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[tor-bugs] #5999 [Tor Hidden Services]: Hidden services as a platform
#5999: Hidden services as a platform
Reporter: phobos | Owner:
Type: project | Status: new
Priority: normal | Milestone: Sponsor Z: November 1, 2013
Component: Tor Hidden Services | Version:
Keywords: | Parent:
Points: | Actualpoints:
Hidden services are an example application of what one can do with the tor
overlay network for the Internet. Seemingly benign human rights, legal,
and other data collection is becoming sensitive as hostile organizations
realize collated and combined data can be used against them in legal,
public, and advocate arenas. A few such organizations have pondered using
hidden services as an 'anonymous cloud' for storing and/or synchronizing
content for people in the field.
Tor hidden services need to become much more reliable to be used as a
platform for such content hosting services. The ability to publish to and
from a hidden service needs to be reliable, timely, and with user-
controlled latency (whether immediately or batch upload/download as
connectivity and time permits).
Ticket URL: <https://trac.torproject.org/projects/tor/ticket/5999>
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