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[minion-cvs] Refactor and reformat key rings; other bugfixes and UI ...

Update of /home/minion/cvsroot/src/minion/lib/mixminion
In directory moria.mit.edu:/tmp/cvs-serv23020/lib/mixminion

Modified Files:
	BuildMessage.py ClientDirectory.py ClientMain.py 
	ClientUtils.py test.py 
Log Message:
Refactor and reformat key rings; other bugfixes and UI improvements;
add tests.

  - Remove lots of dead code; change userKeys format to allow SURB key

  - Don't check message side when delivering fragments to the recipients.

  - Refactor ClientKeyring to use new Keyring class in ClientUtil.
  - Debug and name --deliver-fragments
  - Let users know when we're creating a configuration file for them.
  - Refactor inspectQueue so that all CLI-specific stuff happens in ClientMain

  - Completely change keyring format to match specification
     - Say 'passphrase' instead of 'password'
     - Since keyrings are the only users of our 'encryptedFoo' functionality,
       don't export anything besides a Keyring class.
     - Document everything and add support for backward compatibility
     - Add SURB key rotation.
  - Refactor inspectQueue so that all CLI-specific stuff happens in ClientMain

  - Remove a few long-dead tests.
  - Check new nickname restrictions
  - Test new keyring formats and behavior.


Index: BuildMessage.py
RCS file: /home/minion/cvsroot/src/minion/lib/mixminion/BuildMessage.py,v
retrieving revision 1.61
retrieving revision 1.62
diff -u -d -r1.61 -r1.62
--- BuildMessage.py	10 Nov 2003 04:12:20 -0000	1.61
+++ BuildMessage.py	20 Nov 2003 08:51:27 -0000	1.62
@@ -340,16 +340,18 @@
            key: an RSA key to decode encrypted forward messages, or None
            userKeys: a map from identity names to keys for reply blocks,
-                or None.
+                or None. DOCDOC : prefer list of (name,key)
        If we can successfully decrypt the payload, we return it.  If we
        might be able to decrypt the payload given more/different keys,
        we return None.  If the payload is corrupt, we raise MixError.
     if userKeys is None:
-        userKeys = {}
+        userKeys = []
     elif type(userKeys) is types.StringType:
-        userKeys = { "" : userKeys }
+        userKeys = [ ("", userKeys) ]
+    elif type(userKeys) is types.DictType:
+        userKeys = userKeys.items()
     if len(payload) != PAYLOAD_LEN:
         raise MixError("Wrong payload length")
@@ -368,16 +370,15 @@
     # If H(tag|userKey|"Validate") ends with 0, then the message _might_
     # be a reply message using H(tag|userKey|"Generate") as the seed for
     # its master secrets.  (There's a 1-in-256 chance that it isn't.)
-    if userKeys:
-        for name,userKey in userKeys.items():
-            if Crypto.sha1(tag+userKey+"Validate")[-1] == '\x00':
-                try:
-                    p = _decodeStatelessReplyPayload(payload, tag, userKey)
-                    if name:
-                        LOG.info("Decoded reply message to identity %r", name)
-                    return p
-                except MixError:
-                    pass
+    for name,userKey in userKeys:
+        if Crypto.sha1(tag+userKey+"Validate")[-1] == '\x00':
+            try:
+                p = _decodeStatelessReplyPayload(payload, tag, userKey)
+                if name:
+                    LOG.info("Decoded reply message to identity %r", name)
+                return p
+            except MixError:
+                pass
     # If we have an RSA key, and none of the above steps get us a good
     # payload, then we may as well try to decrypt the start of tag+key with

Index: ClientDirectory.py
RCS file: /home/minion/cvsroot/src/minion/lib/mixminion/ClientDirectory.py,v
retrieving revision 1.15
retrieving revision 1.16
diff -u -d -r1.15 -r1.16
--- ClientDirectory.py	19 Nov 2003 09:48:09 -0000	1.15
+++ ClientDirectory.py	20 Nov 2003 08:51:27 -0000	1.16
@@ -1036,6 +1036,8 @@
                 sware.startswith("Mixminion 0.0.5alpha1")):
                 raise UIError("Server %s is running old software that doesn't support exit headers.", nickname)
+        exitKB = ceilDiv(self.exitSize, 1024)
         if self.isSSFragmented:
             dfsec = desc['Delivery/Fragmented']
             if not dfsec.get("Version"):
@@ -1044,24 +1046,31 @@
             if self.nFragments > dfsec.get("Maximum-Fragments",0):
                 raise UIError("Too many fragments for server %s to reassemble."
+        else:
+            # If we're not asking the server to defrag, we only need 32K
+            if exitKB > 32:
+                exitKB = 32
+        needFrom = self.headers.has_key("FROM")
         if self.exitType in ('smtp', SMTP_TYPE):
             ssec = desc['Delivery/SMTP']
             if not ssec.get("Version"):
                 raise UIError("Server %s doesn't support SMTP"%nickname)
-            if self.headers.has_key("FROM") and not ssec['Allow-From']:
+            if needFrom and not ssec['Allow-From']:
                 raise UIError("Server %s doesn't support user-supplied From"%
-            if floorDiv(self.exitSize,1024) > ssec['Maximum-Size']:
+            if exitKB > ssec['Maximum-Size']:
                 raise UIError("Message to long for server %s to deliver."%
         elif self.exitType in ('mbox', MBOX_TYPE):
             msec = desc['Delivery/MBOX']
             if not msec.get("Version"):
                 raise UIError("Server %s doesn't support MBOX"%nickname)
-            if self.headers.has_key("FROM") and not msec['Allow-From']:
+            if needFrom and not msec['Allow-From']:
                 raise UIError("Server %s doesn't support user-supplied From"%
-            if floorDiv(self.exitSize,1024) > msec['Maximum-Size']:
+            if exitKB > msec['Maximum-Size']:
                 raise UIError("Message to long for server %s to deliver."%
         elif self.exitType in ('drop', DROP_TYPE):

Index: ClientMain.py
RCS file: /home/minion/cvsroot/src/minion/lib/mixminion/ClientMain.py,v
retrieving revision 1.130
retrieving revision 1.131
diff -u -d -r1.130 -r1.131
--- ClientMain.py	19 Nov 2003 09:48:09 -0000	1.130
+++ ClientMain.py	20 Nov 2003 08:51:27 -0000	1.131
@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@
 from mixminion.Common import LOG, Lockfile, LockfileLocked, MixError, \
      MixFatalError, MixProtocolBadAuth, MixProtocolError, UIError, \
      UsageError, createPrivateDir, isPrintingAscii, isSMTPMailbox, readFile, \
-     stringContains, succeedingMidnight, writeFile, previousMidnight
+     stringContains, succeedingMidnight, writeFile, previousMidnight, floorDiv
 from mixminion.Packet import encodeMailHeaders, ParseError, parseMBOXInfo, \
      parseReplyBlocks, parseSMTPInfo, parseTextEncodedMessages, \
      parseTextReplyBlocks, ReplyBlock, MBOX_TYPE, SMTP_TYPE, DROP_TYPE, \
@@ -63,26 +63,29 @@
     # XXXX Most of this class should go into ClientUtils?
     # XXXX006 Are the error messages here still reasonable?
+    # DOCDOC -- very changed.
+    KEY_LIFETIME = 3*30*24*60*60
+    MIN_KEY_LIFETIME_TO_USE = 30*24*60*60
     def __init__(self, keyDir, passwordManager=None):
         if passwordManager is None:
             passwordManager = mixminion.ClientUtils.CLIPasswordManager()
-        fn = os.path.join(keyDir, "keyring")
-        self.keyring = mixminion.ClientUtils.LazyEncryptedStore(
-            fn, passwordManager, pwdName="ClientKeyring",
-            queryPrompt="Enter password for keyring:",
-            newPrompt="Entrer new keyring password:",
-            magic="KEYRING1",
-            initFn=lambda:{})
+        obsoleteFn = os.path.join(keyDir, "keyring")
+        if os.path.exists(obsoleteFn):
+            LOG.warn("Ignoring obsolete keyring stored in %r",obsoleteFn)
+        fn = os.path.join(keyDir, "keyring.txt")
+        self.keyring = mixminion.ClientUtils.Keyring(fn, passwordManager)
-    def _getKey(self, keyid, create=0, createFn=None, password=None):
+    def getSURBKey(self, name="", create=0, password=None):
         """Helper function. Return a key for a given keyid.
            keyid -- the name of the key.
            create -- If true, create a new key if none is found.
            createFn -- a callback to return a new key.
            password -- Optionally, a password for the keyring.
+           DOCDOC
         if not self.keyring.isLoaded():
@@ -92,42 +95,33 @@
                 return None
             if not self.keyring.isLoaded():
                 return None
-            return self.keyring.get()[keyid]
-        except KeyError:
-            if not create:
+            key = self.keyring.getNewestSURBKey(
+                name,minLifetime=self.MIN_KEY_LIFETIME_TO_USE)
+            if key:
+                return key
+            elif not create:
                 return None
-                LOG.info("Creating new key for identity %r", keyid)
-                key = createFn()
-                self.keyring.get()[keyid] = key
+                # No key, we're allowed to create.
+                LOG.info("Creating new key for identity %r", name)
+                return self.keyring.newSURBKey(name,
+                                               time.time()+self.KEY_LIFETIME)
+        finally:
+            if self.keyring.isDirty():
-                return key
-    def getSURBKey(self, name="", create=0, password=None):
-        """Return the key for a given SURB identity."""
-        k = self._getKey("SURB-"+name,
-                        create=create, 
-                         createFn=lambda: mixminion.Crypto.trng(20),
-                        password=password)
-        if k is not None and len(k) != 20:
-            raise MixError("Bad length on SURB key")
-        return k
-    def getSURBKeys(self, name="", password=None):
-        """Return the keys for _all_ SURB identities as a map from
-           name to key."""
+    def getSURBKeys(self, password=None):
+        """Return the keys for _all_ SURB identities as a list of
+           (name,key) tuples."""
         except mixminion.ClientUtils.BadPassword:
             LOG.error("Incorrect password")
-        if not self.keyring.isLoaded(): return {}
-        r = {}
-        d = self.keyring.get()
-        for k,v in d.items():
-            if k.startswith("SURB-"):
-                r[k[5:]] = v
-        return r
+        if not self.keyring.isLoaded(): return []
+        if self.keyring.isDirty(): self.keyring.save()
+        return self.keyring.getAllSURBKeys()
 def installDefaultConfig(fname):
     """Create a default, 'fail-safe' configuration in a given file"""
@@ -306,7 +300,7 @@
             payloads = mixminion.BuildMessage.encodeMessage(message, 0,
             if len(payloads) > 1:
-                address.setFragmented(not noSSFragmented, len(payloads))
+                address.setFragmented(not noSSFragments, len(payloads))
@@ -597,6 +591,7 @@
     configFile = os.path.expanduser(configFile)
     if not os.path.exists(configFile):
+        print >>sys.stderr,"Writing default configuration file to %r"%configFile
@@ -994,7 +989,8 @@
              ["help", "verbose", "config=", "download-directory=",
               "to=", "hops=", "path=", "reply-block=",
               "input=", "queue", "no-queue",
-              "subject=", "from=", "in-reply-to=", "references=", ])
+              "subject=", "from=", "in-reply-to=", "references=",
+              "deliver-fragments" ])
     if not options:
@@ -1013,7 +1009,7 @@
             h_irt = val
         elif opt == '--references':
             h_references = val
-        elif opt == '?????????':
+        elif opt == '--deliver-fragments':
             no_ss_fragment = 1
     if args:
@@ -1101,7 +1097,7 @@
             parser.directory, parser.exitAddress, parser.pathSpec,
             message, parser.startAt, parser.endAt, forceQueue, forceNoQueue,
-            no_ss_fragment)
+            forceNoServerSideFragments=no_ss_fragment)
 _PING_USAGE = """\
 Usage: mixminion ping [options] serverName
@@ -1665,6 +1661,21 @@
-        client.queue.inspectQueue()
+        res = client.queue.inspectQueue()
+    if not res:
+        print "(No packets in queue)"
+        return
+    res_items = [ (displayServer(ri),count,date)
+                  for ri,(count,date) in res.items() ]
+    res_items.sort()
+    now = time.time()
+    for server, count, date in res_items:
+        days = floorDiv(now-date, 24*60*60)
+        if days < 1:
+            days = "<1"
+        print "%2d packets for %s (oldest is %s days old)"%(
+            count, server, days)

Index: ClientUtils.py
RCS file: /home/minion/cvsroot/src/minion/lib/mixminion/ClientUtils.py,v
retrieving revision 1.9
retrieving revision 1.10
diff -u -d -r1.9 -r1.10
--- ClientUtils.py	19 Nov 2003 09:48:09 -0000	1.9
+++ ClientUtils.py	20 Nov 2003 08:51:28 -0000	1.10
@@ -16,12 +16,15 @@
 import os
 import sys
 import time
+import struct
-import mixminion.Crypto
 import mixminion.Filestore
-from mixminion.Common import LOG, MixError, UIError, createPrivateDir, \
-     floorDiv, previousMidnight, readFile, writeFile
+from mixminion.Common import LOG, MixError, UIError, ceilDiv, \
+     createPrivateDir, floorDiv, previousMidnight, readFile, \
+     succeedingMidnight, writeFile, armorText, unarmorText
+from mixminion.Crypto import sha1, ctr_crypt, DIGEST_LEN, AES_KEY_LEN, \
+     getCommonPRNG, trng
 from mixminion.ServerInfo import displayServer
@@ -123,7 +126,7 @@
 def getNewPassword_term(prompt):
     """Read a new password from the console, then return it."""
-    s2 = "Verify password:".rjust(len(prompt))
+    s2 = "Verify passphrase:".rjust(len(prompt))
     if os.isatty(sys.stdout.fileno()):
         f = sys.stdout
@@ -133,70 +136,96 @@
         p2 = getPassword_term(s2)
         if p1 == p2:
             return p1
-        f.write("Passwords do not match.\n")
+        f.write("Passphrases do not match.\n")
 # Functions to save and load data do disk in password-encrypted files.
-# The file format is:
-#     variable      [File-specific magic, used to make sure we have an
-#                    encrypted file.]
-#     8 bytes       [Random salt.]
-#     variable      [AES-CTR Encrypted data:
-#                             key is sha1(salt+password+salt),
-#                             value is data+sha1(data+salt+magic)]
-# Note that this format does not conceal the length of the data.
+# The file format is documented in E2E-spec.txt.
-def readEncryptedFile(fname, password, magic):
+def _readEncryptedFile(fname, password, magicList):
     """Read encrypted data from the file named 'fname', using the password
-       'password' and checking for the filetype 'magic'.  Returns the 
-       plaintext file contents on success.  If the 
+       'password' and checking for a magic string contained in 'magicList'.
+       Returns the magic string and the plaintext file contents on success.
        If the file is corrupt or the password is wrong, raises BadPassword.
        If the magic is incorrect, raises ValueError.
-    s = readFile(fname, 1)
-    if not s.startswith(magic):
+    assert list(map(len, magicList)) == [8]*len(magicList)
+    text = readFile(fname)
+    r = unarmorText(text, ["TYPE III KEYRING"])
+    if len(r) != 1:
+        raise ValueError("Bad ascii armor on keyring")
+    tp, headers, s = r[0]
+    assert tp == "TYPE III KEYRING"
+    vers = [ v for k,v in headers if k == 'Version' ]
+    if not vers or vers[0] != '0.1':
+        raise ValueError("Unrecognized version on keyring")
+    if len(s) < MAGIC_LEN+1 or s[MAGIC_LEN] != '\x00':
+        raise ValueError("Unrecognized encryption format on %s"%fname)
+    if s[:MAGIC_LEN] not in magicList:
         raise ValueError("Invalid versioning on %s"%fname)
-    s = s[len(magic):]
+    magic = s[:8]
+    s = s[MAGIC_LEN+1:]
     if len(s) < 28:
-        raise MixError("File %s too short."%fname)
-    salt = s[:8]
-    s = s[8:]
-    key = mixminion.Crypto.sha1(salt+password+salt)[:16]
-    s = mixminion.Crypto.ctr_crypt(s, key)
-    data = s[:-20]
-    hash = s[-20:]
-    if hash != mixminion.Crypto.sha1(data+salt+magic):
+        raise MixError("File %s is too short."%fname)
+    salt = s[:SALT_LEN]
+    s = s[SALT_LEN:]
+    key = sha1(salt+password+salt)[:AES_KEY_LEN]
+    s = ctr_crypt(s, key)
+    data = s[:-DIGEST_LEN]
+    hash = s[-DIGEST_LEN:]
+    if hash != sha1(data+salt+magic):
         raise BadPassword()
-    return data
-def writeEncryptedFile(fname, password, magic, data):
+    # We've decrypted it; now let's extract the data from the padding.
+    if len(data) < 4:
+        raise MixError("File %s is too short"%fname)
+    length, = struct.unpack("!L", data[:4])
+    if len(data) < length+4:
+        raise MixError("File %s is too short"%fname)
+    return magic, data[4:4+length]
+def _writeEncryptedFile(fname, password, magic, data):
     """Write 'data' into an encrypted file named 'fname', replacing it
        if necessary.  Encrypts the data with the password 'password',
        and uses the filetype 'magic'."""
-    salt = mixminion.Crypto.getCommonPRNG().getBytes(8)
-    key = mixminion.Crypto.sha1(salt+password+salt)[:16]
-    hash = mixminion.Crypto.sha1("".join([data,salt,magic]))
-    encrypted = mixminion.Crypto.ctr_crypt(data+hash, key)
-    writeFile(fname, "".join([magic,salt,encrypted]), binary=1)
-def readEncryptedPickled(fname, password, magic):
-    """Read the pickled object stored in the encrypted file 'fname'. Arguments
-       are as for 'readEncryptedFile'."""
-    return cPickle.loads(readEncryptedFile(fname, password, magic))
-def writeEncryptedPickled(fname, password, magic, obj):
-    """Write 'obj' into encrypted file 'fname'. Arguments are as for
-       'writeEncryptedFile'."""
-    data = cPickle.dumps(obj, 1)
-    writeEncryptedFile(fname, password, magic, data)
+    assert len(magic) == MAGIC_LEN
+    prng = getCommonPRNG()
+    length = struct.pack("!L", len(data))
+    paddingLen = ceilDiv(len(data), 1024)*1024 - len(data)
+    padding = prng.getBytes(paddingLen)
+    data = "".join([length,data,padding])
+    salt = prng.getBytes(SALT_LEN)
+    key = sha1(salt+password+salt)[:AES_KEY_LEN]
+    hash = sha1("".join([data,salt,magic]))
+    encrypted = ctr_crypt(data+hash, key)
+    contents = "".join([magic,"\x00",salt,encrypted])
+    writeFile(fname, armorText(contents,
+                               "TYPE III KEYRING", [("Version","0.1")]))
-class LazyEncryptedStore:
+class _LazyEncryptedStore:
     """Wrapper for a file containing an encrypted object, to
        perform password querying and loading on demand."""
+    ## Fields:
+    # fname, pwdManager, pwdName, queryPrompt, newPrompt, initFn:
+    #    As documented in __init__.
+    # okMagic: A list of magic strings we're willing to accept on files
+    #    we're reading.
+    # bestMagic: The magic string we use on files we're writing.
+    # obsoleteMagic: A list of magic strings which we flag as "obsolete"
+    #    instead of "unrecongized" when giving error messages to the user.
+    # password: The cached password for this object
+    # object: The cached contents of this object, or None if this object
+    #    hasn't been loaded.
+    # loaded: Flag: has this object been loaded?
     def __init__(self, fname, pwdManager, pwdName, queryPrompt, newPrompt,
                  magic, initFn):
         """Create a new LazyEncryptedStore
@@ -213,24 +242,36 @@
         self.pwdName = pwdName
         self.queryPrompt = queryPrompt
         self.newPrompt = newPrompt
-        self.magic = magic
         self.object = None
         self.loaded = 0
         self.password = None
+        self.okMagic = [magic]
+        self.bestMagic = magic
+        assert len(magic) == MAGIC_LEN
         self.initFn = initFn
+        self.obsoleteMagic = [] 
     def load(self, create=0,password=None):
         """Try to load the encrypted file from disk.  If 'password' is
            not provided, query it from the password manager.  If the file
            does not exist, and 'create' is true, get a new password and
            create the file."""
         if self.loaded:
+            # No need to re-load an already-loaded object.
         elif os.path.exists(self.fname):
-            if not readFile(self.fname).startswith(self.magic):
-                raise MixError("Unrecognized versioning on file %s"%self.fname)
+            # Okay, the file is there. Snarf it from disk and try to give a
+            # good warning for its magic string.
+            contents = readFile(self.fname)
+##             if contents[:8] in self.obsoleteMagic:
+##                 raise MixError("Found an obsolete keyring at %r.  Remove this file to use SURBs with this version of Mixminion."%self.fname)
+##             if len(contents)<8 or contents[:8] not in self.okMagic:
+##                 raise MixError("Unrecognized versioning on file %s"%self.fname)
             # ... see if we can load it with no password ...
             if self._loadWithPassword(""):
+            # Nope; see if we can use a password we were given.
             if password is not None:
                 if not self.loaded:
@@ -240,6 +281,7 @@
                 self.pwdManager.getPassword(self.pwdName, self.queryPrompt,
         elif create:
+            # It isn't there, but we're allowed to create it.
             if password is not None:
                 self.password = password
@@ -250,42 +292,223 @@
     def _loadWithPassword(self, password):
         """Helper function: tries to load the file with a given password.
            If Successful, return 1. Else return 0."""
-            self.object = readEncryptedPickled(self.fname,password,self.magic)
+            m, val = _readEncryptedFile(self.fname,password, self.okMagic+self.obsoleteMagic)
+            if m in self.obsoleteMagic:
+                raise MixError("Found an obsolete keyring at %r.  Remove this file to use SURBs with this version of Mixminion."%self.fname)
+            self._decode(val, m)
             self.password = password
             self.loaded = 1
             return 1
         except MixError:
             return 0
     def isLoaded(self):
         """Return true iff this file has been successfully loaded."""
         return self.loaded
     def get(self):
         """Returns the contents of this file. The file must first have
            been loaded."""
         assert self.loaded
         return self.object
     def set(self, val):
         """Set the contents of this file.  Does not save the file to
         self.object = val
         self.loaded = 1
     def setPassword(self, pwd):
         """Set the password on this file."""
         self.password = pwd
         self.pwdManager.setPassword(self.pwdName, pwd)
     def save(self):
         """Flush the current contens of this file to disk."""
         assert self.loaded and self.password is not None
-        writeEncryptedPickled(self.fname, self.password, self.magic,
-                              self.object)
-    def _encode(self,obj):
-        return cPickle.dumps(obj,1)
-    def _decode(self,obj):
-        return cPickle.loads(obj,1)
+        _writeEncryptedFile(self.fname, self.password, self.bestMagic,
+                            self._encode())
+    def _encode(self):
+        """Helper function for subclasses to override: convert self.object to a
+           string for storage, and return the converted object."""
+        return cPickle.dumps(self.object, 1)
+    def _decode(self,val,magic):
+        """Helper function: given a decrypted string and magic string, sets
+           self.object to the corresponding decoded value."""
+        self.object = cPickle.loads(val)
+class _KeyringImpl:
+    """Helper class: serves as the value stored by Keyring.  Contains a bunch
+       of SURB keys and unrecognized key data, along with functions to
+       manipulate those SURB keys.
+       Uses the file format documented in appendix A.2 of E2E-spec.txt
+    """
+    ## Fields
+    # recognized: A list of (tp, val) tuples for every item in the keyring
+    #    whose type we recognize.
+    # unrecognized: A list of (tp, val) tuples for every item in the keyring
+    #    whose type we don't recognize.
+    # dirty: Boolean: does the state of this object match what we loaded
+    #    from disk?
+    # surbKeys: A map from lowercase keyid to a list of (expiry-time, secret)
+    #    for all of the SURB keys in the keyring.
+    SURB_KEY_TYPE = 0x00
+    def __init__(self, input="", now=None):
+        """Initialize this keyring representation from the encoded string
+           'input'.  If any keys are set to expire before 'now', delete them.
+        """
+        if now is None: now = time.time()
+        # Build lists of recongized and unrecognized items in 'input'.
+        self.unrecognized = []
+        rec = []
+        self.dirty = 0
+        while input:
+            if len(input) < 3:
+                raise MixError("Corrupt keyring: truncated entry.")
+            tp,length = struct.unpack("!BH", input[:3])
+            if len(input) < 3+length:
+                raise MixError("Corrupt keyring: truncated entry.")
+            val = input[3:3+length]
+            if tp == self.SURB_KEY_TYPE:
+                rec.append((tp,val))
+            else:
+                self.unrecognized.append((tp,val))
+            input = input[3+length:]
+        # Now, extract all the SURB keys from the keyring, and remove all
+        # expired SURB keys from self.recognized.
+        self.surbKeys = {}
+        self.recognized = []
+        for tp,val in rec:
+            if len(val) < 5 or '\0' not in val[4:]:
+                raise MixError("Truncated SURB key")
+            expiry, = struct.unpack("!L", val[:4])
+            if expiry < now:
+                self.dirty = 1
+            else:
+                self.recognized.append((tp,val))
+                val = val[4:]
+                identity = val[:val.index('\0')].lower()
+                secret = val[val.index('\0')+1:]
+                self.surbKeys.setdefault(identity,[]).append((expiry,secret))
+    def pack(self):
+        """Return a string representation of this keyring."""
+        items = self.recognized+self.unrecognized
+        # Scramble all the items, just to make sure that no broken
+        # implementations rely on their oreder.
+        getCommonPRNG().shuffle(items)
+        encoded = []
+        for tp, val in items:
+            encoded.append(struct.pack("!BH", tp, len(val)))
+            encoded.append(val)
+        return "".join(encoded)
+    def newSURBKey(self, identity, expiresAt, secretLen):
+        """See ClientUtils.Keyring.newSURBKey"""
+        assert '\0' not in identity
+        identity = identity.lower()
+        expires = succeedingMidnight(expiresAt)
+        secret = trng(secretLen)
+        encoded = "%s%s\0%s" % (struct.pack("!L", expires),identity,secret)
+        self.recognized.append((self.SURB_KEY_TYPE, encoded))
+        self.surbKeys.setdefault(identity, []).append((expires,secret))
+        self.dirty = 1
+        return secret
+    def getNewestSURBKey(self, identity, minLifetime, now=None):
+        """See ClientUtils.Keyring.getNewestSURBKey"""
+        identity = identity.lower()
+        if now is None:
+            now = time.time()
+        v = self.surbKeys.get(identity,[])
+        if not v:
+            return None
+        v.sort()
+        expires, secret = v[-1]
+        if expires < now+minLifetime:
+            return None
+        return secret
+    def getAllSURBKeys(self):
+        """See ClientUtils.Keyring.getAllSURBKeys"""
+        res = []
+        for identity, lst in self.surbKeys.items():
+            for _, secret in lst:
+                res.append((identity, secret))
+        return res
+class Keyring(_LazyEncryptedStore):
+    """Class to wrap a lazy-loaded file holding a bundle of SURB keys for
+       a client.  The format is as described in E2E-spec.txt, appendix A.2."""
+    def __init__(self, fname, pwdManager):
+        """Create a new LazyEncryptedStore
+              fname -- The name of the file to hold the encrypted object.
+              pwdManager -- A PasswordManager instance.
+        """
+        _LazyEncryptedStore.__init__(self,
+            fname, pwdManager, pwdName="ClientKeyring",
+            queryPrompt = "Enter passphrase for keyring:",
+            newPrompt = "Enter new passphrase for client keyring:",
+            magic = "KEYRING2",
+            initFn = _KeyringImpl)
+        self.obsoleteMagic = [ "KEYRING1" ]
+    def _encode(self):
+        return self.object.pack()
+    def _decode(self,val,magic):
+        assert magic == 'KEYRING2'
+        self.object = _KeyringImpl(val,now=self._now)
+    def newSURBKey(self, identity, expiresAt, secretLen=DIGEST_LEN):
+        """Generate a fresh SURB key for the identity 'identity',
+           set to expire on the time 'expiresAt', and returns the freshly
+           generated key.  Old keys are not replaced, and the new key
+           will not be saved until you call save() on this object.
+        """
+        return self.object.newSURBKey(identity,expiresAt,secretLen)
+    def getNewestSURBKey(self, identity, minLifetime=2*24*60*60, now=None):
+        """Return the SURB key for the identity 'identity' that has
+           the latest expiration date.  If no such key exists, or that
+           key would expire in less than 'minLifetime' seconds after
+           'now', return None.
+        """
+        return self.object.getNewestSURBKey(identity, minLifetime, now)
+    def getAllSURBKeys(self):
+        """Return a list of (identity,key) tuples for every SURK key in
+           this keyring.
+        """
+        return self.object.getAllSURBKeys()
+    def isDirty(self):
+        """Return true iff this keyring contains state the has not been
+           written to disk.
+        """
+        return self.object.dirty
+    def save(self):
+        _LazyEncryptedStore.save(self)
+        self.object.dirty = 0
+    def load(self, create=0, password=None, now=None):
+        """Try to load the encrypted keyring from disk.  If 'password' is
+           not provided, query it from the password manager.  If the file
+           does not exist, and 'create' is true, get a new password and
+           create the file.
+           If the keyring contains any expired keys, remove them.  (They
+           will not be removed from disk until this keyring is next
+           save()d.)
+        """
+        self._now = now
+        try:
+            _LazyEncryptedStore.load(self, create=create, password=password)
+        finally:
+            del self._now
 # ----------------------------------------------------------------------
@@ -314,9 +537,12 @@
     def findUnusedSURBs(self, surbList, nSURBs=1, verbose=0, now=None):
-        """Given a list of ReplyBlock objects, find the first that is neither
-           expired, about to expire, or used in the past.  Return None if
-           no such reply block exists. DOCDOC returns list, nSurbs"""
+        """Given a list of ReplyBlock objects, return a list of the first
+           'nSURBs' of them that neither are expired, are about to expire,
+           or have been used in the past.  If less than 'nSURBs' exist,
+           return as many as possible. If 'verbose' is true, log the status
+           of the SURBs considered.
+        """
         if now is None:
             now = time.time()
         nUsed = nExpired = nShortlived = 0
@@ -376,7 +602,7 @@
     def _encodeKey(self, surb):
-        return binascii.b2a_hex(mixminion.Crypto.sha1(surb.pack()))
+        return binascii.b2a_hex(sha1(surb.pack()))
     def _encodeVal(self, timestamp):
         return str(timestamp)
     def _decodeVal(self, timestamp):
@@ -482,15 +708,15 @@
         """Remove the packet named with the handle 'handle'."""
-    def inspectQueue(self, now=None):
-        """Print a message describing how many packets in the queue are headed
-           to which addresses."""
-        #XXXX006 refactor
-        if now is None:
-            now = time.time()
+    def inspectQueue(self):
+        """Return a dict from routinginfo to a tuple of: (n,t), where
+           n is the number of packets waiting for that routinginfo, and
+           t is the insertion-data of the oldest packet waiting for that
+           routinginfo.
+        """
         handles = self.getHandles()
         if not handles:
-            print "[Queue is empty.]"
+            return {}
         timesByServer = {}
@@ -500,14 +726,12 @@
             except mixminion.Filestore.CorruptedFile:
             timesByServer.setdefault(routing, []).append(when)
+        res = {}
         for s in timesByServer.keys():
             count = len(timesByServer[s])
             oldest = min(timesByServer[s])
-            days = floorDiv(now - oldest, 24*60*60)
-            if days < 1:
-                days = "<1"
-            print "%2d packets for %s (oldest is %s days old)"%(
-                count, displayServer(s), days)
+            res[s] = (count, oldest)
+        return res
     def cleanQueue(self, maxAge=None, now=None):
         """Remove all packets older than maxAge seconds from this queue."""

Index: test.py
RCS file: /home/minion/cvsroot/src/minion/lib/mixminion/test.py,v
retrieving revision 1.165
retrieving revision 1.166
diff -u -d -r1.165 -r1.166
--- test.py	19 Nov 2003 09:48:10 -0000	1.165
+++ test.py	20 Nov 2003 08:51:28 -0000	1.166
@@ -20,6 +20,7 @@
 import re
 import socket
 import stat
+import struct
 import sys
 import threading
 import time
@@ -1200,14 +1201,6 @@
             tot += v
-##      itot=ftot=0
-##      for i in xrange(1000000):
-##          itot += PRNG.getInt(10)
-##          ftot += PRNG.getFloat()
-##      print "AVG INT", itot/1000000.0
-##      print "AVG FLT", ftot/1000000.0
         for i in xrange(100):
             self.failUnless(0 <= PRNG.getFloat() < 1)
@@ -2416,16 +2409,6 @@
-##      # Stateful reply
-##      secrets = [ "Is that you, Des","troyer?Rinehart?" ]
-##      sdict = { 'tag1'*5 : secrets }
-##      ks = Keyset(secrets[1])
-##      m = lioness_decrypt(encoded1, ks.getLionessKeys(PAYLOAD_ENCRYPT_MODE))
-##      ks = Keyset(secrets[0])
-##      m = lioness_decrypt(m, ks.getLionessKeys(PAYLOAD_ENCRYPT_MODE))
-##      self.assertEquals(payload, BuildMessage._decodeReplyPayload(m,secrets))
-##      repl1 = m
         # Stateless reply
         tag = "To light my way out\xBE"
         passwd = "out I would have to burn every paper in the briefcase"
@@ -2449,19 +2432,16 @@
         decodePayload = BuildMessage.decodePayload
         # fwd
         for pk in (self.pk1, None):
-            ##for d in (sdict, None): # stateful replies disabled.
-                for p in (passwd, None):
-                    for tag in ("zzzz"*5, "pzzz"*5):
-                        self.assertPayloadDecodesTo(payload,
-                                                    encoded1, tag, pk, p)
+            for p in (passwd, None):
+                for tag in ("zzzz"*5, "pzzz"*5):
+                    self.assertPayloadDecodesTo(payload,
+                                                encoded1, tag, pk, p)
         # efwd
-        ##for d in (sdict, None): # stateful replies disabled
-        if 1:
-            for p in (passwd, None):
-                self.assertPayloadDecodesTo(payload, efwd_p, efwd_t, rsa1, p)
-                self.assertPayloadDecodesTo(None, efwd_p, efwd_t, None, p)
-                self.assertPayloadDecodesTo(None, efwd_p, efwd_t, self.pk2, p)
+        for p in (passwd, None):
+            self.assertPayloadDecodesTo(payload, efwd_p, efwd_t, rsa1, p)
+            self.assertPayloadDecodesTo(None, efwd_p, efwd_t, None, p)
+            self.assertPayloadDecodesTo(None, efwd_p, efwd_t, self.pk2, p)
         # Stateful replies are disabled.
@@ -4235,7 +4215,7 @@
         tm = C._parseTime("2001-12-25 06:15:10.623")
         self.assertEquals(time.gmtime(tm)[:6], (2001,12,25,6,15,10))
         # nicknames
-        self.assertEquals(C._parseNickname("Mrs.Premise"), "Mrs.Premise")
+        self.assertEquals(C._parseNickname("Mrs-Premise"), "Mrs-Premise")
         # Filenames
         self.assertEquals(C._parseFilename(" ab/c/d"), "ab/c/d")
         self.assertEquals(C._parseFilename("  ~/ab/c/d"),
@@ -4307,6 +4287,7 @@
         fails(C._parseDate, "2000-50-01 12:12:12.3")
         fails(C._parseTime, "2000/50/01 12:12:99")
         fails(C._parseNickname, "Mrs Premise")
+        fails(C._parseNickname, "-Mrs-Premise")
         fails(C._parseNickname, "../../../AllYourBase")
         fails(C._parseNickname, "Z"*129)
         fails(C._parseNickname, ""*129)
@@ -4371,7 +4352,7 @@
 EncryptPrivateKey: no
 Homedir: %s
 Mode: relay
-Nickname: The_Server
+Nickname: The-Server
 Contact-Email: a@b.c
 Comments: This is a test of the emergency
    broadcast system
@@ -4439,7 +4420,7 @@
         eq(info['Server']['Descriptor-Version'], "0.2")
         eq(info['Incoming/MMTP']['IP'], "")
         eq(info['Incoming/MMTP']['Hostname'], "Theserver")
-        eq(info['Server']['Nickname'], "The_Server")
+        eq(info['Server']['Nickname'], "The-Server")
         self.failUnless(0 <= time.time()-info['Server']['Published'] <= 120)
         self.failUnless(0 <= time.time()-info['Server']['Valid-After']
                           <= 24*60*60)
@@ -6167,38 +6148,44 @@
         d = mix_mktemp()
         f1 = os.path.join(d, "foo")
+        magic1 = "ABCDEFGH"
         # Test reading and writing.
-        CU.writeEncryptedFile(f1, password="x", magic="ABC", data="xyzzyxyzzy")
+        CU._writeEncryptedFile(f1,password="x",magic=magic1,data="xyzzyxyzzy")
         contents = readFile(f1)
-        self.assertEquals(contents[:3], "ABC")
-        salt = contents[3:11]
+        self.assert_(contents.startswith(
+            "-----BEGIN TYPE III KEYRING-----\n"
+            "Version: 0.1\n\n"))
+        self.assert_(contents.endswith(
+            "\n-----END TYPE III KEYRING-----\n"))
+        idx1 = contents.index("\n\n")+2
+        idx2 = contents.rindex("\n-----END TYPE")
+        contents = base64.decodestring(contents[idx1:idx2])
+        self.assertEquals(contents[:8], magic1)
+        self.assertEquals(contents[8], '\x00')
+        salt = contents[9:17]
         key = mixminion.Crypto.sha1(salt+"x"+salt)[:16]
-        decrypted = mixminion.Crypto.ctr_crypt(contents[11:], key)
-        self.assertEquals(decrypted, "xyzzyxyzzy"+mixminion.Crypto.sha1(
-            "xyzzyxyzzy"+salt+"ABC"))
+        decrypted = mixminion.Crypto.ctr_crypt(contents[17:], key)
+        self.assertEquals(len(decrypted), 4+1024+20)
+        self.assertEquals(decrypted[:4], "\x00\x00\x00\x0A")
+        self.assertEquals(decrypted[4:14], "xyzzyxyzzy")
+        self.assertEquals(decrypted[-20:],
+                          mixminion.Crypto.sha1(decrypted[:-20]+salt+magic1))
+        self.assertEquals((magic1,"xyzzyxyzzy"),
+                          CU._readEncryptedFile(f1, "x", [magic1, "BLIZNERT"]))
-        self.assertEquals("xyzzyxyzzy",
-              CU.readEncryptedFile(f1, "x", "ABC"))
         # Try reading with wrong password.
-        self.assertRaises(CU.BadPassword, CU.readEncryptedFile,
-                          f1, "nobodaddy", "ABC")
+        self.assertRaises(CU.BadPassword, CU._readEncryptedFile,
+                          f1, "nobodaddy", [magic1])
         # Try reading with wrong magic.
-        self.assertRaises(ValueError, CU.readEncryptedFile,
-                          f1, "x", "ABX")
+        self.assertRaises(ValueError, CU._readEncryptedFile,
+                          f1, "x", ["XXXXYYYY"])
         # Try empty data.
-        CU.writeEncryptedFile(f1, password="x", magic="ABC", data="")
-        self.assertEquals("", CU.readEncryptedFile(f1, "x", "ABC"))
-        # Test pickles.
-        f2 = os.path.join(d, "bar")
-        CU.writeEncryptedPickled(f2, "pswd", "ZZZ", [1,2,3])
-        self.assertEquals([1,2,3],CU.readEncryptedPickled(f2,"pswd","ZZZ"))
-        CU.writeEncryptedPickled(f2, "pswd", "ZZZ", {9:10,11:12})
-        self.assertEquals({9:10,11:12},
-                          CU.readEncryptedPickled(f2,"pswd","ZZZ"))
+        CU._writeEncryptedFile(f1, password="x", magic=magic1, data="")
+        self.assertEquals((magic1,""),CU._readEncryptedFile(f1, "x", [magic1]))
         # Test LazyEncryptedStore
         class DummyPasswordManager(CU.PasswordManager):
@@ -6211,9 +6198,10 @@
                 return self.d.get(name)
         f3 = os.path.join(d, "Baz")
+        magic0 = "MAGIC000"
         dpm = DummyPasswordManager({"Password1" : "p1"})
-        lep = CU.LazyEncryptedStore(f3, dpm, "Password1", "Q:", "N:",
-                                    "magic0", lambda: "x"*3)
+        lep = CU._LazyEncryptedStore(f3, dpm, "Password1", "Q:", "N:",
+                                     magic0, lambda: "x"*3)
         # Don't create.
         self.assert_(not lep.isLoaded())
@@ -6221,15 +6209,87 @@
         self.assertEquals("x"*3, lep.get())
-        self.assertEquals("x"*3, CU.readEncryptedPickled(f3,"p1","magic0"))
+        m,v = CU._readEncryptedFile(f3,"p1",[magic0])
+        self.assertEquals((magic0,"x"*3), (m,cPickle.loads(v)))
-        lep = CU.LazyEncryptedStore(f3, dpm, "Password1", "Q:", "N:",
-                                     "magic0", lambda: "x"*3)
+        lep = CU._LazyEncryptedStore(f3, dpm, "Password1", "Q:", "N:",
+                                     magic0, lambda: "x"*3)
         self.assertEquals("x"*3, lep.get())
         dpm.d = {}
         self.assertEquals("x"*3, lep.get())
+        # Finally, test keyring.
+        f4 = os.path.join(d, "keyring")
+        dpm.d = {"ClientKeyring" : "ckr" }
+        kr = CU.Keyring(f4, dpm)
+        kr.load(create=1) # We should already have the password cached.
+        # Test empty keyring.
+        self.assertEquals(kr.getAllSURBKeys(), [])
+        self.assertEquals(kr.getNewestSURBKey(""), None)
+        self.assert_(not kr.isDirty())
+        kr.save()
+        self.assertEquals(("KEYRING2", ""),
+                          CU._readEncryptedFile(f4, "ckr", ["KEYRING2"]))
+        kr = CU.Keyring(f4, dpm)
+        kr.load()
+        self.assertEquals(kr.getAllSURBKeys(), [])
+        # Now generate a few keys.
+        now = time.time()
+        month1 = now+30*24*60*60
+        month2 = now+60*24*60*60
+        month1d = succeedingMidnight(month1)
+        month2d = succeedingMidnight(month2)
+        alice1 = kr.newSURBKey("Alice", month1)
+        alice2 = kr.newSURBKey("Alice", month2)
+        bob = kr.newSURBKey("Bobby",month1)
+        self.assertEquals(len(alice1), 20)
+        self.assertEquals(len(bob), 20)
+        self.assertNotEquals(alice1, alice2)
+        self.assert_(kr.isDirty())
+        for i in (1,2):
+            self.assertEquals(alice2, kr.getNewestSURBKey("alice"))
+            self.assertUnorderedEq([("alice",alice1), ("alice",alice2),
+                                    ("bobby",bob)], kr.getAllSURBKeys())
+            self.assertEquals(None, kr.getNewestSURBKey("alice",
+                                               minLifetime=70*24*60*60))
+            if i == 1:
+                kr.save()
+                kr = CU.Keyring(f4, dpm)
+                kr.load()
+        # Check that contents are correctly encoded.
+        _, contents = CU._readEncryptedFile(f4, "ckr", ["KEYRING2"])
+        ln = 33
+        self.assertEquals(len(contents), ln*3)
+        k1, k2, k3 = contents[0:ln], contents[ln:ln*2], contents[ln*2:]
+        ex1 = ("\x00" +  # It's a SURB key
+               "\x00\x1E" +  # The rest is 30 bytes long
+               struct.pack("!L",month1d) + "alice\x00" + alice1)
+        ex2 = ("\x00" +  # It's a SURB key
+               "\x00\x1E" +  # The rest is 30 bytes long
+               struct.pack("!L",month2d) + "alice\x00" + alice2)
+        ex3 = ("\x00" +  # It's a SURB key
+               "\x00\x1E" +  # The rest is 30 bytes long
+               struct.pack("!L",month1d) + "bobby\x00" + bob)
+        self.assertUnorderedEq([ex1,ex2,ex3],[k1,k2,k3])
+        # Now get fancier: Add an unrecognized type, but expire Alice1 and Bob.
+        dummy = "\xFF\x00\x1E"+("X"*30)
+        CU._writeEncryptedFile(f4, "ckr", "KEYRING2", contents+dummy)
+        kr = CU.Keyring(f4, dpm)
+        kr.load(now=now+33*24*60*60)
+        self.assert_(kr.isDirty())
+        self.assertEquals(kr.getAllSURBKeys(), [('alice', alice2)])
+        self.assertEquals(kr.object.unrecognized, [(0xFF, "X"*30)])
+        kr.save()
+        self.assert_(not kr.isDirty())
+        _, contents = CU._readEncryptedFile(f4, "ckr", ["KEYRING2"])
+        self.assertEquals(len(contents), 66)
+        k1,k2 = contents[0:ln],contents[ln:]
+        self.assertUnorderedEq([dummy,ex2], [k1,k2])
     def testSURBLog(self):
         brb = BuildMessage.buildReplyBlock
         SURBLog = mixminion.ClientUtils.SURBLog
@@ -6734,9 +6794,6 @@
         raises(MixError, ppath, ks, None, "Alice:Bob,Fred", mboxWithoutServer)
         # Two stars.
         raises(MixError, ppath, ks, None, "Alice,*,Bob,*,Joe", email)
-        # NHops mismatch -- no longer an error.
-        ##raises(MixError, ppath, ks, None, "Alice:Bob,Joe", email, nHops=2)
-        ##raises(MixError, ppath, ks, None, "Alice:Bob,Joe", email, nHops=4)
         # Nonexistent file
         raises(MixError, ppath, ks, None, "./Pierre:Alice,*", email)
@@ -6923,7 +6980,7 @@
         keydir = mix_mktemp()
         keyring = mixminion.ClientMain.ClientKeyring(keydir)
         # Check for some nonexistent keys.
-        self.assertEquals({}, keyring.getSURBKeys(password="pwd"))
+        self.assertEquals([], keyring.getSURBKeys(password="pwd"))
         self.assertEquals(None, keyring.getSURBKey(create=0))
         # Reload, try again:
         kfirst = None
@@ -6939,7 +6996,7 @@
             k2 = keyring.getSURBKey(name="Bob",create=1)
             self.assertEquals(20, len(k2))
-            self.assertEquals({"":k1,"Bob":k2}, keyring.getSURBKeys())
+            self.assertUnorderedEq([("",k1),("bob",k2)], keyring.getSURBKeys())
         # Incorrect password
         keyring = mixminion.ClientMain.ClientKeyring(keydir)
@@ -7307,7 +7364,7 @@
     tc = loader.loadTestsFromTestCase
     if 0:
-        suite.addTest(tc(ServerInfoTests))
+        suite.addTest(tc(ClientUtilTests))
         return suite
     testClasses = [MiscTests,
@@ -7326,6 +7383,7 @@
+                   ClientUtilTests,