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Re: Changing mixminiond.conf

On Fri, Apr 02, 2004 at 11:05:09PM +0200, Peter Palfrader wrote:
> On Fri, 02 Apr 2004, Mike Zanker wrote:
> > Hi,
> > 
> > does it cause any problems if I make changes to mixminiond.conf once 
> > Publish has been set to "yes"? I'm thinking of things like changing the 
> > Bandwidth parameter or the contact address.
> No, this should be no problem.  If the published information differs
> from your current, mixminion will republish the server descriptors.

This is correct.

> > If I wish to eventually enable SMTP delivery is it simply a matter of 
> > uncommenting and editing the lines in the SMTP section and then 
> > stopping and starting mixminiond?
> Yup, reloading (or sending a sigHUP) would work too.

Actually, this last part is wrong; Sending a SIGHUP doesn't (yet)
reload the configuration file properly.  To be safe, shutdown and
restart the server when you change mixminiond.conf.

Nick Mathewson

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