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Re: [tor-bugs] #5488 [Analysis]: Write Internet drafts for one or two TLS features to improve its traffic-analysis resistance

#5488: Write Internet drafts for one or two TLS features to improve its traffic-
analysis resistance
 Reporter:  karsten           |          Owner:  nickm
     Type:  project           |         Status:  new  
 Priority:  normal            |      Milestone:       
Component:  Analysis          |        Version:       
 Keywords:  SponsorF20121101  |         Parent:       
   Points:                    |   Actualpoints:       

Comment(by nickm):

 Roger asked me to braindump on the status here so he can manage internal
 and external explanations.

 Marsh wrote a pretty awesome internet-draft that looks as though it'll
 expire on November 3; I'm trying to contact him to see whether he's got
 anything in mind for the next steps, and what he thinks the next steps are
 there.  If it could get implemented and widely used, it would sure help
 Tor a lot.

 On a more radical note, the real way for encryption protocols to become
 unfingerprintable is by demanding of encryption protocols that they send
 bytes that aren't distinguishable from randomness.  Zack, Dan and company
 made one of those as part of the chopper part of Stegotorus; I am writing
 it up in a spec form to try to get it more attention.

 In other news, the CRIME attack by Rizzo and Duong has gotten some people
 interested in TLS padding for entirely the wrong reasons.   I'm writing up
 what I hope will be a more realistic draft to extend the _capabilities_ of
 TLS padding, while (more educationally) explaining what padding can and
 can't do, why you'd want to use it, and offering API suggestions.

 The latter two I'm writing for "internet draft" standards, but right now
 the conversations about CRIME and other stuff seem to be in a state where
 putting forth a draft right now before we educate folks would be

Ticket URL: <https://trac.torproject.org/projects/tor/ticket/5488#comment:12>
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