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[tor-bugs] #13080 [Onionoo]: Evaluate using SonarQube to improve Onionoo's code quality

#13080: Evaluate using SonarQube to improve Onionoo's code quality
 Reporter:  karsten  |          Owner:
     Type:  task     |         Status:  new
 Priority:  normal   |      Milestone:
Component:  Onionoo  |        Version:
 Keywords:           |  Actual Points:
Parent ID:           |         Points:
 I'd like to use [http://www.sonarqube.org/ SonarQube] to improve Onionoo's
 code quality.  In the long term, I want Tor to run a SonarQube server
 (which could mean that I run it myself) and make it available to all
 projects in the Tor ecosystem, ideally integrated into our continuous
 integration workflow.  But let's start small and try out SonarQube for a
 single project, which would be Onionoo.

 I think step 1 is to install the SonarQube server and SonarQube Runner
 into the Vagrant machine.  (The server would later be installed on a
 separate host, but for the purpose of this evaluation it should be fine to
 install it on the Vagrant box.)  Maybe this installation shouldn't happen
 automatically using Vagrant's bootstrap script, but be described in a
 short howto document for those who want to try it.  This howto could
 designate the end of step 1.

 Step 2 would be to look through the issues found by SonarQube (of which
 there are plenty) and either start fixing them or tweak the rules to
 better match our requirements.  This step may also include searching for
 other plugins that might be useful.  At the end of this step we should
 have a better idea of whether we want to deploy a SonarQube machine for
 other Tor projects.  The result could be a SonarQube configuration that
 works fine for Onionoo and that comes with documentation why it differs
 from the default configuration.

 But before I hide in my cave for too long: any general thoughts on this
 idea?  Cc'ing iwakeh who I think might have an opinion about this.

Ticket URL: <https://trac.torproject.org/projects/tor/ticket/13080>
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