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Re: [tor-bugs] #17424 [GetTor]: Improve GetTor Links

#17424: Improve GetTor Links
 Reporter:  sukhbir  |          Owner:  ilv
     Type:  defect   |         Status:  new
 Priority:  Medium   |      Milestone:
Component:  GetTor   |        Version:
 Severity:  Normal   |     Resolution:
 Keywords:           |  Actual Points:
Parent ID:  #9036    |         Points:
  Sponsor:           |

Comment (by ilv):

 > Some minor nitpicking; open for discussion:
 > 1. For the reply for `windows`, it says:
 > `Tor Browser 32/64-bit:`
 > Should we just say `Tor Browser` here?
 Yes, probably. For the moment this is not so easy to change, because this
 text is generated by gettor.core while getting the links. Thing is, we
 should change that in the near future (I also thought of this while
 working on the RESTful API). Once we do that we could improve what you
 mention. Maybe we could open a separate ticket for it so we don't forget
 about it?
 > 2. Signature
 > {{{
 > All the best.
 > --
 > GetTor team
 > }}}
 > I am not averse to the idea but let's keep the text body as minimal as
 possible. What do you think?
 I think we should keep at least the `GetTor team` (or `GetTor`, `GetTor
 robot`) part, so the email doesn't seem to end abruptly after the links.
 > 3. It says `Drive`. Should we change it to `Google Drive` instead?
 Yes, that is just a matter of configuration in the drive.links. It says
 Google Drive now.
 > 4. Perhaps we can tab/indent the links or do you prefer them like this?
 Sounds good to me.
 > Happy to submit patches for all above if you agree!
 Good! could you submit patches for 2 and 4?

Ticket URL: <https://trac.torproject.org/projects/tor/ticket/17424#comment:6>
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