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Re: [tor-bugs] #11004 [Outreach]: Find a place to organize a âuniversity-styleâ talk during the 2014 summer dev. meeting

#11004: Find a place to organize a âuniversity-styleâ talk during the 2014 summer
dev. meeting
     Reporter:  lunar     |      Owner:  lunar
         Type:  task      |     Status:  needs_information
     Priority:  normal    |  Milestone:
    Component:  Outreach  |    Version:
   Resolution:            |   Keywords:  2014SummerDevMeeting
Actual Points:            |  Parent ID:
       Points:            |

Comment (by lunar):

 Replying to [comment:3 Kelley]:
 > What is the cost for each option?

 These are facilities of public universities. Research labs can request
 them at leisure. IRILL is a lab about free software so Tor fit in their
 research target. In other words: nothing for the Tor Project, Inc. except

Ticket URL: <https://trac.torproject.org/projects/tor/ticket/11004#comment:4>
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