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[minion-cvs] Directory work: towards automated keygen and automated ...

Update of /home/minion/cvsroot/src/minion
In directory moria.mit.edu:/tmp/cvs-serv26382

Modified Files:
Log Message:
Directory work: towards automated keygen and automated directory generation.

- Remember server identities longterm
- New code to receive and process an incoming server.
- Add an 'incoming' directory and functions to manipulate/check/add incoming 
- Include a list of recommended servers with each directory.

ServerKeys, ServerMain:
- Generate keys automatically, in advance.
- Refactor
- Remember which keysets are published (currently, none).

- Always clean directory before generating a new one.

- Add 'Recommended-Servers' to directory
- Bump directory version to 0.2.

- Make pychecker happy
- Adapt to new behaviors

Index: TODO
RCS file: /home/minion/cvsroot/src/minion/TODO,v
retrieving revision 1.97
retrieving revision 1.98
diff -u -d -r1.97 -r1.98
--- TODO	21 May 2003 18:03:32 -0000	1.97
+++ TODO	23 May 2003 07:54:11 -0000	1.98
@@ -125,19 +125,20 @@
                         o Ability to change TLS context for new connections.
                         o Ability to delete PK.
                         o Trigger all of the above as timed events occur.
-1-3                     - Generate new SD's as needed, publish as needed
+                        o Generate new SD's as needed
+1-2                     - Publish as needed
 2.5                     - Somehow test the whole business.
-                - Rudimentary directory automation (with trivial pinging)
-                        - CGI to receive server descriptors:
-1-4                             - replace old ones if superceded, 
+                . Rudimentary directory automation (with trivial pinging)
+                        o CGI to receive server descriptors:
+                                o replace old ones if superceded, 
                                   reject them if invalid,
                                   and queue them if unrecognized.
 2                               - Tests for above
 .5-1.5                          - The actual CGI
-1                       - Ability to move servers from queue to good-list.
+                        o Ability to move servers from queue to good-list.
 0.5                             - Tests
 1                       - Code to publish directories
-2-3                     - Code to remember whether descriptors are published,
+2-3                     . Code to remember whether descriptors are published,
                           and republish as needed, and retry if directory
                           is down.
 1                               - Tests
@@ -152,11 +153,11 @@
 2                               - Decide whom to include; make dirgen
                                   include them
 3                               - Tests
-?                       - Design directory liveness format.  Maybe include
+                        o Design directory liveness format.  Maybe include
                           all servers and "live" list for now?
 0.5                     - Code to automatically regenerate directories as
-1       - Make "=== BEGIN" stuff comply with openpgp rfc: why rock
+        o Make "=== BEGIN" stuff comply with openpgp rfc: why rock
           the boat?
 4       - Finish all documentation, resolve all XXXX004s
 3       - Try out all functionality by hand