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[tor-bugs] #5096 [Orbot]: Support transferring bridge addresses in QR codes

#5096: Support transferring bridge addresses in QR codes
 Reporter:  rransom      |          Owner:  n8fr8
     Type:  enhancement  |         Status:  new  
 Priority:  normal       |      Milestone:       
Component:  Orbot        |        Version:       
 Keywords:               |         Parent:       
   Points:               |   Actualpoints:       
 At some point (maybe in days, maybe in weeks), we will start distributing
 bridge addresses which contain multiple 80-bit-or-longer base32-encoded
 âcryptovariablesâ (I don't know any other appropriate general term for
 them).  Orbot users will want to not retype them into their puny phone

 See the â`libzbar`â package for a QR-code decoder under the LGPL.  See
 â`libqrencode`â for a QR-code encoder under the LGPL.  Neither of these
 can currently handle binary strings containing NULs (you don't want to be
 parsing/repacking bridge lines anyway, but you need to know about that bug
 before you use the QR-code hammer to pound e.g. OTR/GPG fingerprints,
 BitTorrent info hashes, or Curve25519/Ed25519 public keys).

 Also, if you interact with a QR-code decoder through e.g. XML, don't get
 [https://xkcd.com/327/ bobbytabled].  (P.S. â`zbarimg --xml`â sucks.)

Ticket URL: <https://trac.torproject.org/projects/tor/ticket/5096>
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