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[tor-bugs] #6454 [Website]: Investigate using startpage.com as the search engine for *.torproject.org websites

#6454: Investigate using startpage.com as the search engine for *.torproject.org
 Reporter:  phobos   |          Owner:  phobos
     Type:  defect   |         Status:  new   
 Priority:  normal   |      Milestone:        
Component:  Website  |        Version:        
 Keywords:           |         Parent:        
   Points:           |   Actualpoints:        
 We currently lack a good way of searching the various websites hosted at
 torproject.org. Trac includes a basic search engine. The blog includes a
 basic search engine. We've experimented with yacy in the past. The common
 method is to search google with the site:torproject.org restriction in the
 query. Startpage offers similar functionality without all of the data

 Consider adding search boxes to the website, trac, and blog that use
 startpage for the content search. Using the startpage host: parameter, one
 can restrict the domain to the requesting site (such as www, blog, or

 As a test, I've been using this method for the past few weeks to find
 documentation, wiki pages, and bug tickets faster than other methods.
 Startpage.com is noticeably faster than ixquick.com and seems to return
 more accurate results. For example: 'bridges host:www.torproject.org'
 returns the bridge documentation as the first result.

Ticket URL: <https://trac.torproject.org/projects/tor/ticket/6454>
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