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[tor-bugs] Re: #1710 [Tor - Relay]: Count sent and received octets even if not configured for hibernation

#1710: Count sent and received octets even if not configured for hibernation
 Reporter:  linus        |       Owner:  n8fr8
     Type:  enhancement  |      Status:  new  
 Priority:  trivial      |   Milestone:       
Component:  Tor - Relay  |     Version:       
 Keywords:               |      Parent:       

Comment(by atagar):

 This really doesn't seem appropriate for accounting since it doesn't do
 this when accounting is enabled either (it resets after the accounting
 period). However, it would be nice to have the total sent/received
 information and this is part of the getinfo proposal at:

 see "relay/read-total" and "relay/write-total". This is a duplicate imho,
 but up to you. ;)

Ticket URL: <https://trac.torproject.org/projects/tor/ticket/1710#comment:2>
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