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Re: Servers Should Use a Secure Mix Algorithm

On Fri, 2006-03-03 at 00:44 +0100, Laurent Fousse wrote:
> As far as nymbaron is concerned, there is no hidden discussion going
> on (and I believe it's the same for mixminion). You are welcome to
> join the #nymbaron channel on irc.oftc.net where most of the current
> development happen (mostly between Steve and I). More in-depth

I doesn't mean "secret" or other negative meaning, only "not known by
 most of users till this message"
Syncronous channel as IRC are useful for developers, but
 very diffucult to follow for lurkers. For some time
 in another project I saw irc log posted to mail list as
 an added feature for lurkers.

 list had only 5 messages this year, all of them were
 user reports and answers.

Some state-of-the-art post would be very useful.

Thanks a lot.   Marco

> discussion and proposals *are* sent to the list (ok, we didn't forward
> the "let's move the packet format to S-EXP" discussion at the time,
> but it's not really mature enough).


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