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Re: [tor-bugs] #22510 [Webpages/Blog]: Increasing brand presence on the Tor blog (i.e. to make it look more Tor-y)

#22510: Increasing brand presence on the Tor blog (i.e. to make it look more Tor-y)
 Reporter:  linda          |          Owner:  antonela
     Type:  enhancement    |         Status:  assigned
 Priority:  Medium         |      Milestone:
Component:  Webpages/Blog  |        Version:
 Severity:  Normal         |     Resolution:
 Keywords:                 |  Actual Points:
Parent ID:                 |         Points:
 Reviewer:                 |        Sponsor:

Comment (by linda):

 We've made a bunch of changes, which are addressed in this new mockup
 below. We've gotten rid of the lefthand column, made the comments more
 intuitively threaded, and increased Tor brand presence.


Ticket URL: <https://trac.torproject.org/projects/tor/ticket/22510#comment:7>
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