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[tor-bugs] #12046 [- Select a component]: diabetes weight loss is fore

#12046: diabetes weight loss is fore
 Reporter:  melissabmiyashiro     |          Owner:
     Type:  task                  |         Status:  new
 Priority:  normal                |      Milestone:
Component:  - Select a component  |        Version:
 Keywords:                        |  Actual Points:
Parent ID:                        |         Points:
 lifestyle change since in terms of treating and since we understand the
 [http://diabacoronly.com/ diabacor]  carbohydrate is the fuel for this
 condition it would make sense to focus on carbohydrate content to food and
 we teach patients about place to make index absolute and how to make
 healthy food choices based on glycolic index and so some the bad foods are
 the sugar bread pasta potato some other good who's the nutrient dense
 foods the high-protein foods fish chicken and this will ultimately help
 people actually control appetite and eat less food and there's also
 medication when we're struggling with their lifestyle modification and
 Jacqueline talk about the getting up and going to exercise very quickly
 that perhaps up some calories and some other carbohydrates almost
 definitely exercise is an added benefit alright though even if you're not
 created both that this could be a great way for so many people prefer and
 came here lifestyle in pain for energy level yes very much in what's
 surprising in our offices when we see patients and we do whatâs called a
 two hours glucose tolerance test and it surprising that we see patients
 that are pre-diabetic in diabetic and often the doctors and the patients
 don't even realize and they come in its early screening we have to teach
 the population about this condition and how to make better food
 transkeialright doctor Jeffrey thank you so much will get out and take
 that diabetes risk test today thank you thank you sir get out and exercise
 today one of the most important discoveries the last ten or fifteen years
 is that certain kinds of surgery can apparently resolved type 2 diabetes
 there are several kinds of surgery they're usually called bariatric
 surgery or nowadays are called metabolic surgery which can be performed
 relatively safely in individuals who have diabetes in some cases many

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