- There was an issue before
where the destination address of a fragmented message would sit,
unencrypted, at the exit node, until enough of the pieces were
retrieved to reconstruct the message.  Now the window of exposure is

Index: E2E-spec.txt
RCS file: /home/minion/cvsroot/doc/spec/E2E-spec.txt,v
retrieving revision 1.5
retrieving revision 1.6
diff -u -d -r1.5 -r1.6
--- E2E-spec.txt	14 Jul 2003 22:15:59 -0000	1.5
+++ E2E-spec.txt	24 Jul 2003 03:33:21 -0000	1.6
@@ -14,8 +14,6 @@
    specification for Type III remailers.  It is not a final version.
    It has not yet been submitted to any standards body.
-   TODO: See open issues section.
    This document describes a formats and algorithms used by client
@@ -65,6 +63,8 @@
    3.3.2.   Formatting: Message body
    3.3.3.   Delivery
    3.3.4.   Server descriptor section
+   3.4.     Fragments
+   3.4.1.   Server descriptor section
    A.1.     Appendix: Versioning and alphas
@@ -385,6 +385,46 @@
    We then transmit each payload with its corresponding tag.
+ Plaintext forward messages and fragments
+   We require some additional complexity to minimize the time in which
+   the destination of a plaintext forward fragmented message is
+   decrypted in remailer's storage.
+   Unlike encrypted forward and reply fragmented messages, which are
+   delivered packet-by-packet to their recipients, plaintext forward
+   fragmented messages are reassembled by an exit node before
+   delivery.  (We cannot require that their recipients reassemble
+   them, since we assume that the recipient of a plaintext forward
+   message may not be running any anonymity software.)
+   Having exit nodes reassemble fragments introduces two problems:
+      1) Because the exit node must hold fragments until they can be
+         reassembled, an attacker can attempt to exhaust the exit
+         node's resources by flooding it with fragments for messages
+         that never arrive.
+      2) Because the recipient of a type III packet is encoded in its
+         final subheader, an attacker who compromises a type III
+         remailer can read the identities of all the users who have
+         pending plaintext forward messages.
+   We specify a solution to 2 here.  When generating plaintext forward
+   fragmented messages, the message generator uses a routing type of
+   "FRAGMENT" (0x0103), an empty routing into, and prepends the
+   following fields to the message body before fragmenting it:
+         RS Routing size    2 octets
+         RT Routing type    2 octets
+         RI Routing info    (variable length; RS=Len(RI))
+    (These fields are as described in minion-spec.txt.)
+    Thus, the destination of a message is not retrievable by the exit
+    node until enough fragments have been received to decrypt the
+    message itself.  In this way, we minimize the window in which the
+    identity of a recipient is visible to the exit node.
 2.2.3.   Generating encrypted forward messages
    To send an encrypted forward message M to a user with an RSA public
@@ -555,6 +595,39 @@
    alert the user and require explicit confirmation before
    decompressing the message.
+2.3.3. Reconstruction issues
+   When a server receives a plaintext forward packet containing a
+   fragment of a message, it should behave as follows:
+      - If the server does not support reconstruction, or if the hash
+        of the packet is invalid, it drops the packet.
+      - From the declared message size of the message, it calculates
+        the number of packets it expects.  If this number is higher
+        than the maximum number of packets the server is willing to
+        construct, it drops the packet.  
+      - If the server has already logged this message ID as finished,
+        it drops the packet.
+      - If the server has other packets with this message ID, and
+        those packets have a different message size, it drops all
+        packets with this message ID and logs this message ID as
+        finished.  If the server encounters multiple packets with the
+        same message ID and packet index, it drops all packets with
+        that message ID, and marks the message ID as finished.
+      - The server stores this packet pending reconstruction.  If
+        enough packets are held for this message ID to reconstruct
+        the message, the server reconstructs the message (as
+        described below), delivers it, deletes all fragment packets
+        for this message ID, and marks the message ID as finished.
+   To prevent denial of service attacks, a server MAY delete old
+   fragments when it is low on disk space.  [XXXX is this the best
+   approach?]
 3. Delivery
    This section describes the standard message delivery types provided
@@ -581,11 +654,15 @@
    of "Decoding-handle".  Otherwise, the "Decoding-handle" header
    MUST be omitted.
+   [XXXX remove this -- it's no longer accurate.  We require that exit
+   nodes reconstruct fragments now.
    When encountering a plaintext fragment, an exit node that does not
    support message reconstruction, or that is not willing to
    reconstruct a message of the given size, SHOULD deliver the
    fragment as-is, with armor described above, and "Message-type" set
    to "fragment".
+   XXXX remove]
    When encoding a plaintext Type III message, exit nodes MAY apply
    OpenPGP ASCII armor if the message contains characters other than
@@ -724,11 +801,12 @@
    Servers that support MBOX delivery MAY include a [Delivery/MBOX]
    section, containing the entry "Version: 1.0".  Other servers
    MUST NOT include a [Delivery/MBOX] section.
    If the server supports message reconstruction, the section MAY
    include a "Maximum-size" line, containing the maximum permitted
-   message size in KB (before compression).
+   message size in KB (before compression). [XXXX is "before"
+   reasonable?]
 3.3. SMTP
    The routing type 0x100 corresponds to SMTP (email) delivery.
@@ -776,11 +854,24 @@
    Servers that support SMTP delivery MAY include a [Delivery/SMTP]
    section, containing the entry "Version: 1.0".  Other servers
    MUST NOT include a [Delivery/SMTP] section.
    If the server supports message reconstruction, the section MAY
    include a "Maximum-size" line, containing the maximum permitted
    message size in KB (before compression). [XXXX is "before"
+3.4. Fragments
+3.4.1. Server descriptor section
+   When a server supports message reconstruction, it MAY include a
+   "[Delivery/Fragmented]" section as described here.  Other servers
+   MUST NOT include a "[Delivery/Fragmented]" section.
+   The section, if present, MUST contain a 'Version' entry, with the
+   value "1.0".  It also MUST contain a "Maximum-Fragments" line,
+   containing the maximum size (in fragments) of a message that the
+   server is willing to reconstruct.
 A.1. Apendix: versioning and alphas

Index: dir-spec.txt
RCS file: /home/minion/cvsroot/doc/spec/dir-spec.txt,v
retrieving revision 1.8
retrieving revision 1.9
diff -u -d -r1.8 -r1.9
--- dir-spec.txt	14 Jul 2003 22:15:59 -0000	1.8
+++ dir-spec.txt	24 Jul 2003 03:33:21 -0000	1.9
@@ -14,11 +14,6 @@
    specification for Type III Remailers.  It is not a final version.
    It has not yet been submitted to any standards body.
-   TODO:
-      - See open issues section
-      - Resolve XXXXs
-      - Final directory operation.
    This document describes the protocols and message formats used by

Index: minion-spec.txt
RCS file: /home/minion/cvsroot/doc/spec/minion-spec.txt,v
retrieving revision 1.8
retrieving revision 1.9
diff -u -d -r1.8 -r1.9
--- minion-spec.txt	14 Jul 2003 22:15:59 -0000	1.8
+++ minion-spec.txt	24 Jul 2003 03:33:21 -0000	1.9
@@ -14,22 +14,13 @@
    specification for Type III remailers.  It is not a final version.
    It has not yet been submitted to any standards body.
-   It supersedes the old "minion-spec.tex", which was never really a
-   TeX file in the first place.  When you edit it, try to keep it
-   looking like an RFC.
+   (This draft supersedes the old "minion-spec.tex", which was never
+   really a TeX file in the first place.  When you edit it, try to
+   keep it looking like an RFC.)
    The organization of this document loosely follows the structure
    of RFC2440.
-   TODO:
-      - Resolve XXXXs, esp: 3.2.3 - 4.
-      - Describe crossover and server operations
-      - Who else to add to authors?
-      - We should add an ACKS section where we put all the people that
-         have contributed to the project.
-      - Process E2E-spec
-        - Incorporate Text-spec
    This document describes the message formats and protocols required
@@ -156,7 +147,7 @@
       4. The sender chooses a list of the mixes from step 3 to
          constitute a path through the mix-net. [Described in
-         "path-spec.txt".]
+         "E2E-spec.txt".]
       5. The sender successively wraps the chunk in a layer of
          encryption for each node in the chosen path, from last to
@@ -483,9 +474,10 @@
-   0x0100 SMTP   [See "E2E-spec.txt"]
-   0x0101 MBOX   [See "E2E-spec.txt"]
-   0x0102 MIX2   (EMAIL ADDRESS: variable).  Type II remailer support.
+   0x0100 SMTP      [See "E2E-spec.txt"]
+   0x0101 MBOX      [See "E2E-spec.txt"]
+   0x0102 MIX2      (EMAIL ADDRESS: variable).  Type II remailer support.
+   0x0103 FRAGMENT  (Fragment to be reassembled by exit node; see E2E-spec)
    0x1000-0xEFFF: UNALLOCATED

Index: spec-issues.txt
RCS file: /home/minion/cvsroot/doc/spec/spec-issues.txt,v
retrieving revision 1.1
retrieving revision 1.2
diff -u -d -r1.1 -r1.2
--- spec-issues.txt	14 Jul 2003 22:15:59 -0000	1.1
+++ spec-issues.txt	24 Jul 2003 03:33:21 -0000	1.2
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@
 Table of Contents
             Status of this Document                                    X
+   0.       Meta-issues
    1.       Issues in MIX3:1: 'minion-spec.txt'
    1.1.     Disposition of 'DROP' messages
    1.2.     Generation of dummy messages and link padding
@@ -50,6 +51,13 @@
    4.       Unspecified components
    4.1.     Nymserver
    4.2.     Standard API
+0. Meta-issues
+   The authors lists may be incomplete.
+   We should add an ACKS section where we put all the people that have
+   contributed to the project.
 1. Issues in Mix3:1: 'minion-spec.txt'