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Re: Status?

On Wed, 2010-05-26 at 22:48 +0200, Joe Anon wrote:
> Hello list!  
> So... I'm kind of confused,
> ...is this Mixminion project dead?
> ...is there a successor?
> ...is the private/anonymized messaging problem solved?
> ...or was it proven unsolvable?
> ...
> Could anybody provide an explanation, or point me in the
> right direction where the developments in this area are happening
> now in 2010.

It is just starting, but there is an italian (for now) group
 of "official forkers" that want to complete some part
 of Mixminion developement. 
Interested people can contact me.

HTH  Marco

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| the Winston Smith Project: unplug the Big Brother          |
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