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[minion-cvs] Overly large commit: most notably, the first pass at th...

Update of /home/minion/cvsroot/src/minion
In directory moria.seul.org:/tmp/cvs-serv24442

Modified Files:
	HACKING LICENSE Makefile TODO setup.py 
Added Files:
Log Message:
Overly large commit: most notably, the first pass at the Mixminion
Transfer Protocol is in.

	- Add notes on TLS, portability, coding style.

	- Mention OpenSSL/GPL incompatibility.

	- Clean is even cleaner.
	- Add a pychecker target and a xxxx target to find bogus code.

	- More specific project plan.

	- Be smarter about openssl, source files.

	- Check in unittest.py so we build on platforms that don't have it.

	- Add .pyc and .pyo

	- Suppress pychecker warnings

	- Add division functions for python portability. 
	- Secure delete functionality
	- Logging stubs.
	- Signal handling.
	- On-exit handling.

	- Doc cleanup in accordance with PEP-0257.
	- Add independent implementation of OAEP, just in case
	- Add RNG.getInt to return a number with a uniform distribution based
	  on a secure RNG.  Not a very good implementation.
	- AESCounterPRNG: deal with wraparound bug on Python<2.1

	- Suppress pychecker warnings

	- Implementation of Mixminion Transfer Protocol.  As of now, they
	  lack: keyid checking, renegotiation, session cacheing, keygen,
	  dh parameter generation, and timeout.

	  Otherwise, they should work fine. :)

	- cleanups

	- Implementation of a generic, pretty-secure, directory-based queue.

	- Remove unused argument

	- Timing for queues, rng.getInt, native oaep, fileops
	- Code cleanup for pychecker

	- Add test for native OAEP
	- Tests for Queues
	- Initial tests for MMTP
	- Code cleanup for pychecker

	- New C-side TLS wrappers.

	- Refactored exceptions from SSLException into TLSException and 
        - Make RSA keys into objects.
	- Remove OAEP comment that doesn't apply.

	- Changes to correspond to src/*.c

--- NEW FILE: pycheckrc ---
# Sample defaults file for PyChecker 0.8.10

# bool: warnings for Doc Strings
noDocModule = 1
noDocClass = 1
noDocFunc = 1

# bool: when checking if class data members (attributes) are set
#       check all members or __init__() only
onlyCheckInitForMembers = 0

# bool: warn when all module variables are not used (including private vars)
allVariablesUsed = 0

# bool: produce warnings for each occurrence of a warning for global (xxx)
reportAllGlobals = 0

# bool: warn when private module variables are not used (_var)
privateVariableUsed = 1

# bool: warn when imports are not used
importUsed = 1

# bool: warn when import and from ... import are used for same module
mixImport = 0

# bool: warn when imports are not used in __init__.py
packageImportUsed = 1

# bool: warn when a module reimports another module (import & from/import)
moduleImportErrors = 1

# bool: warn when modules import themselves
reimportSelf = 1

# bool: warn when local variables are not used
localVariablesUsed = 1

# bool:  assume a, b, and c are used in this case:  a, b, c = func()
unusedLocalTuple = 0

# bool:  warn when class attributes (data members) are unused
membersUsed = 1

# bool: warn when Subclass.__init__ is not called in a subclass
baseClassInitted = 1

# bool: warn when Subclass needs to override methods that only throw exceptions
abstractClasses = 1

# bool: warn when __init__ is defined in a subclass
initDefinedInSubclass = 0

# bool: warn when __init__ returns None
returnNoneFromInit = 1

# bool: warn when code is not reachable
unreachableCode = 0

# bool: warn when a constant is used in a conditional statement (if '':)
constantConditions = 1

# bool: warn when 1 is used in a conditional statement, (if 1: while 1: etc)
constant1 = 0

# bool: warn when iterating over a string in a for loop
stringIteration = 1

# bool: warn when setting a variable to different types
inconsistentTypes = 1

# bool: warn when setting a tuple of variables to a non-sequence (a, b = None)
unpackNonSequence = 1

# bool: warn when the class attribute does not exist
classAttrExists = 1

# bool: warn when calling an attribute not a method
callingAttribute = 0

# bool: warn when using named arguments: func(a=1, b=2), where def func(a, b):
#       def func2(a, b, **kw): doesn't generate a warning
namedArgs = 0

# str: name of 'self' parameter
methodArgName = 'self'

# bool: warn when method/function arguments are unused
argumentsUsed = 1

# bool: ignore if self is unused in methods
ignoreSelfUnused = 0

# bool: warn if functions/classes/methods names are redefined in same scope
redefiningFunction = 1

# bool:  check if an overriden method has the same signature
#	 as base class method (__init__() methods are not checked)
checkOverridenMethods = 1

# int: warnings for code complexity, max value before generating a warning
maxLines = 100
maxBranches = 20
maxReturns = 10
maxArgs = 7
maxLocals = 10
maxReferences = 10

# bool:  ignore all warnings from standard library components
#	 (this includes anything under the standard library, eg, site-packages)
ignoreStandardLibrary = 1

# list of strings: ignore unused locals/arguments if name is one of
unusedNames = [ '_', 'empty', 'unused', 'dummy', ]

# list of strings: ignore warnings generated from these modules
blacklist = [ 'Tkinter', 'wxPython', 'gtk', 'GTK', 'GDK', ]

# list of strings: ignore global variables not used if name is one of
variablesToIgnore = [ '__all__', '__version__', '__copyright__', ]

# bool: print the PyChecker parse of modules, classes, etc.
printParse = 0

# bool: turn debugging of PyChecker on
debug = 0

# bool: check that attributes of objects exist
checkObjectAttrs = 1

# bool: various warnings about incorrect usage of __slots__
slots = 1

# bool: check if __slots__ is empty
emptySlots = 1

# bool: check for using properties in classic classes
classicProperties = 1

# bool: check for integer division (may be problem between Python versions)
intDivide = 1

# bool: check if local variables shadow a global variable with same name
shadows = 1

# bool: check if input() is used, which is a security problem, use raw_input()
usesInput = 1

# bool: check for using +variable, since it is almost always has no effect
unaryPositive = 1

# bool: check for modifying a parameter with a default value
#       (value must be: list, dict, instance)
#       modifying the value may have undesirable/unexpected side-effects
modifyDefaultValue = 1

# bool: check if the exec statement is used (possible security problem)
usesExec = 1

# bool: check consistent return values
checkReturnValues = 1

# bool: check if using implict and explicit return values
checkImplicitReturns = 1

# dict: suppress warnings, key is module.class.method or module.function
#	value is a string of command line arguments (can omit -- for long args)
#       { 'module1': 'no-namedargs maxlines=0',
#	  'module2.my_func': 'argsused',
#	  'module3.my_class': 'no-initreturn', }
suppressions = {

# dict: suppress warnings where keys can be regular expressions
suppressionRegexs = {}

RCS file: /home/minion/cvsroot/src/minion/HACKING,v
retrieving revision 1.2
retrieving revision 1.3
diff -u -d -r1.2 -r1.3
--- HACKING	2 Jun 2002 06:11:16 -0000	1.2
+++ HACKING	24 Jun 2002 20:28:18 -0000	1.3
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
 	Python 2.0-2.2  (see PORTING NOTES below)
-	OpenSSL 0.9.7 (you'll need to download a snapshot)
+	OpenSSL 0.9.7 (you'll need to download a snapshot. Also see PORTING)
 	Working /dev/urandom (see PORTING NOTES below)
 Setting up:
@@ -48,15 +48,37 @@
      ..| Network server |
+    - See PEP-0008.  I believe in most of it.
+    - I've already backported to 2.0.  (I refuse to backport to 1.5 or
+      1.6.)
+    - Right now, we're dependant on OpenSSL. OpenSSL's license has an
+      old-style BSD license that isn't compatible with the GPL.  We
+      have two other options, it seems:
+         - libnss: this is a dual-license GPL/MPL library from
+           Mozilla.  Sadly, we can't use it now, because it doesn't
+           yet support server-side DHE.  Bugzilla says that
+           server-side DHE is targetted for 3.5.  Perhaps then we can
+           port, but I wouldn't hold my breath.
+         - gnutls/libgcrypt: These is the GNU offerings; the relevant 
+           portions of each are licensed under the LGPL.  They don't
+           support OAEP, but that's easy enough to re-do in Python.
+      So for now, it's OpenSSL.  I'll accept any patches that make us 
+      run under gnutls/libgcrypt as well, but I think in the long term
+      we should migrate to libnss entirely.
     - If you need to run on a system without /dev/urandom, you'll need
       to write an acceptable fallback for mixminion.Crypto.trng() to
-    - I've already backported to 2.0.  I refuse to backport to 1.5 or 1.6.
+    - We assume the existence of a /usr/bin/shred to securely delete
+      files.  This should be made configurable, but isn't yet.
     - If I haven't got a test for it in tests.py, assume it doesn't work.
     - The code isn't threadsafe.  It will become so only when it must.
\ No newline at end of file

RCS file: /home/minion/cvsroot/src/minion/LICENSE,v
retrieving revision 1.1
retrieving revision 1.2
diff -u -d -r1.1 -r1.2
--- LICENSE	29 May 2002 03:52:13 -0000	1.1
+++ LICENSE	24 Jun 2002 20:28:18 -0000	1.2
@@ -14,13 +14,17 @@
 Personally, I find the following options most realistic:
    Separate server-only modules from client-and-server modules.  License
-   the former under GPL; licens the latter under LGPL.
+   the former under GPL[*]; license the latter under LGPL.
    License everything under modified BSD (X11).
+[*] with a modification allowing linking to OpenSSL; 
 I'm still looking at the ARPL as suggested by David Mazieres; it has
 some nice anti-Fed features, but its fringeness may scare people off.
-Perhaps we can achieve its goals through other means.
+Perhaps we can achieve its goals through other means, such as a TOS on
+the directory servers, and contracts between the directory servers and
+some 3rd party.
 -- Nick

Index: Makefile
RCS file: /home/minion/cvsroot/src/minion/Makefile,v
retrieving revision 1.2
retrieving revision 1.3
diff -u -d -r1.2 -r1.3
--- Makefile	2 Jun 2002 06:11:16 -0000	1.2
+++ Makefile	24 Jun 2002 20:28:18 -0000	1.3
@@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
+# Copyright 2002 Nick Mathewson.  See LICENSE for licensing information.
+# $Id$
 all: do_build
@@ -10,6 +11,8 @@
 	$(PYTHON) setup.py clean
 	rm -rf build
 	rm -f lib/mixminion/_unittest.py
+	rm -f lib/mixminion/*.pyc
+	rm -f lib/mixminion/*.pyo
 	find . -name '*~' -print0 |xargs -0 rm -f
 test: do_build
@@ -18,5 +21,14 @@
 time: do_build
 	( export PYTHONPATH=.; cd build/lib*; $(PYTHON) ./mixminion/benchmark.py)
+# FFFF coding style target
+pychecker: do_build
+	( export PYTHONPATH=.; cd build/lib*; pychecker -F ../../pycheckrc ./mixminion/*.py )
-	wc -l src/*.[ch] lib/*/*.py
\ No newline at end of file
+	wc -l src/*.[ch] lib/*/*.py
+	find . -type f | grep -v \.py.$ | grep -v \.so$        \
+	    | grep -v \.o$ | xargs grep 'XXXX\|FFFF|\?\?\?\?'

Index: TODO
RCS file: /home/minion/cvsroot/src/minion/TODO,v
retrieving revision 1.3
retrieving revision 1.4
diff -u -d -r1.3 -r1.4
--- TODO	2 Jun 2002 06:11:16 -0000	1.3
+++ TODO	24 Jun 2002 20:28:18 -0000	1.4
@@ -1,23 +1,75 @@
-- Generic queues
-- Manager process
-- Configuration code
-- Logging/debugging code
-- Network code to receive
-- Network code to send
-- Client code
-- memlockall wrapper
-- Server description blocks
-- Key management
-- Path selection
-- Publishing to directory servers
-- Downloading from directory servers
-- Key rotation
-- Reply block storage and format.
-- Reading messages sent to reply blocks
-- Secure delete
-- Make sure library is threadsafe.
-	- How threadsafe is openssl?
+	- Code cleanup
+		- PEP 8
+		- PEP 257
+FOR 0.1: (The rough edges release)
+	- Make crypt.c read/write stuff in PEM.
+	- Local delivery module
+	- Manager process
+	- Configuration code
+	- Logging/debugging/warning code
+	- Reading messages sent to reply blocks
+	- Coding style guide
+	- MMTP		
+		- Generate X509/RSA/DH files as needed
+		- Hunt down leaks
+		- Check Key IDs
+		- Renegotiate connections
+		- Timeouts
+		- Tests for all cases:
+			- Multiple senders
+			- Bad senders
+			- Bad recipients
+			- Hanging connections
+	- More standard __init__
+	- CLI
+	- Server description blocks
+	- Main loop for server
+	- Clean shutdown for server
+	- Reply block storage and format.
+	- End-to-end payload encryption, if we ever agree on a spec.
+	- Versioning :)
+FOR 0.2: (The first hacker release)
+	- MMTP
+		- Session resumption (security issues?)
+	- Very clean build process
+	- RPMS
+	- Key management
+	- Test on other (non-redhat, non-linux) systems
+	- Final license
+	- Handle HUPs sensibly
+	- Key rotation
+FOR 0.3: (First non-guru release)
+	- Publishing to directory servers
+	- Downloading from directory servers
+	- Path selection
+	- SMTP module
+	- Good user documentation
+	- Directory services
+	- Automated key rotation, server management
+	- NSS or GNUTLS or MyCrypt or M2Crypto? (for a GPL-compatible license)
+	- GUI
+	- Session persistence (?)
+	- Multithreaded design to scale to multiple CPUs
+	- Password protection for private keys.
+	- Memlockall wrapper
+	- Generic secure delete
+	- Works on windows, mac
+- Signals
+- Difference between XXXX FFFF ????
+- Overall design
+- TLS for leaks

Index: setup.py
RCS file: /home/minion/cvsroot/src/minion/setup.py,v
retrieving revision 1.3
retrieving revision 1.4
diff -u -d -r1.3 -r1.4
--- setup.py	2 Jun 2002 06:11:16 -0000	1.3
+++ setup.py	24 Jun 2002 20:28:18 -0000	1.4
@@ -13,9 +13,15 @@
 VERSION= '0.1'
-# For now, we assume that openssl-0.9.7 hasn't been released.  When this
-# changes, we can fix this rigamarole.
+    # For now, we assume that openssl-0.9.7 hasn't been released.  When this
+    # changes, we can fix this rigamarole.
+    LIB_DIRS=["contrib/openssl"]
+    INCLUDE_DIRS=["contrib/openssl/include"]
+    LIBRARIES=['ssl','crypto']
@@ -53,12 +59,15 @@
 from distutils.core import setup, Extension
 extmodule = Extension("mixminion._minionlib",
-                      ["src/crypt.c", "src/aes_ctr.c", "src/main.c" ],
-                      library_dirs=[SSL_DIR],
-                      include_dirs=[SSL_DIR+"/include", "src"],
-                      libraries=["ssl", "crypto"],
-                      extra_compile_args=["-Wno-strict-prototypes" ],
+                      ["src/crypt.c", "src/aes_ctr.c", "src/main.c",
+                       "src/tls.c" ],
+                      library_dirs=LIB_DIRS,
+                      include_dirs=INCLUDE_DIRS,
+                      libraries=LIBRARIES,
+                      extra_compile_args=["-Wno-strict-prototypes", ],