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Purging old packets

Manually flushing the geonosis queue I found very old packets
 still waiting for delivery.

The receiving node key has been rotated, so I suppose that
 the packets will never been delivered.

There is no provision in current mixminion release to delete
 old packets from queue ? If such features exist, why didn't
 work in this case ?
If not, I suggest to consider it as a possible new feature
 for the next release.

Ciao.   Marco


This software is for testing purposes only.  Anonymity is not
Nov 24 10:23:49.937 +0100 [WARN] This software is newer than any version
on the recommended list.
 1 packets for server at geonosis.homelinux.net:48108 (oldest is 55.0
days old)
 1 packets for server at pbox-level-2.homelinux.net:48100 (oldest is
244.0 days old)
debian-mixminion@nefarion:~$ mixminion flush
Mixminion version
This software is for testing purposes only.  Anonymity is not
Nov 24 10:24:09.798 +0100 [INFO] Flushing packet queue
Nov 24 10:24:09.810 +0100 [INFO] Found 2 pending packets
Nov 24 10:24:09.843 +0100 [INFO] Sending 1 packets to server at
Nov 24 10:24:09.846 +0100 [INFO] Connecting...
Nov 24 10:24:12.446 +0100 [WARN] Certificate error: Invalid KeyID for
server at geonosis.homelinux.net:48108 (fd 3). Shutting down connection.
Nov 24 10:24:12.575 +0100 [INFO] Error while delivering packets; 1/1
left in queue
Nov 24 10:24:12.578 +0100 [INFO] Error was: Error occurred while
delivering packets to server at geonosis.homelinux.net:48108
Nov 24 10:24:12.587 +0100 [INFO] Sending 1 packets to server at
Nov 24 10:24:12.590 +0100 [INFO] Connecting...
Nov 24 10:24:13.727 +0100 [WARN] Certificate error: Invalid KeyID for
server at pbox-level-2.homelinux.net:48100 (fd 3). Shutting down
Nov 24 10:24:13.851 +0100 [INFO] Error while delivering packets; 1/1
left in queue
Nov 24 10:24:13.854 +0100 [INFO] Error was: Error occurred while
delivering packets to server at pbox-level-2.homelinux.net:48100
Nov 24 10:24:13.858 +0100 [INFO] No packets delivered

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