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Re: [tor-bugs] #7139 [Tor]: Tor involuntarily sets TLS session tickets

#7139: Tor involuntarily sets TLS session tickets
    Reporter:  nextgens            |        Type:  defect                        
      Status:  needs_review        |    Priority:  major                         
   Milestone:  Tor: 0.2.2.x-final  |   Component:  Tor                           
     Version:                      |    Keywords:  tor-relay ssl tls security pfs
      Parent:                      |      Points:                                
Actualpoints:                      |  

Comment(by arma):

 On the "do we want to force every debian user of tor to freak out and rush
 to upgrade" theory, it looks like we should put this into 0.2.3 and not

 Or said another way, what's the reasoning for putting it in 0.2.2 other
 than "it's a bug in 0.2.2 too"?

Ticket URL: <https://trac.torproject.org/projects/tor/ticket/7139#comment:4>
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