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Re: [tor-bugs] #10795 [BridgeDB]: Create a Privacy Policy

#10795: Create a Privacy Policy
     Reporter:  sysrqb       |      Owner:
         Type:  enhancement  |     Status:  new
     Priority:  normal       |  Milestone:
    Component:  BridgeDB     |    Version:
   Resolution:               |   Keywords:
Actual Points:               |  Parent ID:
       Points:               |

Comment (by phobos):

 We don't have a privacy policy based on legal advice to not have one. Once
 you create one, it becomes an enforceable contract between you and the
 user. The only reasonable option for us is to not have a privacy policy.

Ticket URL: <https://trac.torproject.org/projects/tor/ticket/10795#comment:1>
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