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Problems after patching OpenSSL on OpenBSD


since I installed 
(nothing else changed (ok, openssh 4.4 has been installed, but I don't see
any connection))

I'm using 0.0.8alpha2 :

mixminiond keeps crashing with following log entries:
Oct 10 11:24:19.554 +0200 [FATAL] Exception while running server
Oct 10 11:24:19.580 +0200 [FATAL] Traceback (most recent call last):
    File "/lib/python2.4/site-packages/mixminion/server/ServerMain.py", 
    line 1214, in runServer server.run()
    File "/lib/python2.4/site-packages/mixminion/server/ServerMain.py", 
    line 881, in run self.mmtpServer.process(TICK_INTERVAL)
    File "/lib/python2.4/site-packages/mixminion/server/MMTPServer.py", 
    line 824, in process AsyncServer.process(self, timeout)
    File "/lib/python2.4/site-packages/mixminion/server/MMTPServer.py", 
    line 234, in process cap)
    File "/lib/python2.4/site-packages/mixminion/TLSConnection.py", 
    line 448, in process while bytesNow < bytesCutoff and self.__stateFn(r, w, maxBytes):
    File "/lib/python2.4/site-packages/mixminion/TLSConnection.py", 
    line 275, in __acceptFn self.tls.accept() # might raise TLS*
Oct 10 11:24:19.580 +0200 [FATAL] Shutting down because of exception: 

anything I can provide to help resolving that issue? 
till there's a bugfix mix.funkfeuer.at stays down :(


Don't be too proud of the technological
terror you have constructed -- D. Vader

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