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Re: [tor-bugs] #29269 [Circumvention/BridgeDB]: Evaluation of bridge statistics
#29269: Evaluation of bridge statistics
Reporter: cohosh | Owner: nickm
Type: task | Status: accepted
Priority: Medium | Milestone:
Component: Circumvention/BridgeDB | Version:
Severity: Normal | Resolution:
Keywords: bridges, statistics | Actual Points:
Parent ID: | Points:
Reviewer: | Sponsor: Sponsor19
Comment (by phw):
To add a bit more context to this ticket: At the
meeting.2019-04-04-20.00.log.html April 4 anti-censorship meeting] we
discussed how to move forward with this:
* We should ask the metrics team what information is available for
* The anti-censorship team should then decide if we need more information.
* If we decide that more information is needed, we'll create core Tor
tickets to collect this information.
* Nick also suggested that we defer this task until PrivCount is even
farther along.
For the lazy, here's an example of the type of information reported in
extra-info bridge descriptors:
@type bridge-extra-info 1.3
extra-info devurandom D4E10C95CBBD656AAA76BDB800F89BF9929A7098
master-key-ed25519 iAx4u+//mpfxNN3e33g5CXcRaEB/RClpC9xhCjjkxr0
published 2019-05-10 21:05:51
write-history 2019-05-10 05:00:33 (86400 s)
read-history 2019-05-10 05:00:33 (86400 s)
dirreq-write-history 2019-05-10 05:00:33 (86400 s)
dirreq-read-history 2019-05-10 05:00:33 (86400 s)
geoip-db-digest 2B8A70B399CF8B471289A4DB52947DE965D8DE5F
geoip6-db-digest FEA33E6F398DF67252F41DDD3D010E69B33D544E
dirreq-stats-end 2019-05-10 14:41:37 (86400 s)
dirreq-v3-ips ir=24,ae=8,in=8,pt=8,ru=8,us=8
dirreq-v3-reqs ir=56,ae=8,in=8,pt=8,ru=8,us=8
dirreq-v3-resp ok=72,not-enough-sigs=0,unavailable=0,not-found=0,not-
dirreq-v3-direct-dl complete=0,timeout=0,running=0
hidserv-stats-end 2019-05-10 14:41:37 (86400 s)
hidserv-rend-relayed-cells -3774 delta_f=2048 epsilon=0.30 bin_size=1024
hidserv-dir-onions-seen -10 delta_f=8 epsilon=0.30 bin_size=8
padding-counts 2019-05-10 14:42:06 (86400 s) bin-size=10000 write-drop=0
write-pad=30000 write-total=40000 read-drop=0 read-pad=400000 read-
total=12160000 enabled-read-pad=20000 enabled-read-total=3980000 enabled-
write-pad=20000 enabled-write-total=20000 max-chanpad-timers=145
transport obfs3
transport obfs4
bridge-stats-end 2019-05-10 14:42:06 (86400 s)
bridge-ips ir=32,ae=8,in=8,pt=8,ru=8,us=8
bridge-ip-versions v4=40,v6=0
bridge-ip-transports <OR>=16,obfs3=16,obfs4=24
router-digest-sha256 S7IFV/+5By6iX2CgnzV7kN5DkTaKRT9ZA5QOB7rQMLU
router-digest BD7D78EBC25B23B513B868E6722E45226E43EC48
Ticket URL: <https://trac.torproject.org/projects/tor/ticket/29269#comment:4>
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