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Re: [tor-bugs] #1816 [Torbutton]: Create a prototype Content Script for Google Chrome

#1816: Create a prototype Content Script for Google Chrome
  Reporter:  mikeperry  |       Owner:  mikeperry
      Type:  task       |      Status:  closed   
  Priority:  normal     |   Milestone:           
 Component:  Torbutton  |     Version:           
Resolution:  fixed      |    Keywords:           
    Parent:  #1770      |  

Comment(by mikeperry):

 Ok, I just got back from my meeting with Adam Barth and Pam Greene at
 Google. Adam is familiar with Firefox js rootkit/closure busting
 techniques, and he tried out a few common ones but couldn't directly undo
 our hooks.

 However, he was able to bypass them by doing anything that induced chrome
 to load an about:blank window, because the content scripts do not get
 applied. This includes:

 <iframe src="about:blank" id="myframe"></iframe>
 var frame = document.getElementById("myframe");

 But also, more subtly:
 function haxor() {
     var win =3D window.open('/');
 <button onclick=3D"haxor()">Try to haxor</button>

 More directly, encoding anything into a data url and throwing it in the
 url bar or elsewhere is also not covered by their content script


 So we've got to convince chrome to allow us to inject content scripts into
 about:blank windows and data urls.

 The good news is that race conditions do not seem possible with our
 approach. I put a pretty fat delay loop into the content script before
 doing the injection, and page script did not load first.

Ticket URL: <https://trac.torproject.org/projects/tor/ticket/1816#comment:7>
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