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Re: Another newbie question

--On Friday, June 27, 2003 1:23 PM -0400 Nick Mathewson <nickm@alum.mit.edu> wrote:

On Fri, 2003-06-27 at 10:42, marcoc1@dada.it wrote:
OK, the remailer seems to be up & running,
 with INFO loglevel.

My xDSL connection has an average IP change
 time of 1-2 weeks; what I need to do when
 it happen ? (apart waiting for the 0.0.6) ?
For now, regard your server as experimental.  When the IP changes,
change it in the config file and restart the server process.  Any
messages that were routed through the old IP will never be delivered.
This is going to leave 'hanging' messages all over the network.  It looks
like old messages eventually get deleted from the server queues, but NOT
the client queue.

Any plans to add code to delete 'old' messages from the client queue?
Or will this be handled by 0.0.6?

(I'm going to mark your server as 'not recommended' for now, so that
nobody accidentally routes their traffic through it until we get working
dynamic IP support.)