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Re: [tor-bugs] #9380 [BridgeDB]: BridgeDB should use Stem for parsing descriptors

#9380: BridgeDB should use Stem for parsing descriptors
     Reporter:  sysrqb   |      Owner:  isis
         Type:           |     Status:  needs_review
  enhancement            |  Milestone:
     Priority:  normal   |    Version:
    Component:           |   Keywords:  stem,bridgedb-0.2.x,bridgedb-
  BridgeDB               |  parsers
   Resolution:           |  Parent ID:
Actual Points:           |
       Points:           |

Comment (by isis):

 Replying to [comment:28 atagar]:
 > > Unless we're aiming to build parsers for some other, spec-compliantÂ,
 imaginary OR implementation?
 > We are. Stem aims to conform with tor's spec, not its implementation. If
 tor doesn't match its spec then that's a tor bug and either tor or its
 spec needs to change.
 > Please shoot Nick a ticket if the spec's inaccurate about the 'a' lines.

 Okay, that ticket is now #13043.

Ticket URL: <https://trac.torproject.org/projects/tor/ticket/9380#comment:29>
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