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Re: [tor-bugs] #7188 [Tor]: Using "Set up Sync" feature in TBB changes a lot of settings; easier fingerprinting; bad for anonymity

#7188: Using "Set up Sync" feature in TBB changes a lot of settings; easier
fingerprinting; bad for anonymity
    Reporter:  cypherpunks  |        Type:  defect  
      Status:  new          |    Priority:  critical
   Milestone:               |   Component:  Tor     
     Version:               |    Keywords:          
      Parent:               |      Points:          
Actualpoints:               |  

Comment(by fleakite):

 @Larkdg: Sync is NOT enabled by default.  Users would have to enable them
 on their own by providing their email address and activation code (or
 recovery key).

 Disabling the "Set up Sync" on TBB would be one way of solving this since
 the "sync" feature changes enough settings (as listed previously) on the
 default TBB to make fingerprinting easier and bad for anonymity.

Ticket URL: <https://trac.torproject.org/projects/tor/ticket/7188#comment:2>
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