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Re: [tor-bugs] #9442 [TorBrowserButton]: Add New Circuit button to TorButton for TBB alpha 3.x (was: Add NEWNYM function to TorButton for TBB alpha 3.x)

#9442: Add New Circuit button to TorButton for TBB alpha 3.x
     Reporter:           |      Owner:  mikeperry
  cypherpunks            |     Status:  new
         Type:           |  Milestone:
  enhancement            |    Version:
     Priority:  normal   |   Keywords:  tbb-newnym, tbb-usability, extdev-
    Component:           |  interview
  TorBrowserButton       |  Parent ID:
   Resolution:           |
Actual Points:           |
       Points:           |
Changes (by mikeperry):

 * keywords:  tbb-newnym => tbb-newnym, tbb-usability, extdev-interview


 I suppose we could burry a "New Circuit" button in the Network Settings
 window somewhere that does SIGNAL NEWNYM only.

Ticket URL: <https://trac.torproject.org/projects/tor/ticket/9442#comment:8>
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