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Re: [tor-bugs] #5093 [Obfsproxy]: Mysterious "Resource temporarily unavailable" errors

#5093: Mysterious "Resource temporarily unavailable" errors
 Reporter:  arma       |          Owner:  asn
     Type:  defect     |         Status:  new
 Priority:  normal     |      Milestone:     
Component:  Obfsproxy  |        Version:     
 Keywords:             |         Parent:     
   Points:             |   Actualpoints:     

Comment(by nickm):

 Replying to [comment:13 arma]:
 > Replying to [comment:11 nickm]:
 > > Replying to [comment:10 therealditzydoo]:
 > > > I am now running libevent-2.0.17-stable (the latest version) and
 still get these errors. Here is some example output at debug level.
 > > >
 > >
 > > I'm not seeing any "Resource temporarily available" instances in those
 logs.  Are they showing up in a different section, or am I missing
 something here?
 > Errno 35 is EAGAIN on openbsd.

 But those have "what=0x0011 errno=35" ; 0x11 is
 BEV_EVENT_READING|BEV_EVENT_EOF.  There's no error there.  As noted above,
 unless BEV_EVENT_ERROR (0x20) is set in the "what" argument, the value of
 errno is unlikely to be meaningful.

Ticket URL: <https://trac.torproject.org/projects/tor/ticket/5093#comment:14>
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