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Periodic server problems

Starting from three week ago, all mixminion node I know of
 (4) experienced this problem.
When inspecting we find 10-30MB in the outgoing queue.

Wiping packet and restarting solve the problem fo 
 1-2 week

Some flood?
A side effect of the bad shape of hal of remailer ?

Ciao.   Marco


:~# uname -a
Linux pboxlevel3 2.6.8-2-386 #1 Tue Aug 16 12:46:35 UTC 2005 i586
:~# mixminion version
Mixminion version

Aug 30 10:32:21.659 +0200 [WARN] Connection to 'lakshmi' at
mixminion.pseudonymity.net:48099 (fd 21) timed out: 596.88 seconds
without activity
Aug 30 10:32:22.961 +0200 [WARN] Couldn't connect to 'yog' at
nowwhat.lateralis.org:48100 (fd 9)
Aug 30 10:35:28.300 +0200 [WARN] Couldn't connect to 'deuxpi' at
deuxpi.ca:48099 (fd 19)
Aug 30 10:35:28.323 +0200 [WARN] Couldn't connect to 'idun' at
mix.ainex.net:48099 (fd 24)
Aug 30 10:40:35.952 +0200 [FATAL] Exception while running server
Aug 30 10:40:36.217 +0200 [FATAL] Traceback (most recent call last):
"/usr/lib/python2.3/site-packages/mixminion/server/ServerMain.py", line
1236, in runServer
"/usr/lib/python2.3/site-packages/mixminion/server/ServerMain.py", line
922, in run
"/usr/lib/python2.3/site-packages/mixminion/server/MMTPServer.py", line
768, in process
    AsyncServer.process(self, timeout)
"/usr/lib/python2.3/site-packages/mixminion/server/MMTPServer.py", line
235, in process
"/usr/lib/python2.3/site-packages/mixminion/server/MMTPServer.py", line
326, in process
"/usr/lib/python2.3/site-packages/mixminion/server/MMTPServer.py", line
609, in _newMMTPConnection
    addr, port = sock.getpeername()
    File "<string>", line 1, in getpeername
  error: (107, 'Transport endpoint is not connected')
Aug 30 10:40:36.219 +0200 [FATAL] Shutting down because of exception:
Aug 30 10:40:36.221 +0200 [INFO] Server shutting down
Aug 30 10:40:36.222 +0200 [INFO] Telling cleanup thread to shut down.
Aug 30 10:40:36.224 +0200 [INFO] Telling processing thread to shut down.
Aug 30 10:40:36.226 +0200 [INFO] Telling delivery thread to shut down.
Aug 30 10:40:36.230 +0200 [INFO] Cleanup thread shutting down.
Aug 30 10:40:36.235 +0200 [INFO] Processing thread shutting down.
Aug 30 10:40:36.238 +0200 [INFO] Delivery thread shutting down.
Aug 30 10:40:36.284 +0200 [INFO] Server is shut down


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