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Re: [tor-bugs] #22615 [Applications/Tor Browser]: Tor no longer works even after re-installing on Windows 10

#22615: Tor no longer works even after re-installing on Windows 10
 Reporter:  nicholasac                |          Owner:  tbb-team
     Type:  defect                    |         Status:  new
 Priority:  Medium                    |      Milestone:
Component:  Applications/Tor Browser  |        Version:
 Severity:  Normal                    |     Resolution:
 Keywords:                            |  Actual Points:
Parent ID:                            |         Points:
 Reviewer:                            |        Sponsor:

Comment (by andyjw):

 Replying to [comment:1 cypherpunks]:
 > Does it work if you install a clean new version into a different
 location (you get it from the website torproject.org)? Do you have
 Trusteer or a similar Antivirus/Firewall tool running?

 I've had the same problem with Win 10. I have tried 3 clean installs (to
 different directories) of torbrowser-install-7.0.1 and it won't open after
 installing. Have reverted to installing 6.5, and it works with no

Ticket URL: <https://trac.torproject.org/projects/tor/ticket/22615#comment:2>
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