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Re: Futureworls remailer problems

On Wed, Apr 21, 2004 at 09:15:28AM +0200, marcoc1@dada.it wrote:
> I had problems with futureworlds Type III remailer;
>  two days ago it started restarting every 15 minutes
>  (i have a cron script that check for activity & restart
>  it if the process is idle)

Is there any error in the log?  Is there anything in the log?

> I cheched that it was unresponsive for at least one week.
> (is an 7.0rc1 version)

0.0.7rc1, you mean?  First, I'd suggest upgrading to 0.0.7, just in
case you're seeing one of the bugs that got fixed between 0.0.7rc1 and
> The only way to solve the problem was removing all files
>     inpm_xxx
> from the dir
>     /mixminion/work/queues/outgoing/
> I saved those files just in case.
> Any idea/suggestion ?

First, send me some logs.  Second, upgrade.

Nick Mathewson

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