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Re: [tor-bugs] #15083 [Tor]: Assertion ch->data < &ch->mem[0]+ch->memlen failed

#15083: Assertion ch->data < &ch->mem[0]+ch->memlen failed
     Reporter:  poiuty   |      Owner:
         Type:  defect   |     Status:  closed
     Priority:  major    |  Milestone:  Tor: 0.2.6.x-final
    Component:  Tor      |    Version:  Tor:
   Resolution:  fixed    |   Keywords:  023-backport 025-backport
Actual Points:           |  024-backport tor-relay
       Points:           |  Parent ID:

Comment (by nickm):

 If it ever triggers, we have something to fix.  If not,  it doesn't hurt
 to leave it in, so I guess we can take it out ... somedayish?

Ticket URL: <https://trac.torproject.org/projects/tor/ticket/15083#comment:11>
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