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Re: [tor-bugs] #19919 [Core Tor/Tor]: If ORPort address is publicly routable, use it to guess Address

#19919: If ORPort address is publicly routable, use it to guess Address
 Reporter:  teor          |          Owner:
     Type:  defect        |         Status:  new
 Priority:  Medium        |      Milestone:  Tor: 0.2.???
Component:  Core Tor/Tor  |        Version:  Tor:
 Severity:  Normal        |     Resolution:
 Keywords:  030-proposed  |  Actual Points:
Parent ID:                |         Points:  1
 Reviewer:                |        Sponsor:

Comment (by s7r):

 Correct. We should leave `OutboundBindAddress` for the time being. This
 tor-dev thread confirms adding the algorithm to `OutboundBindAdress` would
 not work for at least this use case:


 While applying the algorithm to `Address` as described in this ticket
 would fix it, and plenty more use cases. So, we'll leave
 `OutboundBindAddress` aside currently. I don't know, does
 `OutboundBindAddress == Address` unless configured otherwise?

Ticket URL: <https://trac.torproject.org/projects/tor/ticket/19919#comment:9>
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