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[tor-bugs] #20270 [Core Tor/Tor]: "Descriptor is missing an ntor curve25519 onion key" message too noisy?

#20270: "Descriptor is missing an ntor curve25519 onion key" message too noisy?
     Reporter:  arma          |      Owner:
         Type:  defect        |     Status:  new
     Priority:  Medium        |  Milestone:  Tor: unspecified
    Component:  Core Tor/Tor  |    Version:  Tor:
     Severity:  Normal        |   Keywords:
Actual Points:                |  Parent ID:
       Points:                |   Reviewer:
      Sponsor:                |
 On moria1, I have a lot of these:
 Oct 01 18:01:05.421 [notice] Descriptor from router
 $E0671CF9CB593F27CD389CD4DD819BF9448EA834~ordb1 at is missing
 an ntor curve25519 onion key.
 Oct 01 18:01:20.530 [notice] Descriptor from router
 $179B10784BF8955C73313CCB195904AE133E5F53~ordb3 at is missing
 an ntor curve25519 onion key.
 Oct 01 18:03:21.653 [notice] Descriptor from router
 $993992BBD01E36D3ECF8BA0B802C158961BB257C~orchard at is
 missing an ntor curve25519 onion key.
 Oct 01 18:04:00.856 [notice] Descriptor from router
 $496FED39C1469567B333C3A418A07D5CF62DCD23~rationalist at is
 missing an ntor curve25519 onion key.
 Oct 01 18:14:14.418 [notice] Descriptor from router
 $184A39F7F891D46592216643CD74DDE50C6DAA75~FlandersRegional at is missing an ntor curve25519 onion key.
 Oct 01 18:15:16.620 [notice] Descriptor from router
 $1AFA214C8AE557640BD29A0A8D674F92EB20948D~Unnamdddd at is
 missing an ntor curve25519 onion key.
 Oct 01 18:23:29.590 [notice] Descriptor from router
 $40E632BED95FC71E5B622DBB9E336D89A6D52600~younix at is
 missing an ntor curve25519 onion key.

 teor thinks this wasn't really meant to be a notice-level log every time
 an obsolete relay tries to upload to me.

 That said, I think the first two of these relays (ordb1 and ordb3) are
 actually that alternative nodejs Tor relay implementation, right?

 So I think maybe I *do* want to hear about relays that I refused due to
 lack of an ntor curve onion key, but only the ones that had a satisfactory
 version string?

Ticket URL: <https://trac.torproject.org/projects/tor/ticket/20270>
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