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[tor-bugs] #15729 [Tor]: Proposal: Hidden Service Revocation
#15729: Proposal: Hidden Service Revocation
Reporter: Nathaniel | Owner:
Type: enhancement | Nathaniel
Priority: normal | Status: new
Component: Tor | Milestone:
Keywords: hidden, rendevous, descriptor, | Version:
revocation, compromise | Actual Points:
Parent ID: | Points:
Filename: xxx-rend-revoke.txt
Title: Hidden Service Revocation
Author: Nathaniel Johnson
Created: 2015-03-04
Status: Draft
Hidden service operators need to be able to revoke trust in their hidden
if they know or suspect their hidden service secret key has been
1. Motivation
A Hidden service operator can determine that the hidden service secret
keyis compromised in several ways today. Forensic traces of intrusion may
bedetected on the hidden service server, or valid signed descriptors for
theservice may be published by someone other than the legitimate operator
in atraffic hijacking attack.
Even though it is possible for the operator to detect a hidden service
key iscompromised, there is no satisfactory way for a hidden service
operator tonotify its users of this fact. The hidden service may displaya
message to its users warning of the compromise and directing them to a
newsupposedly uncompromised .onion domain, but a user has no way to
knowwhether such a message was posted by the legitimate hidden service
operatoror a hijacker.
A revocation system where anyone possessing the hidden service secret
keycan revoke trust in the key solves this problem.
2. Overview
This revocation system is built on the hidden service directory system.
Arevocation takes the form of a hidden service descriptor which provides
noway to contact the hidden service (i.e. zero introductory points),
andcontains a "revoked" line of the following format
"revoked" NL
[At most once]
If present in a hidden service descriptor which also contains
zerointroductory points, indicates that this is a revocation of the
A hidden service directory which receives a revocation descriptor
andverifies its signature should discard any non-revocation descriptors
itpossesses for that hidden service, and should propagate the
revocationthrough the hidden service directory system as normal.
Crucially, a hidden service directory which possesses a
revocationdescriptor for a hidden service and receives a newer, valid
descriptor forthat hidden service which is not a revocation descriptor
MUST retain therevocation descriptor and MUST discard the newer non-
revocation descriptor.This is the only change needed to support this
revocation system at abasic level today.
3. Design considerations
3.1 Revocation lifetime
Ideally, a revocation should be permanent. The Tor network wouldideally
remember forever that a hidden service has been revoked, andthis would
provide the maximum possible protection to the users of thehidden service
against imposter services.
However, a permanent (or even just long-lived) revocation in the
hiddenservice directories present problems:
1) Increased memory and bandwidth requirements on the Tor
networkcompared to a normal hidden service descriptor. For non-malicious
use,this may not really be a problem, since once a service is revoked,
therewould be only a trickle of requests for updated information about
it(from visitors who have not already found out it was revoked).
Howeverfor a malicious user who attacks the Tor network by flooding it
withhidden service descriptors for fake hidden services, any
increasedlifetime of a revocation descriptor over a normal descriptor
representsa multiplication of their attack power.
2) For next generation hidden services as described in224-rend-spec-
ng.txt, a revocation which lasts longer than one blindedsigning key
validity period weakens the privacy protection againstcorrelation which is
provided by rotating blinded signing keys. If arevocation were - for any
amount of time - not expected to besigned by the current normal blinded
signing key for that service, butinstead a separate 'blinded revocation
signing key', then users seekingto check the revocation status of that
service before visiting wouldhave to make two requests for a hidden
service descriptor: one to see ifthere is a revocation descriptor
published by that service, and one tosee if there is a normal descriptor
published by that service. A malicious hidden service directory (or group
of directories) could usethis correlation to determine which hidden
service descriptors belong tothe same hidden service between blinded
signing key rotations.
Implementing a long-lived hidden service revocation at the client
level,a cache of previously seen revoked hidden services for example,
woulddisclose the user's browsing history to anyone who examined it, and
istherefore not a good solution either.
For these reasons, revocations which last no longer thana normal hidden
service descriptor, and which the operator musttherefore constantly
broadcast, are the safest option for implementinghidden service
Short lived revocations have the advantage that the Tor network does
notneed to make any hard-and-fast judgement about how long it is
worthwhileto remember a hidden service has been revoked, the hidden
serviceoperator can make that judgement for themselves and broadcast
therevocation for as long the operator feels hijacking and impersonationis
a concern.
If the operator is unable to maintain (or fears they will be unable
tomaintain) a revocation broadcast for an appropriate amount of time,they
can disclose their private key to a 3rd party service who willbroadcast
the revocation on the operator's behalf. An operator wouldwant to employ
several of these services, since if only one service hadthe private key,
and if they were malicious, they could ceasebroadcasting the revocation
and instead use the key to set up animpostor service.
Despite these minor difficulties that short-lived revocations
impose,they are still a major improvement to the security of the Tor
3.2 Side note on the shape of a 3rd party Revocation Broadcast Service
Though it is outside the scope of this specification,I envision these
3rd party key revocation services being simple websiteswhere anyone can
upload a hidden service private key and the websitewill broadcast the
revocation indefinitely. They could employ simpleabuse-mitigation like
CAPCHAs or IP ratelimiting over the clearnet toprevent mass-upload of
keys. This should keeps costs low enough thatthese revocations services
would operate for free.
4. Implementation
4.1 Basic Support
For the Tor network to support hidden service revocations at a
basiclevel, a large proportion of hidden service directories must
recognizethat a hidden service descriptor with zero introductory points
and able"revoked" line has the special meaning of being a revocation.These
hidden service directories must not allow a current unexpiredrevocation
descriptor to be replaced by a non-revocation descriptor(so called 'un-
revocation'). In all other ways, treatment of arevocation descriptor is
identical to treatment of a non-revocationdescriptor for a hidden service.
4.1.1 Steps required to add support
1) Hidden service directories are modified to recognize the formatof a
revocation descriptor, and prevent revocation descriptors frombeing
superseded by a non-revocation descriptor for the sameservice. Basic
support from the core software is achieved!
2) The ability to broadcast revocations is implemented.
5) Expanded revocation capabilities may be added, as describedbelow.
4.2 Expanded Capabilities
4.2.1 Presentation to the user
If an onion proxy that detects the user tried to visit a revokedservice,
this information should be presented to the userout-of-band. I.E not in a
way that could be mistaken for a hiddenservice which is only temporarily
unreachable, or as informationsent by the service. This could be done via
a system level popup, ora taskbar notification. The presentation should be
stronglydistinguished from a hidden service which is simple unreachable.
4.2.2 Automatic hijacking detection/revocation
Tor hidden service software could have a mode to detect if anotherparty
is using the hidden service private key to publish descriptorsfor that
service. If the hidden service operator configures it,the Tor hidden
service software could immediately begin to broadcastthe revocation for
that service.
[Per Donncha's feedback, both of these should probably be delegatedto
control software, with tor itself simply exposing an eventwhenever a
revoked site is encountered or a new valid descriptoris published, and the
external controller will take care of notifyingthe user or detecting if
any separate tor node is publishing descriptorsfor the same service.]
5. Future Compatibility with Next Generation Hidden Services
Next generation Tor hidden services require a modifiedrevocation system
because the hidden service master secret key is betterprotected, and does
not need to be constantly live on the hidden service tornode. The day-to-
day operation of the service is carried out by a pre-loadedset of changing
subordinate descriptor signing keys, which expire after aset time (25
hours by default). If descriptor signing keys are compromised,they can be
used to hijack traffic and impersonate the hidden service,but only until
the descriptor signing keys expire. So there is an additionalneed for a
way to revoke descriptor signing keys and provide new ones,without
permanently revoking trust in the hidden service.
Also, theft of descriptor signing keys should not allow an attacker
torevoke the master secret key.
The revocation permissions would looks something like the
following.(Blinded signing keys are equivalent to the master secret key
forrevocation purposes because if an attacker obtains any blinded
signingsecret key, they can mathematically derive the master secret key.)
1) Current descriptor signing key can revoke current descriptor signing
2) Master secret key can revoke any descriptor signing key and provide a
newdescriptor signing key for that time-period.
3) Master secret key is the only one that can revoke master secret key.
[TODO: Sketch out implementation later]
Ticket URL: <https://trac.torproject.org/projects/tor/ticket/15729>
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