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Re: [tor-bugs] #6260 [Tor bundles/installation]: vidalia-0.2.19-2 contains broken AppArmor profile

#6260: vidalia-0.2.19-2 contains broken AppArmor profile
 Reporter:  rransom                   |          Owner:  dererk
     Type:  defect                    |         Status:  new   
 Priority:  blocker                   |      Milestone:        
Component:  Tor bundles/installation  |        Version:        
 Keywords:  AppArmor, AppArmor sucks  |         Parent:        
   Points:                            |   Actualpoints:        

Comment(by intrigeri):

 gcide v.0.48 might explain why I do feel insulted, when I see my work
 called "screwing around with":

   {Screw around},
      (a) to act aimlessly or unproductively.
      (b) to commit adultery; to be sexually promiscuous.

    {Screw around with}, to operate or make changes on (a machine
       or device) without expert knowledge; to fiddle with.
       [Colloq.] . --> [1913 Webster]

 Now, for the actual problem resolution: personally, I have not the
 resources to actively maintain this AppArmor policy for systems other than
 Debian stable (starting from Wheezy) and testing/sid, so I'm not sure what
 the best way towards a resolution is. Anyone wants to maintain it there,
 or perhaps the easiest path is to avoid installing it at all on other

Ticket URL: <https://trac.torproject.org/projects/tor/ticket/6260#comment:4>
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