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Re: [tor-bugs] #17158 [Core Tor/Tor]: Run an opt-in process for fallback directories

#17158: Run an opt-in process for fallback directories
 Reporter:  teor                                 |          Owner:  teor
     Type:  enhancement                          |         Status:
 Priority:  Medium                               |  merge_ready
Component:  Core Tor/Tor                         |      Milestone:  Tor:
 Severity:  Normal                               |  0.2.8.x-final
 Keywords:  028-triaged, TorCoreTeam201604,      |        Version:
  must-fix-before-028-rc                         |     Resolution:
Parent ID:                                       |  Actual Points:  3 weeks
 Reviewer:  isis                                 |         Points:  small-
                                                 |  remaining
                                                 |        Sponsor:
                                                 |  SponsorU-can
Changes (by isis):

 * status:  needs_review => merge_ready


 (Putting into `merge_ready` state, even though it's already merged, in the
 event that maybe teor wants to fix cosmetic issues before closing.)

 Some minor cosmetic issues:

  * The `dateutil` module is in the `python-dateutil` package, not builtin,
 so it should probably also be listed as a dependency.
  * After printing `WARNING::Unable to import ipaddress, please install
 py2-ipaddress` it just appears to hang forever. Maybe do `sys.exit(1)` if
 a required dependency is missing? Or maybe warn that it's actually okay
 except that the script won't do netblock analysis?
  * Do we want to raise these cutoffs now?
 # Reduced due to a bug in tor where a relay submits a 0 DirPort when
 # This causes OnionOO to (correctly) reset its stability timer
 # This issue will be fixed in and
 # Until then, the CUTOFFs below ensure a decent level of stability.
  * I get a bunch of these warnings: `WARNING::Consensus download: 23.1s
 too slow from IPredator (, max download time 15.0s.`
 for various relays which, like iPredator, I know are fast. (It's obvious
 this is due to my running the script through `torsocks`, but it wasn't
 clear to me that I shouldn't do that. It also seems odd to have the cutoff
 time hardcoded to 15s, since for all I (or the script) know, my roommate
 could be torrenting a bunch of anime and oopsies now it picks completely
 different fallbacks.)
  * In `cleanse_unprintable()`:
   for c in raw_string:
     if (c in string.ascii_letters or c in string.digits
         or c in string.punctuation or c in string.whitespace):
    You could also just use `string.printable`.
  * `# sockets, which is why we long this line here` s/long/log/

 Replying to [comment:41 teor]:
 > (This has been merged to maint-0.2.8 and can be closed after review if
 there are no issues.)

 Overall the script LGTM. I'm willing to call this done.

Ticket URL: <https://trac.torproject.org/projects/tor/ticket/17158#comment:42>
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