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Re: [tor-bugs] #6620 [Vidalia]: Vidalia does not disable proxy after "I use a proxy to access the Internet" is unchecked

#6620: Vidalia does not disable proxy after "I use a proxy to access the Internet"
is unchecked
 Reporter:  tor-onion  |          Owner:  chiiph         
     Type:  defect     |         Status:  needs_revision 
 Priority:  critical   |      Milestone:                 
Component:  Vidalia    |        Version:  Vidalia: 0.2.20
 Keywords:             |         Parent:                 
   Points:             |   Actualpoints:                 

Comment(by sysrqb):

 But the way I understand Vidalia to handle these changes is that while Tor
 is not running Vidalia write the changes out to its config and marks them
 as changed. Once Vidalia starts Tor and successfully connects to it,
 Vidalia sends the necessary commands to apply the new settings.

 This is exactly how my tests show it to work...is this not how it was
 designed to work?

 And for the alpha, is there an eta on it?

Ticket URL: <https://trac.torproject.org/projects/tor/ticket/6620#comment:4>
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