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Re: Mixminion daemod crash

On Mon, Dec 06, 2004 at 09:34:26AM +0100, Marco A. Calamari wrote:
> I was able to catch the periodic crash my dantooine node
>  experience every 7-10 days.
> Following, the last 100 lines of the WARN level log.
> Mixminion was running on a Debian Woody standard
>  kernel 2.4.18-bf

Are you sure you're running mixminion ?  Because this bug
*was* present in mixminion 0.0.7, but I think it was fixed in

Another reason I think you might be running 0.0.7 is that the line
number for the stack trace line that says
"self.dirClient.updateDirectory()" matches the expected line number in
0.0.7, but not

Nick Mathewson

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