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Re: [tor-bugs] #33399 [Metrics/Onionperf]: Measure static guard nodes with OnionPerf

#33399: Measure static guard nodes with OnionPerf
 Reporter:  acute              |          Owner:  metrics-team
     Type:  enhancement        |         Status:  new
 Priority:  Medium             |      Milestone:
Component:  Metrics/Onionperf  |        Version:
 Severity:  Normal             |     Resolution:
 Keywords:                     |  Actual Points:
Parent ID:  #33325             |         Points:  4
 Reviewer:                     |        Sponsor:  Sponsor59

Comment (by acute):

 Currently guards are disabled in OP by setting UseEntryGuards=0 in the
 client torrc file. To enable them, UseEntryGuards should be set to 1, and
 additionally NumEntryGuards should be set to 1 (or a number >1 to test
 multiple guards). I have left an OP test instance running with this set to
 3 to gather some data.

 Purging the state:
 To achieve this, the file called 'state' in the tor_client directory must
 be removed after log rotation. The guards previously measured could be
 extracted from this and added to the analysis output. The Tor process must
 be restarted/reloaded after the logs have rotated. All of this would only
 happen if the measurement mode is 'guard-enabled'.

 Adding a new measurement mode:
 A new mode should be made available to the cli, perhaps allowing the admin
 to specify how many guards to measure at once.

Ticket URL: <https://trac.torproject.org/projects/tor/ticket/33399#comment:2>
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