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Re: [tor-bugs] #15901 [Tor]: apparent memory corruption -- very difficult to isolate

#15901: apparent memory corruption -- very difficult to isolate
     Reporter:  starlight  |      Owner:
         Type:  defect     |     Status:  new
     Priority:  critical   |  Milestone:  Tor: 0.2.7.x-final
    Component:  Tor        |    Version:  Tor:
   Resolution:             |   Keywords:
Actual Points:             |  Parent ID:
       Points:             |

Comment (by starlight):

 Thank you for the fresh look!

 Very interesting, so I should be looking for corrpution
 of the DEFLATE dictionary.  Can't be LTO because ZLIB
 was not compiled this way in the earlier instances
 and in this last instance, OpenSSL was carefully
 built non-LTO.

 The LTO progression was ssl-only libraries shared,
 ssl+event+tor with libraries shared, ssl+zlib+
 event+tor static build, zlib+event+tor not ssl
 static build.

 I don't see it as a zlib bug because it runs fine
 for three weeks before the problem occurs, is
 clearly related to the gradual shifting around
 of heap allocations.  Also different zlibs
 have been in use at the time of the event
 a) 1.2.8 shared library non-LTO,
 b) 1.2.8 static link LTO.

 I just put up a image where ASAN+UBSAN are
 applied for only the directory/consensus
 logic, but I did not compile ZLIB with
 instrumentation.  I'll go back and add
 that and restart the relay.  Instrumenting
 just the selected modules is handy because
 the relay's forwarding performance is not
 impacted.  Had to purchase more RAM so
 it can run this way for more than a few

Ticket URL: <https://trac.torproject.org/projects/tor/ticket/15901#comment:26>
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