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[tor-bugs] #30693 [Circumvention/Snowflake]: Delete old unsanitized logs
#30693: Delete old unsanitized logs
Reporter: dcf | Owner: (none)
Type: task | Status: new
Priority: Medium | Milestone:
Component: Circumvention/Snowflake | Version:
Severity: Normal | Keywords:
Actual Points: | Parent ID:
Points: | Reviewer:
Sponsor: |
After #21304, in the [http://meetbot.debian.net/tor-meeting/2019/tor-
meeting.2019-04-18-20.01.log.html 2019-04-18] team checkin, we agreed to
delete the pre-sanitization logs by 2019-06-01. Before then, we have a
chance to extract any useful sanitized information from them.
Cf. comment:8:ticket:30125 regarding the location of logs.
=== Broker
On the broker, there are three files to delete:
Contains three files:
* '''unsanitized.tar.1''', pre-rotation logs from 2017-07-15 to
2019-03-22 and rotated logs from 2017-03-22 to 2019-04-16.
* '''@400000005cb771341453839c.s''', logs from 2019-04-16 to
* '''current''', empty file.
/var/log/snowflake-broker/mv:: Probably the result of a typo, it is a tar
file that contains a single file '''unsanitized.tar''' which is identical
to the '''unsanitized.tar.1''' inside '''/var/log/snowflake-
/var/log/snowflake-broker/x.tar:: contains a subset of what '''/var/log
/snowflake-broker/mv''' contains.
I think the most complete logs come from '''/var/log/snowflake-
broker/unstanitized.tar''', extracting the contained
'''unsanitized.tar.1''' and combining it with the contained
=== snowflake-server
/var/log/tor/unsanitized.tar:: contains rotated logs dated 2019-02-18 to
=== proxy-go
/home/snowflake-proxy/unsanitized_old.tar:: contains 31 individual log
* snowflake-proxy-17h.log
* snowflake-proxy-23h.log
* snowflake-proxy-29h.log
* snowflake-proxy-restartless.log
* snowflake-proxy-standalone-17h.log
* snowflake-proxy-standalone-23h.log
* snowflake-proxy-standalone-29h.log
* snowflake-proxy-10h.log.xz
* snowflake-proxy-17h.20180705.log.xz
* snowflake-proxy-17h.20181121.log.xz
* snowflake-proxy-1h.log.xz
* snowflake-proxy-23h.20180705.log.xz
* snowflake-proxy-23h.20181121.log.xz
* snowflake-proxy-29h.20180705.log.xz
* snowflake-proxy-29h.20181121.log.xz
* snowflake-proxy-2h.log.xz
* snowflake-proxy-a.log.xz
* snowflake-proxy-b.log.xz
* snowflake-proxy-c.log.xz
* snowflake-proxy-standalone-17h.20180705.log.xz
* snowflake-proxy-standalone-17h.20181121.log.xz
* snowflake-proxy-standalone-23h.20180705.log.xz
* snowflake-proxy-standalone-23h.20181121.log.xz
* snowflake-proxy-standalone-29h.20180705.log.xz
* snowflake-proxy-standalone-29h.20181121.log.xz
* snowflake-proxy-standalone-a.log.xz
* snowflake-proxy-standalone-b.log.xz
* snowflake-proxy-standalone-c.log.xz
* snowflake-proxy-test-10h.log.xz
* snowflake-proxy-test-1h.log.xz
* snowflake-proxy-test-2h.log.xz
Ticket URL: <https://trac.torproject.org/projects/tor/ticket/30693>
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