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Re: [tor-bugs] #12164 [Tor Launcher]: Users with no network obstacles are emailing us instead of clicking connect

#12164: Users with no network obstacles are emailing us instead of clicking connect
     Reporter:  mttp          |      Owner:  brade
         Type:  defect        |     Status:  new
     Priority:  normal        |  Milestone:
    Component:  Tor Launcher  |    Version:
   Resolution:                |   Keywords:  tbb-helpdesk-frequent
Actual Points:                |  Parent ID:  #11180
       Points:                |

Comment (by tom):

 I'd like to add a user story:

  I was at a user training, and while we did not cover Tor, it naturally
 came up.  He came up to me afterwards:

  The guy used a Mac, and was not super technically inclined, but knew his
 way around a few things. He successfully downloaded Tor Browser Bundle and
 added it to his dock.

  But when he ran it, he got the warning "This app is signed by an unknown
 developer".  He did not know what it meant, or how to disable it. As it
 was a security feature, he did not want to.  He assumed TBB would not work
 for him.

  I disabled it for him (telling him I would re-enable it when we were
 done), and ran TBB.  He got the 'Connect or Configure dialog'.  I read him
 the options and asked him which he thought it was.

  He said he didn't know what censored, filtered, or proxied meant, but
 that he knew there were things out there (on the internet) and thus that
 he thought it was the second one.  When I explained it in the context of
 countries that censor the internet, he got it better and said "Okay, but
 if I went to China, I would choose the other one, right?"

Ticket URL: <https://trac.torproject.org/projects/tor/ticket/12164#comment:2>
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