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[minion-cvs] Resolve numerous TODO items, including path selection, ...

Update of /home/minion/cvsroot/src/minion/lib/mixminion
In directory moria.mit.edu:/tmp/cvs-serv25930/lib/mixminion

Modified Files:
	ClientDirectory.py ClientMain.py ClientUtils.py Config.py 
	MMTPClient.py Main.py NetUtils.py Packet.py ServerInfo.py 
Log Message:
Resolve numerous TODO items, including path selection, unit tests,
bugfixes, and UI issues.

  - Add configurable timeouts for directory retrieval
  - Make ClientDirectories, when available, help map keyids to nicer,
    more readily displayable strings.
  - Debug getNicknameByKeyID
  - Debug compressFormatMap
  - Make syntax for exit addresses more flexible
  - Only warn once for each unrecognized exit type.
  - Add 'getAvgLength' to PathElement
  - Minimize ~ elements to 1 hop
  - Add a kludge to allow paths of the form ~N to work as forward

  - Deal with function renaming
  - Add (partial) support for sending messages for user-side
  - ***ALWAYS*** scramble packet order before sending them.
  - Rename Messages to Packets throughout as appropriate.
  - Bugfix: only de-queue  messages when delivery is successful.
  - Refactor flushQueue to use existing support functions.
  - Rename list-servers options again: --cascade and
    --cascade-features are probably more readable than --cascade=1
    and --cascade=2.
  - Rename LazyEncryptedPickle to LazyEncryptedStore; begin refactoring
  - Use displayServer() as appropriate

  - Make _formatEntry use new unparsing functionality.
  - Add options for user-configurable timeout.

  - Rename 'message' to 'packet' as appropriate.
  - Use new displayServer() function to pretty-print server names
    instead of IPs whenever possible.
  - Change error-printing options to handle timeouts and ssl version 
    errors better.

  - Add stubbed code to handle invocation as 'mixminiond': defer for

  - Add strings to TimeoutErrors

  - Rename 'message' to 'packet' as appropriate.
  - Improve display of reply blocks.

  - Add new displayServer() function to pretty-print servers, looking
    up their actual nicknames whereever possible.  Servers can't take
    full advantage of this yet, since they don't download directories,
    but they can still call displayServer without harm.

  - Rename 'message' to 'packet' as appropriate
  - Adjust ServerInfo tests to not try to make server with 'frag' but
    no actual delivery module, since this isn't allowed any more.
  - Add tests for getFeature()
  - Add tests for featureMap-related functions
  - Make tests for DNS lookup less time-dependent
  - Tests for new literal exit type behavior.

  - Rename 'message' to 'packet' as appropriate
  - Don't alias the LOG.* functions any more.  Apparently, this was
    allowing a long-standing bug where all DEBUG messages in
    MMTPServer were getting tagged as INFO messages.
  - (Partial) Use displayServer() as appropriate.

  - Don't allow Delivery/Fragmented unless some other kind of delivery
    method is supported.

PacketHandler, ServerMain:
  - s/message/packet/ as appropriate



Index: ClientDirectory.py
RCS file: /home/minion/cvsroot/src/minion/lib/mixminion/ClientDirectory.py,v
retrieving revision 1.14
retrieving revision 1.15
diff -u -d -r1.14 -r1.15
--- ClientDirectory.py	10 Nov 2003 04:12:20 -0000	1.14
+++ ClientDirectory.py	19 Nov 2003 09:48:09 -0000	1.15
@@ -92,18 +92,19 @@
             mixminion.ClientMain.clientUnlock() # XXXX
-    def updateDirectory(self, forceDownload=0, now=None):
+    def updateDirectory(self, forceDownload=0, timeout=None, now=None):
         """Download a directory from the network as needed."""
         if now is None:
             now = time.time()
         if forceDownload or self.lastDownload < previousMidnight(now):
-            self.downloadDirectory()
+            self.downloadDirectory(timeout=timeout)
             LOG.debug("Directory is up to date.")
-    def downloadDirectory(self, timeout=15):
+    def downloadDirectory(self, timeout=None):
         """Download a new directory from the network, validate it, and
-           rescan its servers."""
+           rescan its servers. DOCDOC timeout"""
         # Start downloading the directory.
         LOG.info("Downloading directory from %s", url)
@@ -127,7 +128,7 @@
                 if mixminion.NetUtils.exceptionIsTimeout(e):
                     raise UIError("Connection to directory server timed out")
-                    raise UIError("Error connecting: %s"%e)
+                    raise UIError("Error connecting to directory server: %s"%e)
             if timeout:
@@ -277,6 +278,10 @@
         writePickled(os.path.join(self.dir, "cache"), data)
+    def _installAsKeyIDResolver(self):
+        """DOCDOC"""
+        mixminion.ServerInfo._keyIDToNicknameFn = self.getNicknameByKeyID
     def importFromFile(self, filename):
         """Import a new server descriptor stored in 'filename'"""
@@ -453,9 +458,9 @@
         if not s:
             return None
         r = []
-        for d in s:
-            if d.getNickname().lower() not in r:
-                r.append(d.getNickname())
+        for (desc,_) in s:
+            if desc.getNickname().lower() not in r:
+                r.append(desc.getNickname())
         return "/".join(r)
     def getNameByRelay(self, routingType, routingInfo):
@@ -858,6 +863,7 @@
         if not result[nickname]: continue
         ritems = result[nickname].items()
+        ritems.sort()
         minva = min([ va for (va,vu),features in ritems ])
         maxvu = max([ vu for (va,vu),features in ritems ])
         rfeatures = {}
@@ -910,7 +916,7 @@
                         sep.join([fmap[f] for f in features])))
             elif cascade==2:
                 if showTime:
-                    lines.append("  [%s]"%ftime)    
+                    lines.append("  [%s]"%ftime)
                 for f in features:
                     v = fmap[f]
                     lines.append("    %s:%s"%(f,v))
@@ -929,6 +935,9 @@
     "mbox", "smtp", "drop"
+# Map from (type, nickname) to 1 for servers we've already warned about.
 class ExitAddress:
     """An ExitAddress represents the target of a Mixminion message or SURB.
        It also encodes other properties off the message that must be known to
@@ -1060,8 +1069,11 @@
             if not verbose: return
+            if WARN_HISTORY.has_key((self.exitType, nickname)):
+                return
             LOG.warn("No way to tell if server %s supports exit type %s.",
                      nickname, self.getPrettyExitType())
+            WARN_HISTORY[(self.exitType, nickname)] = 1
     def getPrettyExitType(self):
         """Return a human-readable representation of the exit type."""
@@ -1114,11 +1126,23 @@
            OR <email address> (smtp is implicit)
            OR drop
            OR 0x<routing type>:<routing info>
+           OR 0x<routing type>
     if s.lower() == 'drop':
         return ExitAddress('drop',"")
     elif s.lower() == 'test':
         return ExitAddress(0xFFFE, "")
+    elif s.startswith("0x") or s.startswith("0X"):
+        # Address of the form 0xABCD and 0xABCD:address
+        if len(s) < 6 or (len(s)>=7 and s[6] != ':'):
+            raise ParseError("Invalid address %r"%s)
+        try:
+            tp = int(s[2:6],16)
+        except ValueError:
+            raise ParseError("Invalid hexidecimal value %r"%s[2:6])
+        if not (0x0000 <= tp <= 0xFFFF):
+            raise ParseError("Invalid type: 0x%04x"%tp)
+        return ExitAddress(tp, s[7:])
     elif ':' not in s:
         if isSMTPMailbox(s):
             return ExitAddress('smtp', s)
@@ -1126,15 +1150,7 @@
             raise ParseError("Can't parse address %s"%s)
     tp,val = s.split(':', 1)
     tp = tp.lower()
-    if tp.startswith("0x"):
-        try:
-            tp = int(tp[2:], 16)
-        except ValueError:
-            raise ParseError("Invalid hexidecimal value %s"%tp)
-        if not (0x0000 <= tp <= 0xFFFF):
-            raise ParseError("Invalid type: 0x%04x"%tp)
-        return ExitAddress(tp, val)
-    elif tp == 'mbox':
+    if tp == 'mbox':
         if "@" in val:
             mbox, server = val.split("@",1)
             return ExitAddress('mbox', parseMBOXInfo(mbox).pack(), server)
@@ -1168,6 +1184,10 @@
         """Return the fewest number of servers that this element might
         raise NotImplemented()
+    def getAvgLength(self):
+        """Return the likeliest number of servers for this element to
+           contain."""
+        return self.getMinLength()
 class ServerPathElement(PathElement):
     """A path element for a single server specified by filename or nickname"""
@@ -1225,12 +1245,17 @@
             prng = mixminion.Crypto.getCommonPRNG()
             n = int(prng.getNormal(self.approx,1.5)+0.5)
+            if n < 1: n = 1
         return [ None ] * n
     def getMinLength(self):
-        #XXXX006 need getAvgLength too, probably.  Ugh.
         if self.n is not None: 
             return self.n
+            return 1
+    def getAvgLength(self):
+        if self.n is not None:
+            return self.n
+        else:
             return self.approx
     def __repr__(self):
         if self.n:
@@ -1239,13 +1264,13 @@
             return "RandomServersPathElement(approx=%r)"%self.approx
     def __str__(self):
-        if self.n == 1:
-            return "?"
-        elif self.n > 1:
-            return "*%d"%self.n
-        else:
+        if self.n is None:
             assert self.approx
             return "~%d"%self.approx
+        elif self.n == 1:
+            return "?"
+        else:
+            return "*%d"%self.n
 class PathSpecifier:
@@ -1400,7 +1425,7 @@
         if "*" in pathEntries[starPos+1:]:
             raise UIError("Only one '*' is permitted in a single path")
         approxHops = reduce(operator.add,
-                            [ ent.getMinLength() for ent in pathEntries
+                            [ ent.getAvgLength() for ent in pathEntries
                               if ent not in ("*", "<swap>") ], 0)
         myNHops = nHops or defaultNHops or 6
         extraHops = max(myNHops-approxHops, 0)
@@ -1429,6 +1454,17 @@
         firstLegLen = 0
         lateSplit = 1
+    # This is a kludge to convert paths of the form ~N to ?,~(N-1) when we've
+    # got a full path.
+    if (len(pathEntries) == 1
+        and not halfPath
+        and isinstance(pathEntries[0], RandomServersPathElement)
+        and pathEntries[0].approx):
+        n_minus_1 = max(pathEntries[0].approx-1,0)
+        pathEntries = [ RandomServersPathElement(n=1),
+                        RandomServersPathElement(approx=n_minus_1) ]
+        lateSplit = 1 # XXXX Is this redundant?
     # Split the path into 2 legs.
     path1, path2 = pathEntries[:firstLegLen], pathEntries[firstLegLen:]

Index: ClientMain.py
RCS file: /home/minion/cvsroot/src/minion/lib/mixminion/ClientMain.py,v
retrieving revision 1.129
retrieving revision 1.130
diff -u -d -r1.129 -r1.130
--- ClientMain.py	10 Nov 2003 04:12:20 -0000	1.129
+++ ClientMain.py	19 Nov 2003 09:48:09 -0000	1.130
@@ -30,10 +30,11 @@
      parseReplyBlocks, parseSMTPInfo, parseTextEncodedMessages, \
      parseTextReplyBlocks, ReplyBlock, MBOX_TYPE, SMTP_TYPE, DROP_TYPE, \
+from mixminion.ServerInfo import displayServer
 # Global variable; holds an instance of Common.Lockfile used to prevent
-# concurrent access to the directory cache, message queue, or SURB log.
+# concurrent access to the directory cache, packet queue, or SURB log.
 def clientLock():
@@ -68,7 +69,7 @@
             passwordManager = mixminion.ClientUtils.CLIPasswordManager()
         fn = os.path.join(keyDir, "keyring")
-        self.keyring = mixminion.ClientUtils.LazyEncryptedPickled(
+        self.keyring = mixminion.ClientUtils.LazyEncryptedStore(
             fn, passwordManager, pwdName="ClientKeyring",
             queryPrompt="Enter password for keyring:",
             newPrompt="Entrer new keyring password:",
@@ -145,7 +146,8 @@
 #FileParanoia: yes
-# Not yet implemented
+DirectoryTimeout: 1 minute
+# Other options not yet implemented
 ## By default, mixminion puts your files in ~/.mixminion.  You can override
@@ -167,8 +169,7 @@
 #SURBPath: ?,?,?,FavoriteExit
-ConnectionTimeout: 20 seconds
+ConnectionTimeout: 60 seconds
 class MixminionClient:
@@ -197,16 +198,28 @@
         self.prng = mixminion.Crypto.getCommonPRNG()
         self.queue = mixminion.ClientUtils.ClientQueue(os.path.join(userdir, "queue"))
-    def _sortPackets(self, packets):
-        """[(packet,firstHop),...] -> [ (routing, [packet,...]), ...]"""
-        r = {}
+    def _sortPackets(self, packets, shuffle=1):
+        """Helper function.  Takes a list of tuples of (packet, routingInfo),
+           groups packets with the same routingInfos, and returns a list of
+           tuples of (routingInfo, [packet list]).
+           If 'shuffle' is true, then the packets within each list, and the
+           tuples themselves, are returned in a scrambled order.
+        """
+        d = {}
         for packet, firstHop in packets:
             ri = firstHop.getRoutingInfo()
-            r.setdefault(ri,[]).append(packet)
-        return r.items()
+            d.setdefault(ri,[]).append(packet)
+        result = d.items()
+        if shuffle:
+            self.prng.shuffle(result)
+            for _, pktList in result:
+                self.prng.shuffle(pktList)
+        return result
     def sendForwardMessage(self, directory, address, pathSpec, message,
-                           startAt, endAt, forceQueue=0, forceNoQueue=0):
+                           startAt, endAt, forceQueue=0, forceNoQueue=0,
+                           forceNoServerSideFragments=0):
         """Generate and send a forward message.
             address -- the results of a parseAddress call
             payload -- the contents of the message to send
@@ -215,17 +228,21 @@
             forceQueue -- if true, do not try to send the message; simply
                queue it and exit.
             forceNoQueue -- if true, do not queue the message even if delivery
-               fails."""
+               fails.
+            DOCDOC forceNoServerSideFragments
+        """
         assert not (forceQueue and forceNoQueue)
         allPackets = self.generateForwardPackets(
-            directory, address, pathSpec, message, startAt, endAt)
+            directory, address, pathSpec, message, forceNoServerSideFragments,
+            startAt, endAt)
         for routing, packets in self._sortPackets(allPackets):
             if forceQueue:
-                self.queueMessages(packets, routing)
+                self.queuePackets(packets, routing)
-                self.sendMessages(packets, routing, noQueue=forceNoQueue)
+                self.sendPackets(packets, routing, noQueue=forceNoQueue)
     def sendReplyMessage(self, directory, address, pathSpec, surbList, message,
                          startAt, endAt, forceQueue=0,
@@ -248,9 +265,9 @@
         for routing, packets in self._sortPackets(allPackets):
             if forceQueue:
-                self.queueMessages(packets, routing)
+                self.queuePackets(packets, routing)
-                self.sendMessages(packets, routing, noQueue=forceNoQueue)
+                self.sendPackets(packets, routing, noQueue=forceNoQueue)
     def generateReplyBlock(self, address, servers, name="", expiryTime=0):
         """Generate an return a new ReplyBlock object.
@@ -269,26 +286,27 @@
         return block
     def generateForwardPackets(self, directory, address, pathSpec, message,
-                               startAt, endAt):
-        """Generate a forward message, but do not send it.  Returns a
-           list of tuples of (the packet body, a ServerInfo for the
-           first hop.)
+                               noSSFragments, startAt, endAt):
+        """Generate packets for a forward message, but do not send
+           them.  Return a list of tuples of (the packet body, a
+           ServerInfo for the first hop.)
-        #XXXX006 handle user-side fragmentation.
         #XXXX006 we need to factor this long-message logic out to the
         #XXXX006 common code.  For now, this is a temporary measure.
-        fragmentedMessagePrefix = address.getFragmentedMessagePrefix()
+        if noSSFragments:
+            fragmentedMessagePrefix = ""
+        else:
+            fragmentedMessagePrefix = address.getFragmentedMessagePrefix()
         LOG.info("Generating payload(s)...")
         r = []
         if address.hasPayload():
             payloads = mixminion.BuildMessage.encodeMessage(message, 0,
             if len(payloads) > 1:
-                address.setFragmented(1,len(payloads))
+                address.setFragmented(not noSSFragmented, len(payloads))
@@ -302,17 +320,17 @@
         for p, (path1,path2) in zip(payloads, directory.generatePaths(
             len(payloads), pathSpec, address, startAt, endAt)):
-            msg = mixminion.BuildMessage.buildForwardPacket(
+            pkt = mixminion.BuildMessage.buildForwardPacket(
                 p, routingType, routingInfo, path1, path2,
-            r.append( (msg, path1[0]) )
+            r.append( (pkt, path1[0]) )
         return r
     def generateReplyPackets(self, directory, address, pathSpec, message,
                              surbList, startAt, endAt):
         """Generate a reply message, but do not send it.  Returns
-           a tuple of (the message body, a ServerInfo for the first hop.)
+           a tuple of (packet body, ServerInfo for the first hop.)
             address -- the results of a parseAddress call
             payload -- the contents of the message to send  (None for DROP
@@ -321,7 +339,7 @@
             surbList -- a list of SURBs to consider for the second leg of
                the path.  We use the first one that is neither expired nor
                used, and mark it used.
-               DOCDOC
+               DOCDOC: generates multiple packets
         #XXXX write unit tests
         assert address.isReply
@@ -342,11 +360,11 @@
                 assert path1 and not path2
                 LOG.info("Generating packet...")
-                msg = mixminion.BuildMessage.buildReplyPacket(
+                pkt = mixminion.BuildMessage.buildReplyPacket(
                     payload, path1, surb, self.prng)
-                result.append( (msg, path1[0]) )
+                result.append( (pkt, path1[0]) )
             surbLog.close() #implies unlock
@@ -376,18 +394,18 @@
         except MixProtocolError, e:
             return 0, "Couldn't connect to server: %s" % e
-    def sendMessages(self, msgList, routingInfo, noQueue=0, lazyQueue=0,
+    def sendPackets(self, pktList, routingInfo, noQueue=0, lazyQueue=0,
         """Given a list of packets and an IPV4Info object, sends the
            packets to the server via MMTP.
-           If noQueue is true, do not queue the message even on failure.
-           If lazyQueue is true, only queue the message on failure.
-           Otherwise, insert the message in the queue, and remove it on
+           If noQueue is true, do not queue the packets even on failure.
+           If lazyQueue is true, only queue the packets on failure.
+           Otherwise, insert the packets in the queue, and remove them on
            If warnIfLost is true, log a warning if we fail to deliver
-           the message, and we don't queue it.
+           the packets, and we don't queue them.
            DOCDOC never raises
@@ -401,23 +419,21 @@
         if noQueue or lazyQueue:
             handles = []
-            handles = self.queueMessages(msgList, routingInfo)
+            handles = self.queuePackets(pktList, routingInfo)
-        if len(msgList) > 1:
+        if len(pktList) > 1:
             mword = "packets"
             mword = "packet"
-            success = 0
                 # May raise TimeoutError
-                mixminion.MMTPClient.sendMessages(routingInfo,
-                                                  msgList,
-                                                  timeout)
+                mixminion.MMTPClient.sendPackets(routingInfo,
+                                                 pktList,
+                                                 timeout)
                 LOG.info("... %s sent", mword)
-                success = 1
                 e = sys.exc_info()
                 if noQueue and warnIfLost:
@@ -425,30 +441,31 @@
                 elif lazyQueue:
                     LOG.info("Error while delivering %s; %s queued",
-                    self.queueMessages(msgList, routingInfo)
+                    self.queuePackets(pktList, routingInfo)
                     LOG.info("Error while delivering %s; leaving in queue",
                 LOG.info("Error was: %s",e[1])
-                return
-            try:
-                clientLock()
-                for h in handles:
-                    if self.queue.packetExists(h):
-                        self.queue.removePacket(h)
-                if handles:
-                    self.queue.cleanQueue()
-            finally:
-                clientUnlock()
+            else:
+                try:
+                    clientLock()
+                    for h in handles:
+                        if self.queue.packetExists(h):
+                            self.queue.removePacket(h)
+                    if handles:
+                        self.queue.cleanQueue()
+                finally:
+                    clientUnlock()
         except MixProtocolError, e:
             raise UIError(str(e))
-    def flushQueue(self, maxMessages=None):
-        """Try to send end all messages in the queue to their destinations.
+    def flushQueue(self, maxPackets=None):
+        """Try to send all packets in the queue to their destinations.
+           DOCDOC maxPackets
         #XXXX write unit tests
-        class MessageProxy:
+        class PacketProxy:
             def __init__(self,h,queue):
                 self.h = h
                 self.queue = queue
@@ -457,48 +474,36 @@
             def __cmp__(self,other):
                 return cmp(id(self),id(other))
-        LOG.info("Flushing message queue")
+        LOG.info("Flushing packet queue")
             handles = self.queue.getHandles()
-            LOG.info("Found %s pending messages", len(handles))
-            if maxMessages is not None:
+            LOG.info("Found %s pending packets", len(handles))
+            if maxPackets is not None:
                 handles = mixminion.Crypto.getCommonPRNG().shuffle(handles,
-                                                               maxMessages)
+                                                               maxPackets)
             LOG.info("Flushing %s", len(handles))
-            messagesByServer = {}
+            packets = []
             for h in handles:
                     routing = self.queue.getRouting(h)
                 except mixminion.Filestore.CorruptedFile: 
-                message = MessageProxy(h,self.queue)
-                messagesByServer.setdefault(routing, []).append((message, h))
+                packet = PacketProxy(h,self.queue)
+                packets.append((packet,routing))
         sentSome = 0; sentAll = 1
-        for routing in messagesByServer.keys():
-            LOG.info("Sending %s messages to %s:%s...",
-                     len(messagesByServer[routing]), routing.ip, routing.port)
-            msgs = [ m for m, _ in messagesByServer[routing] ]
-            handles = [ h for _, h in messagesByServer[routing] ]
+        for routing, packets in self._sortPackets(packets):
+            LOG.info("Sending %s packets to %s...",
+                     len(packets), displayServer(routing))
-                self.sendMessages(msgs, routing, noQueue=1, warnIfLost=0)
-##                 #XXXX006 is this part needed?
-##                 try:
-##                     clientLock()
-##                     for h in handles:
-##                         if self.queue.packetExists(h):
-##                             self.queue.removePacket(h)
-##                     if handles:
-##                         self.queue.cleanQueue()
-##                 finally:
-##                     clientUnlock()
+                self.sendPackets(packets, routing, noQueue=1, warnIfLost=0)
                 sentSome = 1
             except MixError, e:
-                LOG.error("Can't deliver messages to %s:%s: %s; leaving messages in queue",
-                          routing.ip, routing.port, str(e))
+                LOG.error("Can't deliver packets to %s: %s; leaving in queue",
+                          displayServer(routing), str(e))
                 sentAll = 0
         if sentAll:
@@ -506,10 +511,10 @@
         elif sentSome:
             LOG.info("Queue partially flushed")
-            LOG.info("No messages delivered")
+            LOG.info("No packets delivered")
     def cleanQueue(self, maxAge, now=None):
-        """Remove all messages older than maxAge seconds from the
+        """Remove all packets older than maxAge seconds from the
            client queue."""
@@ -517,28 +522,30 @@
-    def queueMessages(self, msgList, routing):
-        """Insert all the messages in msgList into the queue, to be sent
-           to the server identified by the IPV4Info object 'routing'.
+    def queuePackets(self, pktList, routing):
+        """Insert all the packets in pktList into the queue, to be sent
+           to the server identified by the IPV4Info or MMTPHostInfo object
+           'routing'.
         #XXXX write unit tests
-        LOG.trace("Queueing messages")
+        LOG.trace("Queueing packets")
         handles = []
-            for msg in msgList:
-                h = self.queue.queuePacket(str(msg), routing)
+            for pkt in pktList:
+                h = self.queue.queuePacket(str(pkt), routing)
-        if len(msgList) > 1:
-            LOG.info("Messages queued")
+        if len(pktList) > 1:
+            LOG.info("Pacekts queued")
-            LOG.info("Message queued")
+            LOG.info("Packet queued")
         return handles
+    #XXXX006 rename to decodePacket ?
     def decodeMessage(self, s, force=0, isatty=0):
-        """Given a string 's' containing one or more text-encoed messages,
+        """Given a string 's' containing one or more text-encoded messages,
            return a list containing the decoded messages.
            Raise ParseError on malformatted messages.  Unless 'force' is
@@ -811,13 +818,16 @@
             assert self.wantConfig
             LOG.debug("Configuring server list")
             self.directory = mixminion.ClientDirectory.ClientDirectory(userdir)
+            self.directory._installAsKeyIDResolver()
         if self.wantDownload:
             assert self.wantClientDirectory
+            timeout = int(self.config['DirectoryServers']['DirectoryTimeout'])
             if self.download != 0:
-                    self.directory.updateDirectory(forceDownload=self.download)
+                    self.directory.updateDirectory(forceDownload=self.download,
+                                                   timeout=timeout)
@@ -991,6 +1001,7 @@
     inFile = None
     h_subject = h_from = h_irt = h_references = None
+    no_ss_fragment = 0
     for opt,val in options:
         if opt in ('-i', '--input'):
             inFile = val
@@ -1002,6 +1013,8 @@
             h_irt = val
         elif opt == '--references':
             h_references = val
+        elif opt == '?????????':
+            no_ss_fragment = 1
     if args:
         sendUsageAndExit(cmd,"Unexpected arguments")
@@ -1087,9 +1100,8 @@
             parser.directory, parser.exitAddress, parser.pathSpec,
-            message, parser.startAt, parser.endAt, forceQueue, forceNoQueue)
+            message, parser.startAt, parser.endAt, forceQueue, forceNoQueue,
+            no_ss_fragment)
 _PING_USAGE = """\
 Usage: mixminion ping [options] serverName
@@ -1202,11 +1214,11 @@
 def listServers(cmd, args):
     """[Entry point] Print info about """
-    options, args = getopt.getopt(args, "hf:D:vF:c:TVs:",
+    options, args = getopt.getopt(args, "hf:D:vF:TVs:cC",
                                   ['help', 'config=', "download-directory=",
-                                   'verbose', 'feature=', 'cascade=',
+                                   'verbose', 'feature=', 
                                    'with-time', "no-collapse", "valid",
-                                   "separator="])
+                                   "separator=", "cascade","cascade-features"])
         parser = CLIArgumentParser(options, wantConfig=1,
@@ -1223,13 +1235,6 @@
     for opt,val in options:
         if opt in ('-F', '--feature'):
-        elif opt in ('-c', '--cascade'):
-            try:
-                cascade = int(val)
-            except ValueError:
-                raise UIError("%s requires an integer"%opt)
-            if not (0 <= cascade <= 2):
-                raise UIError("Cascade level must be between 0 and 2")
         elif opt == ('-T'):
             showTime += 1
         elif opt == ('--with-time'):
@@ -1240,6 +1245,10 @@
             validOnly = 1
         elif opt in ('-s', '--separator'):
             separator = val
+        elif opt in ('-c', '--cascade'):
+            cascade = 1
+        elif opt in ('-C', '--cascade-features'):
+            cascade = 2
     if not features:
         if validOnly:
@@ -1310,9 +1319,11 @@
     directory = parser.directory
+    config = parser.config
+    timeout = int(config['DirectoryServers']['DirectoryTimeout'])
-        directory.updateDirectory(forceDownload=1)
+        directory.updateDirectory(forceDownload=1, timeout=timeout)
     print "Directory updated"
@@ -1556,10 +1567,10 @@
   -v, --verbose              Display extra debugging messages.
   -f <file>, --config=<file> Use a configuration file other than ~.mixminionrc
                                (You can also use MIXMINIONRC=FILE)
-  -n <n>, --count=<n>        Send no more than <n> messages from the queue.
+  -n <n>, --count=<n>        Send no more than <n> packets from the queue.
-  Try to send all currently queued messages.
+  Try to send all currently queued packets.
@@ -1593,10 +1604,10 @@
   -v, --verbose              Display extra debugging messages.
   -f <file>, --config=<file> Use a configuration file other than ~.mixminionrc
                                (You can also use MIXMINIONRC=FILE)
-  -d <n>, --days=<n>         Remove all messages older than <n> days old.
+  -d <n>, --days=<n>         Remove all packets older than <n> days old.
-  Remove all pending messages older than one week.
+  Remove all pending packets older than one week.
       %(cmd)s -d 7
@@ -1638,11 +1649,12 @@
 def listQueue(cmd, args):
-    options, args = getopt.getopt(args, "hvf:",
-                                  ["help", "verbose", "config=", ])
+    options, args = getopt.getopt(args, "hvf:D:",
+                                  ["help", "verbose", "config=",
+                                   'download-directory=',])
         parser = CLIArgumentParser(options, wantConfig=1, wantLog=1,
-                                   wantClient=1)
+                                   wantClient=1, wantClientDirectory=1)
     except UsageError, e:
         print _LIST_QUEUE_USAGE % { 'cmd' : cmd }

Index: ClientUtils.py
RCS file: /home/minion/cvsroot/src/minion/lib/mixminion/ClientUtils.py,v
retrieving revision 1.8
retrieving revision 1.9
diff -u -d -r1.8 -r1.9
--- ClientUtils.py	8 Nov 2003 05:35:57 -0000	1.8
+++ ClientUtils.py	19 Nov 2003 09:48:09 -0000	1.9
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@
 from mixminion.Common import LOG, MixError, UIError, createPrivateDir, \
      floorDiv, previousMidnight, readFile, writeFile
+from mixminion.ServerInfo import displayServer
 class BadPassword(MixError):
@@ -193,12 +194,12 @@
     data = cPickle.dumps(obj, 1)
     writeEncryptedFile(fname, password, magic, data)
-class LazyEncryptedPickled:
-    """Wrapper for a file containing an encrypted pickled object, to
+class LazyEncryptedStore:
+    """Wrapper for a file containing an encrypted object, to
        perform password querying and loading on demand."""
     def __init__(self, fname, pwdManager, pwdName, queryPrompt, newPrompt,
                  magic, initFn):
-        """Create a new LazyEncryptedPickled
+        """Create a new LazyEncryptedStore
               fname -- The name of the file to hold the encrypted object.
               pwdManager -- A PasswordManager instance.
               pwdName, queryPrompt, newPrompt -- Arguments used when getting
@@ -281,6 +282,10 @@
         assert self.loaded and self.password is not None
         writeEncryptedPickled(self.fname, self.password, self.magic,
+    def _encode(self,obj):
+        return cPickle.dumps(obj,1)
+    def _decode(self,obj):
+        return cPickle.loads(obj,1)
 # ----------------------------------------------------------------------
@@ -501,8 +506,8 @@
             days = floorDiv(now - oldest, 24*60*60)
             if days < 1:
                 days = "<1"
-            print "%2d packets for server at %s:%s (oldest is %s days old)"%(
-                count, s.ip, s.port, days)
+            print "%2d packets for %s (oldest is %s days old)"%(
+                count, displayServer(s), days)
     def cleanQueue(self, maxAge=None, now=None):
         """Remove all packets older than maxAge seconds from this queue."""

Index: Config.py
RCS file: /home/minion/cvsroot/src/minion/lib/mixminion/Config.py,v
retrieving revision 1.65
retrieving revision 1.66
diff -u -d -r1.65 -r1.66
--- Config.py	10 Nov 2003 04:12:20 -0000	1.65
+++ Config.py	19 Nov 2003 09:48:09 -0000	1.66
@@ -55,8 +55,6 @@
 import binascii
 import os
 import re
-import socket # for inet_aton and error
-import string # for atoi
     import pwd
 except ImportError:
@@ -547,16 +545,16 @@
     return sections
-def _formatEntry(key,val,w=79,ind=4):
+def _formatEntry(key,val,w=79,ind=4,strict=0):
     """Helper function.  Given a key/value pair, returns a NL-terminated
        entry for inclusion in a configuration file, such that no line is
        avoidably longer than 'w' characters, and with continuation lines
        indented by 'ind' spaces.
-    ind_s = " "*(ind-1)
-    if len(str(val))+len(key)+2 <= 79:
+    if strict or len(str(val))+len(key)+2 <= 79:
         return "%s: %s\n" % (key,val)
+    ind_s = " "*(ind-1)
     lines = [  ]
     linecontents = [ "%s:" % key ]
     linelength = len(linecontents[0])
@@ -903,8 +901,12 @@
         for s in self._sectionNames:
             for k,v in self._sectionEntries[s]:
-                lines.append(_formatEntry(k,v))
-            lines.append("\n")
+                tp = self._syntax[s][k][1]
+                if tp:
+                    v = self.CODING_FNS[tp][1](v)
+                lines.append(_formatEntry(k,v,strict=self._restrictFormat))
+            if not self._restrictFormat:
+                lines.append("\n")
         return "".join(lines)
@@ -922,7 +924,8 @@
         'DirectoryServers' :
                    { '__SECTION__' : ('REQUIRE', None, None),
                      'ServerURL' : ('ALLOW*', None, None),
-                     'MaxSkew' : ('ALLOW', "interval", "10 minutes") },
+                     'MaxSkew' : ('ALLOW', "interval", "10 minutes"),
+                     'DirectoryTimeout' : ('ALLOW', "interval", "1 minute") },
         'User' : { 'UserDir' : ('ALLOW', "filename", "~/.mixminion" ) },
         'Security' : { 'PathLength' : ('ALLOW', "int", "8"),
                        'SURBAddress' : ('ALLOW', None, None),
@@ -932,7 +935,7 @@
                        'ReplyPath' : ('ALLOW', None, "*4"),
                        'SURBPath' : ('ALLOW', None, "*4"),
-        'Network' : { 'ConnectionTimeout' : ('ALLOW', "interval", None) }
+        'Network' : { 'ConnectionTimeout' : ('ALLOW', "interval", "2 minutes")}
     def __init__(self, fname=None, string=None):
         _ConfigFile.__init__(self, fname, string)

Index: MMTPClient.py
RCS file: /home/minion/cvsroot/src/minion/lib/mixminion/MMTPClient.py,v
retrieving revision 1.41
retrieving revision 1.42
diff -u -d -r1.41 -r1.42
--- MMTPClient.py	7 Nov 2003 07:03:28 -0000	1.41
+++ MMTPClient.py	19 Nov 2003 09:48:09 -0000	1.42
@@ -4,20 +4,22 @@
    This module contains a single, synchronous implementation of the client
    side of the Mixminion Transfer protocol.  You can use this client to
-   upload messages to any conforming Mixminion server.
+   upload packets to any conforming Mixminion server.
    (We don't use this module for transferring packets between servers;
    in fact, MMTPServer makes it redundant.  We only keep this module
    around [A] so that clients have an easy (blocking) interface to
-   introduce messages into the system, and [B] so that we've got an
+   introduce packets into the system, and [B] so that we've got an
    easy-to-verify reference implementation of the protocol.)
-__all__ = [ "BlockingClientConnection", "sendMessages" ]
+__all__ = [ "BlockingClientConnection", "sendPackets" ]
 import socket
 import mixminion._minionlib as _ml
 import mixminion.NetUtils
+import mixminion.Packet
+import mixminion.ServerInfo
 from mixminion.Crypto import sha1, getCommonPRNG
 from mixminion.Common import MixProtocolError, MixProtocolReject, \
      MixProtocolBadAuth, LOG, MixError, formatBase64, TimeoutError
@@ -40,7 +42,8 @@
     # PROTOCOL_VERSIONS: (static) a list of protocol versions we allow,
     #     in decreasing order of preference.
     PROTOCOL_VERSIONS = ['0.3']
-    def __init__(self, targetFamily, targetAddr, targetPort, targetKeyID):
+    def __init__(self, targetFamily, targetAddr, targetPort, targetKeyID,
+                 serverName=None):
         """Open a new connection."""
         self.targetFamily = targetFamily
         self.targetAddr = targetAddr
@@ -53,6 +56,12 @@
         self.tls = None
         self.sock = None
         self.certCache = PeerCertificateCache()
+        if serverName:
+            self.serverName = serverName
+            #DOCDOC
+        else:
+            self.serverName = mixminion.ServerInfo.displayServer(
+                mixminion.Packet.IPV4Info(targetAddr, targetPort, targetKeyID))
     def connect(self, connectTimeout=None):
         """Connect to the server, perform the TLS handshake, check the server
@@ -72,10 +81,15 @@
         """Helper method: given an exception (err) and an action string (e.g.,
            'connecting'), raises an appropriate MixProtocolError.
+        errstr = str(err)
         if isinstance(err, socket.error):
             tp = "Socket"
+            if mixminion.NetUtils.exceptionIsTimeout(err):
+                tp = "Timeout"
         elif isinstance(err, _ml.TLSError):
             tp = "TLS"
+            if errstr == 'wrong version number':
+                errstr = 'wrong version number (or failed handshake)'
         elif isinstance(err, _ml.TLSClosed):
             tp = "TLSClosed"
         elif isinstance(err, _ml.TLSWantRead):
@@ -84,8 +98,8 @@
             tp = "Unexpected TLSWantWrite"
             tp = str(type(err))
-        e = MixProtocolError("%s error while %s to %s:%s: %s" %(
-                             tp, action, self.targetAddr, self.targetPort, err))
+        e = MixProtocolError("%s error while %s to %s: %s" %(
+                             tp, action, self.serverName, errstr))
         e.base = err
         raise e
@@ -94,20 +108,19 @@
         # Connect to the server
         self.sock = socket.socket(self.targetFamily, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
-        LOG.debug("Connecting to %s:%s", self.targetAddr, self.targetPort)
+        LOG.debug("Connecting to %s", self.serverName)
         # Do the TLS handshaking
             self.sock, (self.targetAddr, self.targetPort), connectTimeout)
-        LOG.debug("Handshaking with %s:%s",self.targetAddr, self.targetPort)
+        LOG.debug("Handshaking with %s:", self.serverName)
         self.tls = self.context.sock(self.sock.fileno())
         # Check the public key of the server to prevent man-in-the-middle
         # attacks.
-        self.certCache.check(self.tls, self.targetKeyID,
-                             "%s:%s"%(self.targetAddr,self.targetPort))
+        self.certCache.check(self.tls, self.targetKeyID, self.serverName)
         # Protocol negotiation
@@ -131,7 +144,8 @@
         if not self.protocol:
             raise MixProtocolError("Protocol negotiation failed")
-        LOG.debug("MMTP protocol negotiated: version %s", self.protocol)
+        LOG.debug("MMTP protocol negotiated with %s: version %s",
+                  self.serverName, self.protocol)
     def renegotiate(self):
         """Re-do the TLS handshake to renegotiate a new connection key."""
@@ -157,7 +171,7 @@
         """Helper method: implements sendPacket and sendJunkPacket.
               packet -- a 32K string to send
               control -- a 6-character string ending with CRLF to
-                  indicate the type of message we're sending.
+                  indicate the type of packet we're sending.
               serverControl -- a 10-character string ending with CRLF that
                   we expect to receive if we've sent correctly.
               hashExtra -- a string to append to the packet when computing
@@ -188,8 +202,7 @@
     def shutdown(self):
         """Close this connection."""
-        LOG.debug("Shutting down connection to %s:%s",
-                  self.targetAddr, self.targetPort)
+        LOG.debug("Shutting down connection to %s", self.serverName)
             if self.tls is not None:
@@ -200,8 +213,8 @@
             self._raise(e, "closing connection")
         LOG.debug("Connection closed")
-def sendMessages(routing, packetList, connectTimeout=None, callback=None):
-    """Sends a list of messages to a server.  Raise MixProtocolError on
+def sendPackets(routing, packetList, connectTimeout=None, callback=None):
+    """Sends a list of packets to a server.  Raise MixProtocolError on
        routing -- an instance of mixminion.Packet.IPV4Info or
@@ -224,7 +237,9 @@
         elif p == 'RENEGOTIATE':
             packets.append(("RENEGOTIATE", None))
-            packets.append(("MSG", p))
+            packets.append(("PKT", p))
+    serverName = mixminion.ServerInfo.displayServer(routing)
     if isinstance(routing, IPV4Info):
         family, addr = socket.AF_INET, routing.ip
@@ -236,7 +251,8 @@
             raise MixProtocolError("Couldn't resolve hostname %s: %s",
                                    routing.hostname, addr)
-    con = BlockingClientConnection(family,addr,routing.port,routing.keyinfo)
+    con = BlockingClientConnection(family,addr,routing.port,routing.keyinfo,
+                                   serverName=serverName)
         for idx in xrange(len(packets)):
@@ -257,7 +273,7 @@
        May raise MixProtocolBadAuth, or other MixProtocolError if server
        isn't up."""
-    sendMessages(routing, ["JUNK"], connectTimeout=connectTimeout)
+    sendPackets(routing, ["JUNK"], connectTimeout=connectTimeout)
 class PeerCertificateCache:
     """A PeerCertificateCache validates certificate chains from MMTP servers,
@@ -267,17 +283,19 @@
     def __init__(self):
         self.cache = {}
-    def check(self, tls, targetKeyID, address):
+    #XXXX006 use displayName to 
+    def check(self, tls, targetKeyID, serverName):
         """Check whether the certificate chain on the TLS connection 'tls'
            is valid, current, and matches the keyID 'targetKeyID'.  If so,
            return.  If not, raise MixProtocolBadAuth.
         # First, make sure the certificate is neither premature nor expired.
         except _ml.TLSError, e:
-            raise MixProtocolBadAuth("Invalid certificate: %s" % str(e))
+            raise MixProtocolBadAuth("Invalid certificate from %s: %s" % (
+                serverName, str(e)))
         # If we don't care whom we're talking to, we don't need to check
         # them out.
@@ -293,15 +311,13 @@
         # compatibility as well.
         if targetKeyID == hashed_peer_pk:
             raise MixProtocolBadAuth(
-               "Pre-0.0.4 (non-rotatable) certificate from server at %s" %
-               address)
+               "Pre-0.0.4 (non-rotatable) certificate from %s" % serverName)
             if targetKeyID == self.cache[hashed_peer_pk]:
                 # We recognize the key, and have already seen it to be
                 # signed by the target identity.
-                LOG.trace("Got a cached certificate from server at %s",
-                          address)
+                LOG.trace("Got a cached certificate from %s", serverName)
                 return # All is well.
                 # We recognize the key, but some other identity signed it.
@@ -315,13 +331,12 @@
             identity = tls.verify_cert_and_get_identity_pk()
         except _ml.TLSError, e:
-            raise MixProtocolBadAuth("Invalid KeyID from server at %s: %s"
-                                   %(address, e))
+            raise MixProtocolBadAuth("Invalid KeyID (allegedly) from %s: %s"
+                                   %serverName)
         # Okay, remember who has signed this certificate.
         hashed_identity = sha1(identity.encode_key(public=1))
-        LOG.trace("Remembering valid certificate for server at %s",
-                  address)
+        LOG.trace("Remembering valid certificate for %s", serverName)
         self.cache[hashed_peer_pk] = hashed_identity
         # Note: we don't need to worry about two identities signing the
@@ -332,4 +347,4 @@
         # Was the signer the right person?
         if hashed_identity != targetKeyID:
-            raise MixProtocolBadAuth("Invalid KeyID for server at %s" %address)
+            raise MixProtocolBadAuth("Invalid KeyID for %s" % serverName)

Index: Main.py
RCS file: /home/minion/cvsroot/src/minion/lib/mixminion/Main.py,v
retrieving revision 1.60
retrieving revision 1.61
diff -u -d -r1.60 -r1.61
--- Main.py	7 Nov 2003 10:43:18 -0000	1.60
+++ Main.py	19 Nov 2003 09:48:09 -0000	1.61
@@ -253,6 +253,13 @@
+##     if len(args) > 2 and args[1] == 'mixminiond':
+##         if _COMMANDS.has_key("server-"+args[2]):
+##             args[1:3] = "server-"+args[2]
+##         else:
+##             printUsage()
+##             sys.exit(1)
     # Check whether we have a recognized command.
     if len(args) == 1  or not _COMMANDS.has_key(args[1]):

Index: NetUtils.py
RCS file: /home/minion/cvsroot/src/minion/lib/mixminion/NetUtils.py,v
retrieving revision 1.3
retrieving revision 1.4
diff -u -d -r1.3 -r1.4
--- NetUtils.py	10 Nov 2003 04:12:20 -0000	1.3
+++ NetUtils.py	19 Nov 2003 09:48:09 -0000	1.4
@@ -106,7 +106,7 @@
                 return sock.connect(dest)
             except socket.error, e:
                 if e[0] in IN_PROGRESS_ERRNOS:
-                    raise TimeoutError()
+                    raise TimeoutError("Connection timed out")
@@ -125,7 +125,7 @@
             except select.error, e:
             if not wfds:
-                raise TimeoutError()
+                raise TimeoutError("Connection timed out")
 ##             try:
 ##                 sock.connect(dest)
 ##             except select.error, e:
@@ -287,13 +287,13 @@
             val = normalizeIP6(name)
             return (AF_INET6, val, time.time())
-        except ValueError, e:
+        except ValueError:
             return None
     elif name and name[0].isdigit():
             val = normalizeIP4(name)
             return (AF_INET, val, time.time())
-        except ValueError, e:
+        except ValueError:
             return None
         return None

Index: Packet.py
RCS file: /home/minion/cvsroot/src/minion/lib/mixminion/Packet.py,v
retrieving revision 1.64
retrieving revision 1.65
diff -u -d -r1.64 -r1.65
--- Packet.py	10 Nov 2003 04:12:20 -0000	1.64
+++ Packet.py	19 Nov 2003 09:48:09 -0000	1.65
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
    Functions, classes, and constants to parse and unparse Mixminion
-   messages and related structures.
+   messages, packets, and related structures.
    For functions that handle client-side generation and decoding of
    packets, see BuildMessage.py.  For functions that handle
@@ -49,12 +49,12 @@
 # Major and minor number for the understood packet format.
-# Length of a Mixminion message
-MESSAGE_LEN = 1 << 15
+# Length of a Mixminion packet
+PACKET_LEN = 1 << 15
 # Length of a header section
 HEADER_LEN  = 128 * 16
 # Length of a single payload
 # Bytes taken up by OAEP padding in RSA-encrypted data
@@ -79,10 +79,10 @@
 # Values for the 'Routing type' subheader field
 # Mixminion types
-DROP_TYPE          = 0x0000     # Drop the current message
-FWD_IPV4_TYPE      = 0x0001 # Forward the msg to an IPV4 addr via MMTP
+DROP_TYPE          = 0x0000 # Drop the packet
+FWD_IPV4_TYPE      = 0x0001 # Forward the packet to an IPV4 addr via MMTP
 SWAP_FWD_IPV4_TYPE = 0x0002 # SWAP, then FWD_IPV4
-FWD_HOST_TYPE      = 0x0003 # Forward the msg to a hostname, via MMTP.
+FWD_HOST_TYPE      = 0x0003 # Forward the pkt to a hostname, via MMTP.
 # Exit types
@@ -112,8 +112,8 @@
 def parsePacket(s):
     """Given a 32K string, returns a Packet object that breaks it into
        two headers and a payload."""
-    if len(s) != MESSAGE_LEN:
-        raise ParseError("Bad message length")
+    if len(s) != PACKET_LEN:
+        raise ParseError("Bad packet length")
     return Packet(s[:HEADER_LEN],
@@ -124,13 +124,13 @@
        Fields: header1, header2, payload"""
     def __init__(self, header1, header2, payload):
-        """Create a new Message object from three strings."""
+        """Create a new Packet object from three strings."""
         self.header1 = header1
         self.header2 = header2
         self.payload = payload
     def pack(self):
-        """Return the 32K string value of this message."""
+        """Return the 32K string value of this packet."""
         return "".join([self.header1,self.header2,self.payload])
 def parseHeader(s):
@@ -532,15 +532,18 @@
         self.encryptionKey = key
     def format(self):
+        from mixminion.ServerInfo import displayServer
         hash = binascii.b2a_hex(sha1(self.pack()))
         expiry = formatTime(self.timestamp)
         if self.routingType == SWAP_FWD_IPV4_TYPE:
-            server = parseIPV4Info(self.routingInfo).format()
+            routing = parseIPV4Info(self.routingInfo)
+        elif self.routingType == SWAP_FWD_HOST_TYPE:
+            routing = parseMMTPHostInfo(self.routingInfo)
-            server = "????"
+            routing = None
         return """Reply block hash: %s
 Expires at: %s GMT
-First server is: %s""" % (hash, expiry, server)
+First server is: %s""" % (hash, expiry, displayServer(routing))
     def pack(self):
         """Returns the external representation of this reply block"""

Index: ServerInfo.py
RCS file: /home/minion/cvsroot/src/minion/lib/mixminion/ServerInfo.py,v
retrieving revision 1.61
retrieving revision 1.62
diff -u -d -r1.61 -r1.62
--- ServerInfo.py	10 Nov 2003 04:12:20 -0000	1.61
+++ ServerInfo.py	19 Nov 2003 09:48:09 -0000	1.62
@@ -8,10 +8,11 @@
-__all__ = [ 'ServerInfo', 'ServerDirectory' ]
+__all__ = [ 'ServerInfo', 'ServerDirectory', 'displayServer' ]
 import re
 import time
+import types
 import mixminion.Config
 import mixminion.Crypto
@@ -38,6 +39,48 @@
 PACKET_KEY_BYTES = 2048 >> 3
 # Length of MMTP key
 MMTP_KEY_BYTES = 1024 >> 3
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+def displayServer(s):
+    """DOCDOC"""
+    #XXXX006 unit tests are needed
+    if isinstance(s, types.StringType):
+        return s
+    elif isinstance(s, ServerInfo):
+        if s.getHostname():
+            addr = "%s:%s" % (s.getHostname(), s.getPort())
+        else:
+            addr = "%s:%s" % (s.getIP(), s.getPort())
+        nickname = "'%s'" % s.getNickname()
+    elif isinstance(s, (mixminion.Packet.IPV4Info,
+                       mixminion.Packet.MMTPHostInfo)):
+        nickname = getNicknameByKeyID(s.keyinfo)
+        if nickname:
+            nickname = "'%s'" % nickname
+        else:
+            nickname = 'server'
+        if isinstance(s, mixminion.Packet.IPV4Info):
+            addr = "%s:%s" % (s.ip, s.port)
+        else:
+            addr = "%s:%s" % (s.hostname, s.port)
+    elif s is None:
+        return "unknown server"
+    else:
+        assert 0
+    return "%s at %s" % (nickname, addr)
+def getNicknameByKeyID(keyid):
+    """DOCDOC"""
+    if _keyIDToNicknameFn:
+        return _keyIDToNicknameFn(keyid)
+    else:
+        return None
+_keyIDToNicknameFn = None
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
 # tmp alias to make this easier to spell.
 C = mixminion.Config

Index: test.py
RCS file: /home/minion/cvsroot/src/minion/lib/mixminion/test.py,v
retrieving revision 1.164
retrieving revision 1.165
diff -u -d -r1.164 -r1.165
--- test.py	10 Nov 2003 04:12:20 -0000	1.164
+++ test.py	19 Nov 2003 09:48:10 -0000	1.165
@@ -2030,7 +2030,7 @@
         message = consMsg(secrets1, secrets2, h1, h2, pld)
-        self.assertEquals(len(message), mixminion.Packet.MESSAGE_LEN)
+        self.assertEquals(len(message), mixminion.Packet.PACKET_LEN)
         msg = mixminion.Packet.parsePacket(message)
         head1, head2, payload = msg.header1, msg.header2, msg.payload
         self.assert_(h1 == head1)
@@ -2057,7 +2057,7 @@
         ### Reply case
         message = consMsg(secrets1, None, h1, h2, pld)
-        self.assertEquals(len(message), mixminion.Packet.MESSAGE_LEN)
+        self.assertEquals(len(message), mixminion.Packet.PACKET_LEN)
         msg = mixminion.Packet.parsePacket(message)
         head1, head2, payload = msg.header1, msg.header2, msg.payload
         self.assert_(h1 == head1)
@@ -2550,7 +2550,7 @@
                     routinginfo: sequence of expected routinginfo, excl tags
                     payload: beginning of expected final payload."""
         for sp, rt, ri in zip(sps,routingtypes,routinginfo):
-            res = sp.processMessage(m)
+            res = sp.processPacket(m)
             self.assert_(isinstance(res, DeliveryPacket) or
                          isinstance(res, RelayedPacket))
             if rt in (FWD_IPV4_TYPE, SWAP_FWD_IPV4_TYPE):
@@ -2753,23 +2753,23 @@
         m = bfm(zPayload, MBOX_TYPE, "hello\000bye",
                 [self.server2, server1X, self.server3],
                 [server1X, self.server2, self.server3])
-        self.failUnlessRaises(ParseError, self.sp2.processMessage, m)
+        self.failUnlessRaises(ParseError, self.sp2.processPacket, m)
         # Duplicate messages need to fail.
         m = bfm(zPayload, SMTP_TYPE, "nobody@invalid",
                 [self.server1, self.server2], [self.server3])
-        self.sp1.processMessage(m)
-        self.failUnlessRaises(ContentError, self.sp1.processMessage, m)
+        self.sp1.processPacket(m)
+        self.failUnlessRaises(ContentError, self.sp1.processPacket, m)
         # Duplicate reply blocks need to fail
         reply,s,tag = brbi([self.server3], SMTP_TYPE, "fred@invalid")
         yPayload = BuildMessage.encodeMessage("Y",0)[0]
         m = brm(yPayload, [self.server2], reply)
         m2 = brm(yPayload, [self.server1], reply)
-        m = self.sp2.processMessage(m).getPacket()
-        self.sp3.processMessage(m)
-        m2 = self.sp1.processMessage(m2).getPacket()
-        self.failUnlessRaises(ContentError, self.sp3.processMessage, m2)
+        m = self.sp2.processPacket(m).getPacket()
+        self.sp3.processPacket(m)
+        m2 = self.sp1.processPacket(m2).getPacket()
+        self.failUnlessRaises(ContentError, self.sp3.processPacket, m2)
         # Even duplicate secrets need to go.
         prng = AESCounterPRNG(" "*16)
@@ -2778,29 +2778,29 @@
         reply2,s,t = brbi([self.server2], MBOX_TYPE, "foo",0,prng)
         m = brm(yPayload, [self.server3], reply1)
         m2 = brm(yPayload, [self.server3], reply2)
-        m = self.sp3.processMessage(m).getPacket()
-        self.sp1.processMessage(m)
-        m2 = self.sp3.processMessage(m2).getPacket()
-        self.failUnlessRaises(ContentError, self.sp2.processMessage, m2)
+        m = self.sp3.processPacket(m).getPacket()
+        self.sp1.processPacket(m)
+        m2 = self.sp3.processPacket(m2).getPacket()
+        self.failUnlessRaises(ContentError, self.sp2.processPacket, m2)
         # Drop gets dropped.
         m = bfm(zPayload, DROP_TYPE, "", [self.server2], [self.server2])
-        m = self.sp2.processMessage(m).getPacket()
-        res = self.sp2.processMessage(m)
+        m = self.sp2.processPacket(m).getPacket()
+        res = self.sp2.processPacket(m)
         # Wrong server.
         m = bfm(zPayload, DROP_TYPE, "", [self.server1], [self.server2])
-        self.failUnlessRaises(CryptoError, self.sp2.processMessage, m)
-        self.failUnlessRaises(CryptoError, self.sp2_3.processMessage, m)
+        self.failUnlessRaises(CryptoError, self.sp2.processPacket, m)
+        self.failUnlessRaises(CryptoError, self.sp2_3.processPacket, m)
         # Plain junk in header
         m_x = ("XY"*64)+m[128:]
-        self.failUnlessRaises(CryptoError, self.sp1.processMessage, m_x)
+        self.failUnlessRaises(CryptoError, self.sp1.processPacket, m_x)
         # Bad message length
         m_x = m+"Z"
-        self.failUnlessRaises(ParseError, self.sp1.processMessage, m_x)
+        self.failUnlessRaises(ParseError, self.sp1.processPacket, m_x)
         # Bad internal type
@@ -2813,43 +2813,43 @@
             m_x = bfm(zPayload, 500, "", [self.server1], [self.server2])
             SWAP_FWD_IPV4_TYPE = save
-        self.failUnlessRaises(ContentError, self.sp1.processMessage, m_x)
+        self.failUnlessRaises(ContentError, self.sp1.processPacket, m_x)
         # Subhead with bad length
         m_x = pk_encrypt("foo", self.pk1)+m[256:]
-        self.failUnlessRaises(ContentError, self.sp1.processMessage, m_x)
+        self.failUnlessRaises(ContentError, self.sp1.processPacket, m_x)
         # Subhead we can't parse.
         m_x = pk_encrypt("f"*(256-42), self.pk1)+m[256:]
-        self.failUnlessRaises(ContentError, self.sp1.processMessage, m_x)
+        self.failUnlessRaises(ContentError, self.sp1.processPacket, m_x)
         # Bad IPV4 info
         subh_real = pk_decrypt(m[:256], self.pk1)
         subh = parseSubheader(subh_real)
         subh.setRoutingInfo(subh.routinginfo + "X")
         m_x = pk_encrypt(subh.pack()+subh.underflow[:-1], self.pk1)+m[256:]
-        self.failUnlessRaises(ParseError, self.sp1.processMessage, m_x)
+        self.failUnlessRaises(ParseError, self.sp1.processPacket, m_x)
         # Bad Major or Minor
         subh = parseSubheader(subh_real)
         subh.major = 255
         m_x = pk_encrypt(subh.pack()+subh.underflow, self.pk1)+m[256:]
-        self.failUnlessRaises(ContentError, self.sp1.processMessage, m_x)
+        self.failUnlessRaises(ContentError, self.sp1.processPacket, m_x)
         # Bad digest
         subh = parseSubheader(subh_real)
         subh.digest = " "*20
         m_x = pk_encrypt(subh.pack()+subh.underflow, self.pk1)+m[256:]
-        self.failUnlessRaises(ContentError, self.sp1.processMessage, m_x)
+        self.failUnlessRaises(ContentError, self.sp1.processPacket, m_x)
         # Corrupt payload
         m = bfm(zPayload, MBOX_TYPE, "Z", [self.server1, self.server2],
         m_x = m[:-30] + " "*30
         assert len(m_x) == len(m)
-        m_x = self.sp1.processMessage(m_x).getPacket()
-        m_x = self.sp2.processMessage(m_x).getPacket()
-        self.failUnlessRaises(CryptoError, self.sp3.processMessage, m_x)
+        m_x = self.sp1.processPacket(m_x).getPacket()
+        m_x = self.sp2.processPacket(m_x).getPacket()
+        self.failUnlessRaises(CryptoError, self.sp3.processPacket, m_x)
@@ -3707,28 +3707,28 @@
     def _testBlockingTransmission(self):
-        server, listener, messagesIn, keyid = _getMMTPServer()
+        server, listener, packetsIn, keyid = _getMMTPServer()
         self.listener = listener
         self.server = server
-        messages = ["helloxxx"*4096, "helloyyy"*4096]
+        packets = ["helloxxx"*4096, "helloyyy"*4096]
         # Send m1, then junk, then renegotiate, then m2.
         routing = IPV4Info("", TEST_PORT, keyid)
         t = threading.Thread(None,
-                             mixminion.MMTPClient.sendMessages,
+                             mixminion.MMTPClient.sendPackets,
-                             [messages[0],"JUNK","RENEGOTIATE",messages[1]]))
+                             [packets[0],"JUNK","RENEGOTIATE",packets[1]]))
-        while len(messagesIn) < 2:
+        while len(packetsIn) < 2:
         for _ in xrange(3):
-        self.failUnless(messagesIn == messages)
+        self.failUnless(packetsIn == packets)
         self.assertEquals(1, server.nJunkPackets)
         # Now, with bad keyid.
@@ -3736,8 +3736,8 @@
         t = threading.Thread(None,
-                                   mixminion.MMTPClient.sendMessages,
-                                   routing, messages))
+                                   mixminion.MMTPClient.sendPackets,
+                                   routing, packets))
         while t.isAlive():
@@ -3773,7 +3773,7 @@
                 routing = IPV4Info("", TEST_PORT, "Z"*20)
-                mixminion.MMTPClient.sendMessages(routing, ["JUNK"],
+                mixminion.MMTPClient.sendPackets(routing, ["JUNK"],
                 timedout = 0
             except mixminion.MMTPClient.TimeoutError:
@@ -3787,14 +3787,14 @@
     def _testNonblockingTransmission(self):
-        server, listener, messagesIn, keyid = _getMMTPServer()
+        server, listener, packetsIn, keyid = _getMMTPServer()
         self.listener = listener
         self.server = server
         # Send m1, then junk, then renegotiate, then junk, then m2.
         tlscon = mixminion.server.MMTPServer.SimpleTLSConnection
-        messages = ["helloxxx"*4096, "helloyyy"*4096]
-        deliv = [FakeDeliverable(m) for m in messages]
+        packets = ["helloxxx"*4096, "helloyyy"*4096]
+        deliv = [FakeDeliverable(m) for m in packets]
         async = mixminion.server.MMTPServer.AsyncServer()
         clientcon = mixminion.server.MMTPServer.MMTPClientConnection(
            _getTLSContext(0), "", TEST_PORT, keyid,
@@ -3811,7 +3811,7 @@
         c = None
-        while len(messagesIn) < 2:
+        while len(packetsIn) < 2:
             if c is None and len(server.readers) > 1:
                 c = [ c for c in server.readers.values() if
                       isinstance(c, tlscon) ]
@@ -3821,8 +3821,8 @@
         endTime = time.time()
-        self.assertEquals(len(messagesIn), len(messages))
-        self.failUnless(messagesIn == messages)
+        self.assertEquals(len(packetsIn), len(packets))
+        self.failUnless(packetsIn == packets)
         self.failUnless(c is not None)
         self.failUnless(len(c) == 1)
         self.failUnless(startTime <= c[0].lastActivity <= endTime)
@@ -3831,7 +3831,7 @@
         # Again, with bad keyid.
-        deliv = [FakeDeliverable(m) for m in messages]
+        deliv = [FakeDeliverable(p) for p in packets]
         clientcon = mixminion.server.MMTPServer.MMTPClientConnection(
             _getTLSContext(0), "", TEST_PORT, "Z"*20,
             deliv[:], None)
@@ -3856,11 +3856,11 @@
     def _testTimeout(self):
-        server, listener, messagesIn, keyid = _getMMTPServer()
+        server, listener, packetsIn, keyid = _getMMTPServer()
         self.listener = listener
         self.server = server
-        # This function wraps MMTPClient.sendMessages, but catches exceptions.
+        # This function wraps MMTPClient.sendPackets but catches exceptions.
         # Since we're going to run this function in a thread, we pass the
         # exception back through a list argument.
         def sendSlowlyAndCaptureException(exlst, pausing, targetIP, targetPort,
@@ -3891,7 +3891,7 @@
         timedOut = 0 # flag: have we really timed out?
             suspendLog() # stop logging, but wait for the timeout message.
-            while len(messagesIn) < 2:
+            while len(packetsIn) < 2:
                 # If the number of connections changes around the call
                 # to tryTimeout, the timeout has occurred.
@@ -3907,7 +3907,7 @@
         # Did we log the timeout?
         self.assert_(stringContains(logMessage, "timed out"))
         # Was the one message we expected in fact transmitted?
-        self.assertEquals([messagesIn[0]], ["helloxxx"*4096])
+        self.assertEquals([packetsIn[0]], ["helloxxx"*4096])
         # Now stop the transmitting thread.  It will notice that its
         # connection has been forcibly closed.
@@ -3924,18 +3924,18 @@
     def _testRejected(self):
-        server, listener, messagesIn, keyid = _getMMTPServer(reject=1)
+        server, listener, packetsIn, keyid = _getMMTPServer(reject=1)
         self.listener = listener
         self.server = server
-        messages = ["helloxxx"*4096, "helloyyy"*4096]
-        # Send 2 messages -- both should be rejected.
+        packets = ["helloxxx"*4096, "helloyyy"*4096]
+        # Send 2 packets -- both should be rejected.
         routing = IPV4Info("", TEST_PORT, keyid)
-        def _t(routing=routing, messages=messages,ok=ok,done=done):
+        def _t(routing=routing, packets=packets, ok=ok, done=done):
-                mixminion.MMTPClient.sendMessages(routing,messages)
+                mixminion.MMTPClient.sendPackets(routing,packets)
             except mixminion.Common.MixProtocolReject:
                 ok[0] = 1
             done[0] = 1
@@ -3949,11 +3949,11 @@
-        self.failUnless(len(messagesIn) == 0)
+        self.failUnless(len(packetsIn) == 0)
         # Send m1, then junk, then renegotiate, then junk, then m2.
-        messages = ["helloxxx"*4096, "helloyyy"*4096]
-        deliv = [FakeDeliverable(m) for m in messages]
+        packets = ["helloxxx"*4096, "helloyyy"*4096]
+        deliv = [FakeDeliverable(p) for p in packets]
         async = mixminion.server.MMTPServer.AsyncServer()
         clientcon = mixminion.server.MMTPServer.MMTPClientConnection(
@@ -3971,7 +3971,7 @@
         while t.isAlive():
-        self.assertEquals(len(messagesIn), 0)
+        self.assertEquals(len(packetsIn), 0)
         self.assertEquals(deliv[0]._retriable, 1)
         self.assertEquals(deliv[1]._retriable, 1)
@@ -4388,11 +4388,18 @@
 Enabled = yes
 Allow: *
 Retry: every 1 hour for 1 day, every 1 day for 1 week
+MBOX_SEC = """
-Enabled: no
+Enabled: yes
+AddressFile: %s
+ReturnAddress: a@b.c
+RemoveContact: b@c.d
 Retry: every 1 hour for 1 day, every 1 day for 1 week
 Enabled yes
 MaximumSize: 100k
@@ -4459,9 +4466,45 @@
         eq(info['Delivery/MBOX'].get('Version'), None)
+        # Now add frag and mbox
+        af = mix_mktemp()
+        writeFile(af, "")
+        try:
+            suspendLog()
+            conf = mixminion.server.ServerConfig.ServerConfig(
+                string=(SERVER_CONFIG % mix_mktemp()+FRAGMENTED_SEC+
+                        (MBOX_SEC%af)))
+        finally:
+            resumeLog()
+        if not os.path.exists(d):
+            os.mkdir(d, 0700)
+        inf = generateServerDescriptorAndKeys(conf,
+                                              identity,
+                                              d,
+                                              "key2",
+                                              d)
+        info = mixminion.ServerInfo.ServerInfo(string=inf)
+        eq(info['Delivery/MBOX'].get('Version'), '0.1')
         eq(info['Delivery/Fragmented'].get('Version'), '0.1')
         eq(info['Delivery/Fragmented'].get('Maximum-Fragments'), 6)
+        # Test features
+        rfn = mixminion.Config.resolveFeatureName
+        SI = mixminion.ServerInfo.ServerInfo
+        self.assertEquals(rfn("softwarE",SI), ("Server", "Software"))
+        self.assertEquals(rfn("delivery/mbox:version",SI),
+                          ("Delivery/MBOX", "Version"))
+        self.assertEquals(rfn("caps",SI), ('-','caps'))
+        self.assertRaises(UIError, rfn, "version", SI)
+        self.assertRaises(UIError, rfn, "versiojdkasldj", SI)
+        self.assertRaises(UIError, rfn, "Server:foob", SI)
+        self.assertRaises(UIError, rfn, "Beep:version", SI)
+        self.assertEquals(info.getFeature("Server", "Packet-Key"),
+                          "<public key>")
+        self.assertEquals(info.getFeature("Incoming/MMTP", "Port"), "48099")
+        self.assertEquals(info.getFeature("-", "caps"), "mbox relay frag")
         # Check the more complex helpers.
@@ -4503,7 +4546,7 @@
         self.assert_(not info.isNewerThan(time.time()+60))
-        self.assertUnorderedEq(info.getCaps(), ["relay", "frag"])
+        self.assertUnorderedEq(info.getCaps(), ["frag", "relay", "mbox"])
         self.assertEquals(info.getIncomingMMTPProtocols(), ["0.3"])
         self.assertEquals(info.getOutgoingMMTPProtocols(), ["0.3"])
@@ -4528,9 +4571,9 @@
         self.assert_(stringContains(s,"Unrecognized key Unexpected-Key on line"))
         # Now make sure everything was saved properly
-        keydir = os.path.join(d, "key_key1")
+        keydir = os.path.join(d, "key_key2")
         eq(inf, readFile(os.path.join(keydir, "ServerDesc")))
-        mixminion.server.ServerKeys.ServerKeyset(d, "key1", d) # Can we load?
+        mixminion.server.ServerKeys.ServerKeyset(d, "key2", d) # Can we load?
         packetKey = Crypto.pk_PEM_load(
             os.path.join(keydir, "mix.key"))
@@ -4681,6 +4724,7 @@
         eq(info3['Incoming/MMTP']['IP'], "")
     def test_directory(self):
         eq = self.assertEquals
         examples = getExampleServerDescriptors()
@@ -5891,6 +5935,7 @@
             DELAY = 0.2
+            LATENCY = 1.0
             overrideDNS({'foo'    : '',
                          'bar'    : '18:0FFF::4:1',
                          'baz.com': ''},
@@ -5912,14 +5957,14 @@
                               (socket.AF_INET, ''))
                               (mixminion.NetUtils.AF_INET6, '18:0FFF::4:1'))
-            self.assertFloatEq(receiveDict['foo'][2]-start, DELAY, .3)
-            self.assertFloatEq(receiveDict['bar'][2]-start, DELAY, .3)
+            self.assert_(DELAY <= receiveDict['foo'][2]-start <= DELAY+LATENCY)
+            self.assert_(DELAY <= receiveDict['bar'][2]-start <= DELAY+LATENCY)
             self.assertEquals(receiveDict['nowhere.noplace'][0], "NOENT")
                               (socket.AF_INET, ''))
-            self.assertFloatEq(receiveDict['baz.com'][2]-start, DELAY*1.25, .3)
+            self.assert_(DELAY*1.25 <= receiveDict['baz.com'][2]-start <= DELAY*1.24 + LATENCY)
             self.assertEquals(cache.getNonblocking('foo'), None)
@@ -6155,7 +6200,7 @@
-        # Test LazyEncryptedPickle
+        # Test LazyEncryptedStore
         class DummyPasswordManager(CU.PasswordManager):
             def __init__(self,d):
@@ -6167,8 +6212,8 @@
         f3 = os.path.join(d, "Baz")
         dpm = DummyPasswordManager({"Password1" : "p1"})
-        lep = CU.LazyEncryptedPickled(f3, dpm, "Password1", "Q:", "N:",
-                                     "magic0", lambda: "x"*3)
+        lep = CU.LazyEncryptedStore(f3, dpm, "Password1", "Q:", "N:",
+                                    "magic0", lambda: "x"*3)
         # Don't create.
         self.assert_(not lep.isLoaded())
@@ -6178,7 +6223,7 @@
         self.assertEquals("x"*3, lep.get())
         self.assertEquals("x"*3, CU.readEncryptedPickled(f3,"p1","magic0"))
-        lep = CU.LazyEncryptedPickled(f3, dpm, "Password1", "Q:", "N:",
+        lep = CU.LazyEncryptedStore(f3, dpm, "Password1", "Q:", "N:",
                                      "magic0", lambda: "x"*3)
         self.assertEquals("x"*3, lep.get())
@@ -6269,16 +6314,8 @@
         ks = mixminion.ClientDirectory.ClientDirectory(dirname)
         ## Write the descriptors to disk.
+        impdirname = self.writeDescriptorsToDisk()
         edesc = getExampleServerDescriptors()
-        impdirname = mix_mktemp()
-        createPrivateDir(impdirname)
-        for server, descriptors in edesc.items():
-            for idx in xrange(len(descriptors)):
-                fname = os.path.join(impdirname, "%s%s" % (server,idx))
-                writeFile(fname, descriptors[idx])
-                f = gzip.GzipFile(fname+".gz", 'wb')
-                f.write(descriptors[idx])
-                f.close()
         ## Test empty keystore
         eq(None, ks.getServerInfo("Fred"))
@@ -6718,6 +6755,103 @@
         ks.clean(now=now+oneDay*500) # Should zap all of imported servers.
         raises(MixError, ks.getServerInfo, "Lola")
+    def testFeatureMaps(self):
+        from mixminion.ClientDirectory import compressFeatureMap
+        from mixminion.ClientDirectory import formatFeatureMap
+        d = self.writeDescriptorsToDisk()
+        direc = mixminion.ClientDirectory.ClientDirectory(mix_mktemp())
+        self.loadDirectory(direc, d)
+        edesc = getExampleServerDescriptors()
+        bob3 = mixminion.ServerInfo.ServerInfo(string=edesc['Bob'][3])
+        bob4 = mixminion.ServerInfo.ServerInfo(string=edesc['Bob'][4])
+        features1 = [ 'software' , 'caps', 'status' ]
+        # Simple tests for getFeatureMap
+        fm = direc.getFeatureMap(features1)
+        self.assertUnorderedEq(fm.keys(), ['Fred','Lola','Alice','Bob','Lisa'])
+        self.assertEquals(len(fm['Bob']), 2)
+        self.assertUnorderedEq(fm['Bob'].keys(),
+                               [(bob3['Server']['Valid-After'],
+                                 bob3['Server']['Valid-Until']),
+                                (bob4['Server']['Valid-After'],
+                                 bob4['Server']['Valid-Until'])])
+        self.assertEquals(fm['Bob'].values()[0],
+                          { 'software' : 'Mixminion %s' %mixminion.__version__,
+                            'caps' : 'relay',
+                            'status' : '(not recommended)' })
+        # Now let's try compressing.
+        fm = { 'Alice' : { (100,200) : { "A" : "xx", "B" : "yy" },
+                           (200,300) : { "A" : "xx", "B" : "yy" },
+                           (350,400) : { "A" : "xx", "B" : "yy" } },
+               'Bob'   : { (100,200) : { "A" : "zz", "B" : "ww" },
+                           (200,300) : { "A" : "zz", "B" : "kk" } } }
+        fm2 = compressFeatureMap(fm, ignoreGaps=0, terse=0)
+        self.assertEquals(fm2,
+            { 'Alice' : { (100,300) : { "A" : "xx", "B" : "yy" },
+                          (350,400) : { "A" : "xx", "B" : "yy" } },
+              'Bob'   : { (100,200) : { "A" : "zz", "B" : "ww" },
+                          (200,300) : { "A" : "zz", "B" : "kk" } } })
+        fm3 = compressFeatureMap(fm, ignoreGaps=1, terse=0)
+        self.assertEquals(fm3,
+            { 'Alice' : { (100,400) :  { "A" : "xx", "B" : "yy" } },
+              'Bob'   : { (100,200) : { "A" : "zz", "B" : "ww" },
+                          (200,300) : { "A" : "zz", "B" : "kk" } } })
+        fm4 = compressFeatureMap(fm, terse=1)
+        self.assertEquals(fm4,
+            { 'Alice' : { (100,400) : { "A" : "xx", "B" : "yy" } },
+              'Bob'   : { (100,300) : { "A" : "zz", "B" : "ww / kk" } } })
+        # Test formatFeatureMap.
+        self.assertEquals(formatFeatureMap(["A","B"],fm4,showTime=0,cascade=0),
+          [ "Alice:xx yy", "Bob:zz ww / kk" ])
+        self.assertEquals(formatFeatureMap(["A","B"],fm3,showTime=1,cascade=0),
+          [ "Alice:1970/01/01 to 1970/01/01:xx yy",
+            "Bob:1970/01/01 to 1970/01/01:zz ww",
+            "Bob:1970/01/01 to 1970/01/01:zz kk" ])
+        day1 = 24*60*60
+        day2 = 2*24*60*60
+        day3 = 3*24*60*60
+        fmx = { 'Alice' : { (day1,day3)  : { "A" : "aa", "B" : "bb" } },
+                'Bob' : { (day1,day2) : { "A" : "a1", "B" : "b1" },
+                          (day2,day3) : { "A" : "a2", "B" : "b2" } } }
+        self.assertEquals(formatFeatureMap(["A","B"],fmx,cascade=1,sep="##"),
+          [ "Alice:", "  [1970/01/02 to 1970/01/04] aa##bb",
+            "Bob:",
+            "  [1970/01/02 to 1970/01/03] a1##b1",
+            "  [1970/01/03 to 1970/01/04] a2##b2" ])
+        self.assertEquals(formatFeatureMap(["A","B"],fmx,showTime=1,cascade=2),
+          [ "Alice:", "  [1970/01/02 to 1970/01/04]", "    A:aa", "    B:bb",
+            "Bob:",
+            "  [1970/01/02 to 1970/01/03]", "    A:a1", "    B:b1",
+            "  [1970/01/03 to 1970/01/04]", "    A:a2", "    B:b2" ])
+    def writeDescriptorsToDisk(self):
+        edesc = getExampleServerDescriptors()
+        d = mix_mktemp()
+        createPrivateDir(d)
+        for server, descs in edesc.items():
+            for idx in xrange(len(descs)):
+                fname = os.path.join(d, "%s%s"%(server,idx))
+                writeFile(fname, descs[idx])
+                f = gzip.GzipFile(fname+".gz", 'wb')
+                f.write(descs[idx])
+                f.close()
+        return d
+    def loadDirectory(self, direc, d, now=None):
+        identity = getRSAKey(0,2048)
+        fingerprint = Crypto.pk_fingerprint(identity)
+        fname = getDirectory(
+            [os.path.join(d, s) for s in
+             ("Fred1", "Fred2", "Lola2", "Alice0", "Alice1",
+              "Bob3", "Bob4", "Lisa1", "Lisa2") ], identity)
+        mixminion.ClientDirectory.MIXMINION_DIRECTORY_URL = fileURL(fname)
+        mixminion.ClientDirectory.MIXMINION_DIRECTORY_FINGERPRINT = fingerprint
+        direc.updateDirectory(now=now)
     def assertSameSD(self, s1, s2):
@@ -6759,8 +6893,9 @@
         parseEq("drop", DROP_TYPE, "", None)
         parseEq("test:foobar", 0xFFFE, "foobar", None)
         parseEq("test", 0xFFFE, "", None)
-        parseEq("0x999:zymurgy", 0x999, "zymurgy", None)
-        parseEq("0x999:", 0x999, "", None)
+        parseEq("0x0999:zymurgy", 0x999, "zymurgy", None)
+        parseEq("0x0999", 0x999, "", None)
+        parseEq("0x0999:", 0x999, "", None)
         def parseFails(s, f=self.failUnlessRaises):
             f(ParseError, mixminion.ClientDirectory.parseAddress, s)
@@ -6778,7 +6913,9 @@
         parseFails(":oom") # Missing module
         parseFails("0xZZ:zymurgy") # Bad hex literal
         parseFails("0xZZ") # Bad hex literal, no data.
-        parseFails("0x9999") # No data
+        parseFails("0x999")
+        parseFails("0x99999")
+        parseFails("0x9999z")
         parseFails("0xFEEEF:zymurgy") # Hex literal out of range
@@ -6848,7 +6985,7 @@
         pathSpec1 = parsePath(usercfg, "lola,joe:alice,joe")
-        ##  Test generateForwardMessage.
+        ##  Test generateForwardPacket.
         # We replace 'buildForwardPacket' to make this easier to test.
         replaceFunction(mixminion.BuildMessage, "buildForwardPacket",
                         lambda *a, **k:"X")
@@ -6862,13 +6999,13 @@
-                payload, time.time(), time.time()+200)
+                payload, 0, time.time(), time.time()+200)
                 "Hey Joe, where you goin' with that gun in your hand?",
-                time.time(), time.time()+200)
+                0, time.time(), time.time()+200)
             for fn, args, kwargs in getCalls():
                 self.assertEquals(fn, "buildForwardPacket")
@@ -6885,14 +7022,13 @@
                 parsePath(usercfg, "lola,joe:alice,lola"),
-                payload, time.time(), time.time()+200)
+                payload, 0, time.time(), time.time()+200)
             # And an mbox message with a last hop implicit in the address
                 parsePath(usercfg, "Lola,Joe:Alice"),
-                payload, time.time(), time.time()+200)
+                payload, 0, time.time(), time.time()+200)
             for fn, args, kwargs in getCalls():
                 self.assertEquals(fn, "buildForwardPacket")
@@ -6908,13 +7044,13 @@
-        ### Now try some failing cases for generateForwardMessage:
+        ### Now try some failing cases for generateForwardPackets
         # Temporarily replace BlockingClientConnection so we can try the client
         # without hitting the network.
         class FakeBCC:
-            def __init__(self, family, addr, port, keyid):
+            def __init__(self, family, addr, port, keyid, serverName=None):
                 global BCC_INSTANCE
                 BCC_INSTANCE = self
                 self.family = family
@@ -7171,7 +7307,7 @@
     tc = loader.loadTestsFromTestCase
     if 0:
-        suite.addTest(tc(PacketTests))
+        suite.addTest(tc(ServerInfoTests))
         return suite
     testClasses = [MiscTests,
@@ -7214,7 +7350,7 @@
     if os.environ.get("MM_COVERAGE"):
-        allmods = [ mod for name, mod in sys.modules.items() 
+        allmods = [ mod for name, mod in sys.modules.items()
                     if (mod is not None and 
                         name.startswith("mixminion") and
                         name != 'mixminion._minionlib') ]